
fotmbm said:
I just watched War of the Worlds and it was one of the LAMEST MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN. Crappy acting, horrid special effects, everything was L A M E and predictable except for one thing which I'm not gonna tell but the movie was L A M E. in caps. L A M E. In italics. L A M E. L A M E. L A M E

WTF ??? That shit is out there already ... it opens Friday here no?
THE AVIATOR ... blah.

I am a huge Scorsese fan and have all his stuff in my library, but this movie I skipped in the theater and just got around to watching it on DVD.
It played too fast, no depth ... seemed like everyone was always shouting and arguing in it. I could give two shits about Hughes after watching it.
lurch70 said:
WTF ??? That shit is out there already ... it opens Friday here no?
There's this brand new world-wide web of data exchange, maybe you've heard about it..? It's commonlu called the "Inter-net".

If anyone is interested in seeing what Mars Attacks would have been like if it was a serious movie, watch war of the worlds
J. said:
Another disappointment. The best performance was given by Kate Beckinsdale's sweet ass proudly displayed in tight leather. The plot had great potential, but poor execution. And why the fuck do vampires always look like damn Versace models?
I rather liked this. I've always been a huge fan of both vampire and werewolf movies. I loved the storyline. I also liked the look and feel of the movie, including the Versace vampires. And as you stated, Kate looked fucking unreal. All that being said, the look of the werewolves at certain points, left something to be desired.

Speak of werewolves, I just watched the new Wes Craven film "Cursed". It had it's moments, and it's not a bad rental, but nothing to write home about.

J. said:
The Last Samurai
A masterpiece, even if it is Dances With Wolves with Tom Cruise and Samurai instead of Indians. Lots of blood, great acting, and a good story. Love the whole "die with honor" thing. One of the best of 2003.
Similar to the last half dozen Tom Cruise movies, the first 75% was excellent, and the last 25% was absolute shit. In the scene where his friend is killed, Cruise's acting is so god awful, I thought he was going to laugh. And in the final scene, where they're signing the treaty, he walks in with a sword? Please! Who lets the enemy, who just fought to the death to prevent the treaty, into the the treaty signing, with a giant ass sword!?

I watched Last Samurai a second time and it didn't have the same impact as the frst time. A lot of scenes went too slow. Of course, the second time I watched it at home, whereas the first time I was in the theater. I take back my "masterpiece" description.
J. said:
I watched Last Samurai a second time and it didn't have the same impact as the frst time. A lot of scenes went too slow. Of course, the second time I watched it at home, whereas the first time I was in the theater. I take back my "masterpiece" description.
Yeah, this is a fairly old thread.

Lee_B said:
I just saw Kung Fu Hussle tonight and it's pure gold. I was grinning like a retard all the way through. It's like Iron Monkey x 1000.

I'm going to see it again on Monday :)

Saw that on Tuesday - absolutely loved it. It's like Iron Monkey x Road Runner cartoons + Buster Keaton to the power of The Seven Samurai. Loved every second of it.
fotmbm said:
I just watched War of the Worlds and it was one of the LAMEST MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN. Crappy acting, horrid special effects, everything was L A M E and predictable except for one thing which I'm not gonna tell but the movie was L A M E. in caps. L A M E. In italics. L A M E. L A M E. L A M E

I found it worth watching in a theater, even if I will probably never ever watch it again. I don't know what you have to complain about the FX, maybe you could deepen?
Anyway, any worldwide hated blockbuster certainly has something to offer, and this one has, in some way, but definitely not for the storyline (non-existent), nor the "aliens" (funny, especially that E.T. flashback with the bike), and definitely not for Tom Cruise (worst performance from him, not that he'e ever had an outstanding one). It's more of an overall feeling when you watch it, I don't know, it's pretty dark in fact.
War of the Worlds was pretty good I thought for what it was. It was a disaster film but with aliens instead of an earthquake, tsunami, volcano, etc. In the theater it was quite good and the visuals and sound had my full attention from start to finish.

It was just a fun, brainless, good time.
Ellestin said:
I found it worth watching in a theater, even if I will probably never ever watch it again. I don't know what you have to complain about the FX, maybe you could deepen?
Well, when those huge things (that looked like they were stolen from Starship Troopers) were walking around the 'camera-shake' thing just felt so fucking BAD and why the hell did they have to steal those death-rays from mars Attacks? And just about everything else, damn that was a crappy movie.
man ... after his antics these past weeks, fucking Tom makes me not want to watch anything he is in.

saw THE NAMELESS last night ... good Silence of the Lambs style thriller ... Nazis, Satanists and pure fucking evil all around ... fucked up ending as well :kickass:
Blade Runner

Yeah that wasn't nearly as cool as I remember it years and years ago, but still pretty kickass.

lurch70 said:
saw THE NAMELESS last night ... good Silence of the Lambs style thriller ... Nazis, Satanists and pure fucking evil all around ... fucked up ending as well :kickass:
In my queueueueueue. :kickass:
i just watched *the corporation*. good doc. nothing new to me, but good nonetheless. check it out. got it from netflacks.