
Among the many movies I viewed (either completely or until I could stand no more) while in seclusion, here are the most memorable (I think):

Red Cliff: Good stuff. I'm finally starting to appreciate these films.

The Cumscrubber: not bad, not great. I was a little let down after a glowing review from a good friend.

Paranormal Activity: eh. The chick was fun (I have a thing for brunettes with that build) but it wasn't all that interesting. Then again, I expected worse so I made it all the way through.

Descent 2: I liked it. Basically Descent 1 with a couple new people.

There were a few others I thought about mentioning but I've come down with a case of the who-gives-a-fucks and am going to end this post. I do, however, LOVE Netflix. So easy to watch a few minutes of a movie instantly then scrap it if it sucks. :kickass:
yeah instant Netflix is pretty cool. I've scrapped so many shitty movies....and fully viewed so many other shitty movies :lol:

Descent 2: I liked this alot, too. I expected pure crap but it was pretty actually pretty good. I noticed some GLARING continuity problems that made me laugh out loud but I'll be damned if I can remember any exactly. There was maybe one that had to do with the dog that found the mine entrance. Didn't it come running out of that barn in fear? But the cave entrance - and the monsters - were still miles away haha. And there was something else about how the protagonist escaped the cave...they didn't actually show her get out but led the viewer to assume she came out of the same mine entrance that the dog found? hahaa
Black Swan was awesome! and Portman finger banging herself was pretty awesome

I loved the score that went with it, really set the somber & fucked up nature of the film. The first half was especially good, with the latter half that was filled with dream sequences bordering Drag Me To Hell wtf am I watching territory. I'll cut those scenes some slack though, as at least they held a message.

I watched Law Abiding Citizen last night. It started off well enough, but then dissolved in to total tripe halfway through when Butler begins executing everyone from behind bars. I felt like I was watching Final Destination X it got so ridiculous. The most ridiculous moment of the film was when the cops raided Darby's shanty and this Foster Farms of Fried Delight has a bint with a pair of glutes worthy of a calendar spread out on a cum stained mattress. No way in hell could this uncouth scofflaw pull that. Ridiculous ending to boot. The genius tactician gets outsmarted by an educated coon (oxymoron). Completely emotionless throughout, skip this one.
it was pretty good mindless fun until the end. i cant remember the specific slip-up that got him beat by jamie foxx, but i totally didnt buy it at all.
i know have about 180 movie that I still haven't watched. with about 3 in progress and still waiting to be finished.

do you get more free time as kids grow or less?

@Arse: it was OK. Had some funny lines in it. Let me know what you think about the ending.
Watched Inception tonight. Really enjoyed it. Similar to the Matrix in that it presents an alternate sense of reality, but better in that you don't have to consume Keanu Reeves' ridiculous mannerisms and speech patterns.
i thought inception was pretty predictable, trite and dumb, actually

and not at all as visually impressive as i was led to believe
do you get more free time as kids grow or less?
When Norna was too little to have sleeping routines and stuff, free time was pretty much nonexistent (as was sleep) since Dis needed attention during the days when Norna slept because she had been up all night and the other way around. Now it's mostly peachy bananas though! Except for sometimes.
THE SOCIAL NETWORK ... hmm, not seeing the hype.
was good and the fastest 2 hours that ever went by in a movie, but I am not sure I even learned anything new from it.
why was this movie even made at this point in Zuckeberg's life?