
All I want from RotK extended version is THE VOICE OF SAURON!!!

From what I understand the Scouring of the Shire was NOT included, even if it was filmed for Galadriel's Mirror for Fellowship. Also we all know Glorfindel will not be making an appearance. :mad:

I'll pick this up after Xmas if nobody gets it for me first, then I'll watch it in steps as I read the book along with it, like I've done with the first two. [/nerd]
lurch70 said:
saw ELF last week ... Will Ferrell is God ... I think I ruptured an artery laughing so hard.

Absolutely, I can't think of anything that he's done wrong. On a non-Will-Ferrel side note, I saw Dodgeball recently.... h.i.l.a.i.o.u.s.
Just purchased this merry little flick ;)
Anyone who has seen it?

did you watch all 9 hours of it??? WTF ... i would die if I had to watch that.

Speaking of Holocaust movies ... did anyone see THE GREY ZONE ???
Pretty good and morbid flick ... if a little miscast.

I still think SCHINDLER'S LIST is the standard by which all others are measured in this genre
lurch70 said:
did you watch all 9 hours of it??? WTF ... i would die if I had to watch that.

Hehe I haven't gotten it yet, but I will surely watch it all, albeit not in one huge chunk of holocaust gluttony though ;)

I've something of a morbid facination of the holocaust and enjoy reading about the most gruesome incidents in the camps etc, perhaps this documentary will quench my thirst on the subject
The Polar Express

Kicked ass, but the book is better. Again, I'm a total wuss for sappy Christmas movies. I need to get a copy of The Ref, I used to watch that every year.
"You want to have SEX with him..." :tickled:

Denis Leary has a new EP out for Christmas, it's definitely worth the $6 price tag, even if a few tracks are repeats from Lock n' Load

Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind

Stunning. I guess that's all I can say. Absolutely stunning.
that movie was great ... total surprise and Carey was the bomb digedy in it.
usually I am not into these "dream" movies ... but this was mesmerizing
The Machinist - really slow, really really slow. Still, it had some interesting things and some of the scenes were so beautifully shot I almost cried (not really, but they were cool). I figured out what was going on way too early for me to truly enjoy it, but it was decent.

Finding Neverland - really liked this one. Johnny Depp is spot-on as usual. Dunno how accurate it is about the guy who wrote Peter Pan, but it's a great story nonetheless. It's a tear-jerker, so I advise taking a woman along with you to comfort you in your time of sadness :)

Now if I could just get around to seeing Sideways...
Adaptation and Magnolia are two movies I've been meaning to see for ages. I've heard mixed results, but many have told me "yeah Magnolia is alright I guess, but I think you'd really like it." So okay, maybe I will someday. I'll just keep wheezin' Mom's Netflix account. :tickled: