
Yeah, but I rent 1 film a month. Not worth it for me. Plus I have every cable channel in the world, so by the time I get round to watching a flick, it'll be on TV. If I really need to watch something sooner, I can always do onDemand pay per views.

NetFlix is phenomenal if you watch 8-10 films per month (and not have kids). :loco:
Couple things:

Netflix rules. Period. You need to rent 4 movies per month for it to be worth it. If you don't watch 4 movies per month, it's not worth it.

Friday Night Lights = best football movie I've ever seen, and quite possibly one of the greatest sports movies of all time. It's phenomenal. And yes, Thornton is genius in it.

Gladiator: I love these movies, I could care less about the Oscars or any of that shit. I thought it was entertaining, it was violent, it had the whole revenge thing going on, I mean, c'mon, not every movie has to be existential and change your life. Jeebus.
markgugs said:
Friday Night Lights = best football movie I've ever seen, and quite possibly one of the greatest sports movies of all time. It's phenomenal. And yes, Thornton is genius in it.


Dude, did you almost tear up at the end regarding the ring? Totally moving, especially after what the kid went through during the movie and during the last game. (I'm trying to be vague here, so I don't give any of the movie away)
J. said:

Dude, did you almost tear up at the end regarding the ring? Totally moving, especially after what the kid went through during the movie and during the last game. (I'm trying to be vague here, so I don't give any of the movie away)

Very much so J-

I'm a big softie with tug-the-heartstring type movies anyway, so this one wasn't hard. I plan on purchasing it on DVD as soon as it's available. Fucking great movie.
Watched Office Space this weekend. I'm very picky when it comes to comedies but that one was gold all the way through :grin: The only complaint that I have is the moralizing bit in the end when he chooses to continue working in spite of what he has said earlier. I get the feeling 20th Century Fox thought it too subversive to release without that twist at the end.
I love the first half of that movie. I get kinda bored when they start hatching that rip-off scheme, but it's cult classic, and deservedly so.

"PC loadletter? What the fuck does that mean?"
FINDING NEVERLAND ... simply stunning in all respects.

I haven't seen a 5 star movie in a long time ... but this one was just flawless.
lurch70 said:
FINDING NEVERLAND ... simply stunning in all respects.

I haven't seen a 5 star movie in a long time ... but this one was just flawless.

I've heard that movie is absolutely genius, from several people. I believe it comes on DVD the first Tuesday of April, the 5th or something.
dill_the_devil said:
Saw Constantine last night - still don't think Keanu Reeves can act worth a damn, but it was an enjoyably dumb flick.

I felt it was watchable, very pretty at times.. Now to read the graphic novel ;)

I'm about to go and see the Machinist again; I was lucky enough to go to the premier in August, and now it's out I want to see what I think in a normal cinema situation :)
markgugs said:
I've heard that movie is absolutely genius, from several people. I believe it comes on DVD the first Tuesday of April, the 5th or something.

it came out on DVD yesterday.