
I of the Storm that was actually kinda of funny.

Spaffe, good luck tyring to reason with I of the Storm, or even have him accept your opinion, I try all I can to no avail.
NOI THE ALBINO ... not something I have not seen before ... basically about a "different" teenager ... but the desolate, snowy, Iceland landscapes would make many a black metal fan happy.
IOfTheStorm said:
With all these he will not take my recommendation seriously.

Yeah that's a shame, I would otherwise have rushed to whatever store availible and implored them in a state of utmost despair for some of the music perscribed, serioulsy though I don't dislike JA. Or at least; the songs I've heard were not very exciting but not bad, "White Rabbit" is a kickass song.

I shall now go back to listening to black metal. Bye for now,
the fiance is in New Orleans for the weekend, so I rented a few "scary" movies. I've watched one so far:

Wrong Turn

At least Eliza Dushku is a babe, and even the secondary chick was hot, but this is basically Texas Chainsaw Massacre meets Deliverance. Crazy psycho inbreds chasing 20-somethings through the woods. A couple of the kills were really cool and gory. But Dushku showing the Bushku or at least some Boobku would have made it better.
Freddy VS Jason

Kinda stupid, really. A lot of the Jason kills were pretty cool. But overall, it was pretty lame. And why was that Destiny's Cild bitch in there. She cannot act for shit. I was glad to see her meet her demise.
The grudge.

What a piece of shit that was. "Horror/Suspense"...for 10 year-olds. Totally predictable garbage.

Classic of the day: Scarface (1983) "Say goodnight to the badguy!" Hell Yeah!

Ju fuckin Maricon!!!
saw ELF last week ... Will Ferrell is God ... I think I ruptured an artery laughing so hard.
Watching High Fidelity again, I discovered yet one more reason why it rules beyond measure: I have the same apartment number that Cusack's character does. :loco:
Had a dose of higbrow culture last night: :grin:

As expected it was very "heavy" so to speak, but really intriguing and the photo was beyond awsome. It's about a zone, where something has happened and turned it into... something hehe. Two men, a physician and a writer hires a guide (a stalker) to take them inside in order to reach a room where your highest wish will come true. Slow, profound and beautiful.
Recomended for people not looking for the latest from the hollywood mold.
Stalker is so UBER. It RULES ABOVE EVERYTHING (almost).
Hah if you think that it was should check some other of his movies. For God's shake, "Stalker" even has gun action :loco:
A "dedicated to Stalker" topic would be cool.
IOfTheStorm said:
Stalker is so UBER. It RULES ABOVE EVERYTHING (almost).
Hah if you think that it was should check some other of his movies. For God's shake, "Stalker" even has gun action :loco:
A "dedicated to Stalker" topic would be cool.

Hehe "action" is perhaps a matter of definition, there exists a gun yes, but it's not like it's used ;)

I started watching the Rubleyv (+spelling) movie but I was too tired and went to bed after an hour or so. But I'm planning to rent it asap.