
I can't recall, honestly

you love it, especially the nipples

The Chaser

Excellent Memories of Murder/Oldboy vibe throughout. Another good korean thriller.
I watched THe Crazies, City Of THe Living Dead, Time Machine ( 1964), REC, Night Of THe Living Dead ( again), Dawn Of THe Dead (again), and Day of the Dead ( again) this last week. Very fulfilling.
watched argento's "demons" last night, starts out pretty cheeezy then blows its load all over the middle third of the movie, leaving the last third kinda lacking

also the ending is pretty wtf deus ex machina, but overall one of the gorier argento movies i've seen

although it's got nothing on TOKYO GORE POLICE
if you want to see a crazy documentary ... check out DEAR ZACHARY (instant play on Netlfix if you have it).
you'll freak and want to throw shit at the screen in anger about 2/3 into it.
just seek it out ...