lurch70 said:i'll stand by J on the blockbusters though ... as just with my music ... i don't give a shit if it's an indie or a Bruckheimer flick ... if it entertains me ... awesome.
haddsie said:Is it that hard to believe that someone has a different opinion than you do?
Dev said:The worse movie I've ever seen is Cube² : Hypercube.
Give me a worse please.
shit like Gladiator
One Inch Man said:Worst movie EVAR:
Black Rage aka Sunshine Run. Just look at the cover for fuck's sake!
One Inch Man said:Speaking of John Carpenter, that reminds me of another really horrid movie: Vampires.
Okay, vampires + James Woods = asskickery right? WRONG!!! That occasion marks the only time I got fucking pissed while stoned, I yelled at the TV when the credits rolled. Ugh.
I like a lot of indie movies, and even movies that a lot of people consider boring, like Punch Drunk Love. Eternal Sunshine is probably my favorite movie ever, either that or Adaptation.
One Inch Man said:
Yeah it pretty much FUCKIN RULES!!Chromatose said:and back to the movie that Arunas mentioned , One Point O, which I had to track down and found it has the US title of 'Paranoia 1.0', grabbed it from Netflix, watched most of it last night (well I got distracted, ate some food, didn't go back to finishing it up, I will tonight....) and this movie is super impressive. Starring Jeremy Sisto (aka that guy from six feet under, who I think has superb acting skills) and LANCE FUCKING HENDRIKSON
at points it started to remind me one of my favorite movies ever-- "Videodrome"