
Fight Club

Now I really liked it the first time I saw it, but it blew me away completly this second time around. It's smart, brutal, dirty and the ending is so great it gave me goose bumps :grin:

Probably one of my favourite movies
spaffe said:
Fight Club

Now I really liked it the first time I saw it, but it blew me away completly this second time around. It's smart, brutal, dirty and the ending is so great it gave me goose bumps :grin:

Probably one of my favourite movies

I agree with that.

Its the same fealings Memento TRIED to give, to bad after a while of thinking I realized Memento actually sucks balls and is only cool 'cause its backwards.
all you fuckers need to check out PRIMER !!!!!!

even more twisted than MEMENTO if there is such a thing. dare you to figure it out.
Falling Down with Micheal Douglas. This movie I thought really was ahead of its time as far as the frustration of todays society and how people are so easily pushed over the edge.
I LOVE Falling Down. It simply shows what most of us down-and-out 9-5ers would love to do.

Would I like to run amok throughout my former company loaded with guns galore? Well, bet your ass the scenario has run through my mind. FUcking sand my pals taking AMerican jobs.

Anyway, Falling Down is great.
Décadent said:
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

Fucking brilliant. I'm just so relieved that it was a pom who directed it and not a yank.

i was afraid it was gonna really suck and totally ruin the book, but then i heard douglas adams himself wrote teh screenplay, so i was relieved. still haven't seen it.
J. said:
I LOVE Falling Down. It simply shows what most of us down-and-out 9-5ers would love to do.

Would I like to run amok throughout my former company loaded with guns galore? Well, bet your ass the scenario has run through my mind. FUcking sand my pals taking AMerican jobs.

Anyway, Falling Down is great.
Absolutely, I adored that movie before getting stuck in an office job, now I'm afraid to watch it.
GUMMO ... this one sucked I am sorry ... felt like a bad, forced documentary. It did not feel depressing at all. Seen worse shit on HBO documentaries.

I realized how much I don't like Chloe Sevigny as an actress ... she always plays the same character over and over in every flick ... kinda like the female counterpart to Michael Rappaport.
I watched the first episode of The Prisoner today, an old 1960's TV series, and it kicked all kinds of ass. I don't think I'll spend $120 on the DVD box, but I'll surely Netflix the rest of the series. :rock:

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - having not read the books, I have no point of comparison, but judging by the humor in the narration vs. the humor in the rest of the movie, I think I can safely say that the book is by far better. The movie was an enjoyable romp with some pretty funny stuff, but the narration made the book sound absolutely hilarious. I think I'll go read it sometime soon.
jimbobhickville said:
The movie was an enjoyable romp with some pretty funny stuff, but the narration made the book sound absolutely hilarious. I think I'll go read it sometime soon.

You should, it really is hilarious :grin: though the books following THGttG are somewhat uneven in quality. As a fan of the books I'm really looking forward to seeing the movie, though I'll probably be disappointed. But I guess that will always be the case with a book -> movie conversion
One Inch Man said:
I watched the first episode of The Prisoner today, an old 1960's TV series, and it kicked all kinds of ass. I don't think I'll spend $120 on the DVD box, but I'll surely Netflix the rest of the series. :rock:


I really want to see that show. I don't think that I've watched it myself (maybe I might have seen an episode once when I was little but I can't remember.), but I've read an article reviewing the Prisoner as a series and I really think that it would be something that I'd enjoy.