

I find anything related to India to be rather annoying. Except it's food...which is really tasty
Slumdog Millionaire is hands down the movie of 08. Produced by Brits, acted by punjabis. The story features a young 18 yr old Muslim who lands a spot on "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" Mumbai Edition*. Professionals from all walks of life fail to get past 16,000 rupees, while this young lad goes on a roll that has all of India choking on their filafel. Accused of cheating, a series of flashbacks explains how his life journey provided him with the answers. Truly epic in every sense of the word, with a matching score that would send shivers down your spine. My eyes watered on four separate occasions,so I can only imagine the tears to be flowed from this forum's pink retinas.

going to see this with the little lady in a couple hours, we'll see...
watched the first hour and a half of Ran, so awesome but i'll have to finish it later i had to go to bed...starting that movie at midnight is a bad idea

shiiiiiit this movie is so fuckin good. kurosawa does shakespeare better than anyone, ever :kickass:

slumdog millionaire was indeed a cinematic delight as well albeit on a smaller level...a delicious ice cream sundae to the ten-course feast that is ran
Casino Royale

Anyone who says this is the best Bond ever is utterly retarded and/or has only seen the Disney-like Pierce Brosnan atrocities. Yes, it was better than any Brosnan entries, and is even better than The Living Daylights and I'll say it's better than some of the latter Moore movies. However, this doesn't touch the classics.

I wanted to really like this movie...a lot. It was my wife's first Bond film, and I was actually embarrassed, since I always talk up the oldies. There was just too much build up to a lame conclusion. I understand they are trying to get away from the pretty boy Brosnan movies, and they did a good job. But man, where was the action? It's like they tried to make a Bond movie a fucking romance. C'mon! It also just seemed like a boring pre-cursor to simply set up the next movie.

Well I like it a lot.

Also, I grew up with the Brosnan flicks and have only ever watched maybe one old Bond movie all the way through.

You are welcome for me providing evidence to your claim.
Well I like it a lot.

Also, I grew up with the Brosnan flicks and have only ever watched maybe one old Bond movie all the way through.

You are welcome for me providing evidence to your claim.

if the Brosnan movies are your basis for comparison, then it makes since. all but Goldeneye are complete garbage ("I thought Christmas only comes once a year" PUH-LEASE!). if you have the time and willingness, go start from the beginning. Dr. No, Goldfinger, Thunderball, The Spy WHo Loved Me, From Russia With Love...

ignore Never Say Never Again and Moonraker
I still think Casino Royale was the best Bond movie in the series. I've always liked Bond movies but have always disliked the character. This was the first time I liked Bond. The character had some depth this time around. Not everything was so easy for him. It was certainly an atypical Bond movie, and I for one, am glad.

J, if you like action for the sake of action, I think you'll like Quantum of Solace quite a bit more.
Dont get me wrong, I didn't think it was terrible. I do like they are trying to re-invent Bond, and I do feel they succeeded. Daniel Craig is a perfect fit, and his Bond is great. The story is what failed. It didn't have a proper villian, or even a proper Bond Girl.

I do like how he was flawed, and he actually had to fight (instead of punching them once and they're down). But man, the movie just dragged when he and Vesper sit there and talk about their feelings and shit. Ugh...

I liked seeing the beginning of Felix Lighter, though making him black felt like being different for different's sake. I honestly thought I had it figured out when we saw that guy with a patch over his left eye. I thought it was the beginning of Blofeld, Bond's arch-nemesis and head of SPECTRE, but they quickly killed that one. Then we meet Mr. White (who!) at the end (and beginning) and they give nothing to indicate who he is, making you watch Quantum of SOlace to find out. Just felt incomplete and a tad of a rip off. Not to mention Le Cheffe was a lame bad guy.

Bond Begins would have been a better name.
if the Brosnan movies are your basis for comparison, then it makes since. all but Goldeneye are complete garbage ("I thought Christmas only comes once a year" PUH-LEASE!). if you have the time and willingness, go start from the beginning. Dr. No, Goldfinger, Thunderball, The Spy WHo Loved Me, From Russia With Love...

ignore Never Say Never Again and Moonraker

TBH Goldeneye is the only Brosnan that I legitimately like. My mother owned all the bond movies on vhs and now I beleive she has them on dvd. Not sure if she has them all though, so perhaps i will check them out.
THE WRESTLER ... movie of the year!

- Rourke in a subtle and powerful role
- Marisa Tomei's titties all over the place (what's with this chick? she is naked in all her latest movies)
- soundtrack littered with a who's-who of 80's hair bands
- Mickey Fuckin' Rourke!
THE WRESTLER ... movie of the year!

- Rourke in a subtle and powerful role
- Marisa Tomei's titties all over the place (what's with this chick? she is naked in all her latest movies)
- soundtrack littered with a who's-who of 80's hair bands
- Mickey Fuckin' Rourke!


Forget her tits, what about that apple shaped arse?!? My co-worker and I had a lengthy discussion over it* this morning.

*not literally unfortunately.
DOUBT ... again, I though this was going to be a head slappingly obvious flick and it turned out to be awesome. Erik you need to see this :loco:
THE WRESTLER ... movie of the year!

- Rourke in a subtle and powerful role
- Marisa Tomei's titties all over the place (what's with this chick? she is naked in all her latest movies)
- soundtrack littered with a who's-who of 80's hair bands
- Mickey Fuckin' Rourke!

Yea, this movie was Awesome. Highly recommended for sure.