
Kind of weird you mention the book because at a local pub they have a portrait of the book, and I couldn't remember what the title was ( was a bit tipsy), and I had to ask a waiter.
So...I haven't watched a horror movie yet on my new set-up. I'm not a big fan of the slasher bullshit, i like atmosphere and tension. The last horror movie I saw that impressed me was The Descent, and before that, I dont even remember.

So, suggest me a good Horror movie to watch on my shit, in the dark.

Anyone seen High Tension?
THE ORPHANAGE ... just saw it last night. Awesome!

or THE OTHERS if you have not seen it yet ... surround sound helps with both.
High Tension SUCKS.

If you lika The Descent maybe youa trya da Dog Soldiers

There's also The Haunting and The Changeling.
Maybe if you like French rip-offs of Dean Koontz novels where the director decides that he needs to change the last half of the plot into something incredibly ridiculous. It was as if he thought, "hey, I like this Dean Koontz book, but let's squeeze some Evil Dead 2 in here"

Saw that a couple of years back, and even thinking of it now makes me angry with the antagonist. It's pretty powerful stuff. Was the nastiest film I'd seen for a while until I saw the French movie Martyrs this summer, which could also be worth a look in if you like your movies unremitting.

Oh, and if you liked The Orphanage and have not yet seen The Devil's Backbone I can recommend that :)