
@lurch & En Vind, seriously I quite enjoyed it. Not because it was some fine work of art, but it was a nice solid action flick with pretty kickass special effects.

Here's why I found it faithful to Asimov:

-Bits and pieces from the short stories of I, Robot were included. The robot/god thing at the end in particular.
-Dr. Calvin's character, other than her physical appearance, was straight from the books. I am SO GLAD that it didn't turn into a romance thing between her and Will Smith's character.
-The three laws formed the basis of the story, and that's pretty much what the short stories of I, Robot were: playing around with loopholes in the 3 laws. VIKI was an excellent usage of said loopholes, the way technically she was following them, but in an obscure sort of way.

Also, note that I had extremely low hopes for the movie, so that certainly helped in my ability to enjoy it. :D
Mad Max

hahahaha what an awesome hunk of garbage. I have no recollection of watching it previously, so I think I've only seen Road Warrior and Beyond Thunderdome.
Thanatopsis123 said:
I just saw Monsoon Wedding and actually quite enjoyed it. Now I'm listening to the soundtrack which is also good.

That movie was good ... that wedding planner/constuction foreman .... skinny dude was a pisser :lol:

nifty little suspense/serial killer film involving "remote viewing" ... I think all of you will dig this one.

BTW: my best friends lawyers wife is someone that ocassionally does this type of "remote viewing" for the FBI
lurch70 said:
BTW: my best friends lawyers wife is someone that ocassionally does this type of "remote viewing" for the FBI

best friend's lawyer's wife. :tickled:

Are you sure about this? I know some about this stuff and am not "sold." Although, I haven't practiced it myself, besides basic meditation.
Doomcifer said:
Are you sure about this? I know some about this stuff and am not "sold." Although, I haven't practiced it myself, besides basic meditation.

there is a documentary on the DVD, where the director tries this and he is pretty succesful at it. supposedely this "remote viewing" is something that can be thought.
it is not something that gives 100% accurate results and as someone mentions on the DVD, you must resist the human temptation to "name the object/place/person" conjured in your imagery as it is most likely not 100% accurate ... but it is very effective. The lady I am talking about has helped crack numerous cases this way. It's weird ...

Check out the movie
Secure Horizons said:
Shades Of X

A beautiful story about human relationships, tenderness and love. Not only is the "Man meets woman"-story way above average, it is also an important contribution in the whole "Is homosexuality (between women) a sin?" debate. A big plus for the satiric attack on the anti-bigamists out there.


Blow Me Sandwich 4

To whoever said women can't handle tools - boy, does this movie prove you and your peers wrong! True girls of the 21st century show that manual labour isn't only for men. For the open-minded!


I thought this was pretty funny tbh :(
Watched a very cool movie the other day. Passion de Jeanne d'Arc, La . Very cool silent film. Apparently this film was "lost" or almost (pieces were found and then placed together, so it was almost pointless to watch until recently.) The only remaining copy of this film was apparently found in a mental hospital? Not for sure the validity of imdb concerning that. Anyways, I suggest you check out out. The cinematography is fucking amazing. This film is nothing but one long close up of Mario Falconetti (spelling?.) Very, very emotionally intriguing. You can probably catch it on Turner Classic Movies, or you can bust your ass like I've been doing to go find it on DVD. I would automatically dismiss this film because of it's religious content, but this film is just too damn good. HA, and this film is apparently the basis of Passion of the Jew. If you do get a chance to watch it, notice the many likenesses, its ridiculous. Anyways, go fucking watch it and like I said, ignore the little religious content. In fact, I suggest this to any anti-Christian. Really makes Catholics look like dicks. (Not that they haven't done that themselves.)
One Inch Man said:
Mad Max

hahahaha what an awesome hunk of garbage. I have no recollection of watching it previously, so I think I've only seen Road Warrior and Beyond Thunderdome.

WHAT THE FUCK???? Road Warrior is part of my Movie bible.

Last week i watched Robin Hood Prince Of thieves, Jaws, The Prophecy, Falling Down, Rob Roy, Payback , and Medicine Man. All of which I thoroughly enjoyed.
Road Warrior is terrific stupid fun. I mean c'mon you got mute-boy with killer boomerang, gymnast mohawk-man from hell, and you've got a buffed-up Jason Voorhees that goes by the name The Humungus that shoots an old scoped six shooter; all fighting for a tanker full of dirt. Not to mention the Gingivitis Rot Tooth Pilot. I love that movie.

Mad Max is really not that good. The overdubbing is fucking awful and ruins that movie. And Toecutter is about as scary and freaky as my grandmother.

Beyond Thunderdome blows.
J. said:
Road Warrior is terrific stupid fun. I mean c'mon you got mute-boy with killer boomerang, gymnast mohawk-man from hell, and you've got a buffed-up Jason Voorhees that goes by the name The Humungus that shoots an old scoped six shooter; all fighting for a tanker full of dirt. Not to mention the Gingivitis Rot Tooth Pilot. I love that movie.

Mad Max is really not that good. The overdubbing is fucking awful and ruins that movie. And Toecutter is about as scary and freaky as my grandmother.

Beyond Thunderdome blows.

The crashes in MAD MAX kick ass. Yeah toecutter is a pansy.

Road Warrior OMGOMGOMG ( spasms on floor)

Thunderdome wouldve kicked ass if there was MORE OF THE FREAKING THUNDERDOME!!!!! A five minute fight scene in the dome with a retard and a bunch of desert dwelling kids who repeat themselves does not make for entertaining. I actually was sad when the killed the retard. I was like " NO YOUR KILLING SLOTH!!" Sloth love chuck. :grin:
Like I said, MAD MAX sucks. Road Warrior rules. Beyond Thunderdome I don't even remember but I'd probably still bang Tina Turner, and I don't even like black chicks that much.
One Inch Man said:
Like I said, MAD MAX sucks. Road Warrior rules. Beyond Thunderdome I don't even remember but I'd probably still bang Tina Turner, and I don't even like black chicks that much.

Dude her thighs are sweeeeeetttt.
Just saw "I <3 Huckabees". I'm not a movie fan by any length, but that movie was fucking cool. Anyone else seen it, or has it already been discussed?