
The Village

Easily his worst film out of the four. The film was worse than The Suck Sense, but the twist was a little more difficult than "OMG he's not TALking to ANYbody". The first twist was simple. The BIG MOMMA twist took me a while, but I got it before she met the dude.

Still, the big twist was pretty cool, but there was SOOOOOOOOOOO much more that he could've done with it.

Unbreakable still rules supreme.


I haven't watched them shtiz in years I totally forgot all of this! I only watched it once when I was agbout 8 and that was.............. 17 years ago fuck. Creepshow 2 I wtatched like 23985703285 times though, that shit is all memorized, but NOT on $5 Target DVD special!!!!111111
The Grudge

This was pretty bad. Some parts were disturbing, but it just seemed like a The Ring ripoff at times. And no Sarah Michelle tit shot. I mean...c'mon!!!!!!
Wasn't there a Japanese version =fsirst? JayKeelyes or Russelells would know.

Creepshow is still kicking my ass, bug when I get up for more MBEEEEER I have to get on ye olde intarweb and fuck around a bit.


Leslie Newlison should've been used for creepier roles more often.
EXORCIST - THE BEGINNING ... not as bad as I thought. The film looked like it was shot on bad Hollywood sets, and the story was laughable ... but I was hooked for some reason

FLIGHT OF THE PHOENIX - Good late night cheese, nothing special ... just an easy movie to pass the time.
I saw AvP last night. They could have done some cool things with that movie if they added like 20 extra minutes and got rid of the cliche "strong, capable, sassy, hand-your-own-ass-to-you" black female main character. The special effects were awesome, the Aliens looked pretty corking! The Predators I thought were too clunky- they fought like WWF wrestlers. Still, it was decent, but they could have done so much more.
i agree ... it felt a little rushed and short ... like they ran over budget too quick or something.
Absolutely. It was flowing very nicely and then all of a sudden came to a halt. I really, really, really hated that chick too.
lurch70 said:
EXORCIST - THE BEGINNING ... not as bad as I thought. The film looked like it was shot on bad Hollywood sets, and the story was laughable ... but I was hooked for some reason

I thought this was terrible. I suppose this is what you get when you have someone like Renny Harlin doing horror. He should stick to action flicks.

Those CGI hyenas, the dialogue, the acting (especially by those little black kids)...oh the list is endless. The whole film was a disaster. It actually made Exorcist 2 look good.

I'm going to watch the Exorcist 3 tonight just to cleanse myself from this prequel. Exorcist 3 = George C Scott + William Friedkin directing + fantastic script + no CGI = win.
oh no doubt ... the shit looked bad ... the cgi sucked and all.
but it passed the time .. and never once was I thinking to compare it to the rest in the series ... on it's own it worked ok
the exorcist 2 was just on. I watched, it wasnt as bad as I would have thought. Not scary at all, but slightly entertaining.
In that case, yeah...lots of popcorn / pass the time movies as of late:

Exorcist prequel
Man on Fire
The Incredibles (worst Pixar flick yet....get Lasseter back in the ranks)
Dodgeball (Ben Stiller rules but Zoolander and his role in Curb your Enthusiasm are his best yet...Stiller vs Larry David = comedy gold).

Oh yeah, on TV the other day....Torque with Ice Cube. Cool yet shitty biker film, but the blonde chick on the Ducati is sweet.

Suppose I should see Million Dollar Baby...quite disappointed that Spotless Mind didn't get more nominations.
Saw and Man of Fire were both solid flicks.

i need to check out CUBE ... anyone see this? or the sequel, prequel?
I rented Saw, and I have high hopes.

The original Cube is really good. Very grainy and dirty looking, but the movie works in its mysteriousness. The sequel, Hypercube, isn't as good, but it is still worth watching. Same plot, but it reveals a little more about the Cube conspiracy thingy. I haven't seen the third one, Cube Zero, but I want to.

Here's a review for Cube Zero:
