
Its not neccesary to laugh with it. Kusturica's movies are a great presentation of the Balkan culture, and i can understand why someone with a different culture might find em strange.
On the other hand i wouldnt recommend Kusturica to a blackmetaller in any case :p
IOfTheStorm said:
Its not neccesary to laugh with it. Kusturica's movies are a great presentation of the Balkan culture, and i can understand why someone with a different culture might find em strange.
On the other hand i wouldnt recommend Kusturica to a blackmetaller in any case :p

hehe, to me Black Cat, White Cat was hilarious as I grew up around people like that (well not quite THAT colorful) in Romania. Gypsies are a funny bunch, there is no denying that.
do you know where i can get a copy of life is a miracle? ive been dying to see it im a huge kustarica fan, i almost bought a bootleg when i was in europe but no english subtitles. I heard its not as good as underground though.
i've yet to see Underground as well :(

as far as Life is a Miracle ... it was not released in the theaters yet here.
haha, no.....

same ol' keanu

but it didn't bother me that much, and I thought the movie was pretty good. Most of the complaints I've read come from Hellblazer fans, which I can't say I'm familiar enough with to make me complain in any way about it.
Well it sure couldnt be any worse than the last two. God they were atrocious. Everything about them--even the CGI was bad. Id prefer the old models to bad dialogue spoken in front of a blue screen.

I finally saw AVP, it wasnt really that bad. I was somewhat entertained for ahour and a half.
I watched Hardware Wars last night, it was pretty lame but about 50,42987,42809y284nfm8498fkcg804290842,.k.,2458220 times better than episodes I & II.
A very strange Russian experimental documentary from the 1920s... Dziga Vertov's "The Man With the Movie Camera". The music that was added in the 90s by the Alloy Orchestra (who specialize in making soundtracks for silent-era music) from Vertov's own notes, was amazing!
I need to see Hotel Rwanda, that whole situation was an impetus to me becoming the anti-governmental rabble rouser you've all grown to love/hate. :)

I listened concerning I Heart Huckabeeeeeez, but I still haven't seen them shitz. Need to, if only because whatshernuts is HOT.
Well i saw this old Fritz Lang ( the german guy who made Metropolis) movie called Fury on TCM last night. It was his first Hollywood movie, and it was excellent. Spencer Tracy is a guy they stop on his way through a small city, on suspicion of being a kidnapper. The residents of the city get it into their heads to lynch him, so justice will be served; and guess what they actually do, burn down the police station with SPencer in it. He escpaes when they throw dynamite in too, and secretly tries to get 22 of them hanged for murder, because everyone thinks he is dead. I have to say, it is one of the darkest American movies I have seen.
FOr some reason, TBS has been playing Major League a lot, and I LOVE that movie.

"Ah, Jesus. I like him very much, but he no help me hit curveball."
"Are you saying Jesus Christ can't hit a curve ball?"