
HIGH TENSION ... pretty good French gore fest ...

I just watched Hide And Seek last week ... and let's just say there are some similarities ... and that was really annoying.
the changeling
i'm now renting like everything george c. scott has ever been in. well, a few flicks anyhow. this movie ruled and the ring seriously ripped it off. while i love horror movies that can freak you out using creepy visuals (like the exorcist) i really dig ones like this (and films like the haunting) that are more psychological than anything else. very cool film.

pffffffffft. other than the awesome special effects which don't really seem dated at all, this was like 2001 easy teenage new york version. i mean i still enjoyed it as a sorta fun sci-fi flick, but once again kubrick was obviously like, the greatest film maker of all time. god dammit.
Dark Water the remake, which was... eeesh ok, about as bad as the original, Wedding Crashers, which was funnier than expected, Corpse Bride (not as good as Nightmare), Sky Blue, a Korean movie with amazing animation, little else going for it, Serenity (hmmm), Wallace and Gromit and the Curse Of The Were-rabbit, which was great, Grave Of The Fireflies :cry: and the third Harry Potter Film. NAD, I think you'd be a good father for Hermione. You'd get her drunk, she'd fall ovewr, and I'd laugh. :wave:
i'm reading the 6th harry potter book right now, hooray! :loco:
Russell said:
Grave Of The Fireflies :cry:
i'm renting this one soonish, read about it the other day and from the description i'm likely to have the same reaction. is it sappy sad or geniune sad or... oh nevermind i'll just watch it and let you know. :Spin:
Russell said:
Dark Water the remake, which was... eeesh ok, about as bad as the original

:lol: What are you nuts? I don't think Hideo Nakata could top that. The original is a masterpiece.

Why would you watch the remake anyway!!!?? :erk:

, Wedding Crashers, which was funnier than expected, Corpse Bride (not as good as Nightmare), Sky Blue, a Korean movie with amazing animation, little else going for it, Serenity (hmmm), Wallace and Gromit and the Curse Of The Were-rabbit, which was great, Grave Of The Fireflies :cry: and the third Harry Potter Film.

'kin hell....Mr Square Eyes or what! Do you have 3 going at the same time? (wink wink nudge nudge) :loco:
JayKeeley said:
:lol: What are you nuts? I don't think Hideo Nakata could top that. The original is a masterpiece.

WTF? LOLZ. Nah, don't get me wrong, the original was a great advert for good quality damp-proofing :loco: I just found it nowhere near as effective as ring, to me it was just entering the meh territory of Japanese horror. Probably because I saw Ring first...

Did I tell you when I was at a film festival this summer there was a live interview video link-up with Hideo Nakata? It was hilarious, he couldn't hear us, so was just looking depressed and bored, and the camera man kept on asking silly questions. Was cool tho, all about the ring 2 and why he chose to direct the remake. :cool:

Why would you watch the remake anyway!!!?? :erk:

Because it was £5 for two films (uni cinema!) and I wanted to compare it to the original. Plus the remake of the Grudge was actually vaguely watchable..

'kin hell....Mr Square Eyes or what! Do you have 3 going at the same time? (wink wink nudge nudge) :loco:

Answer = "orange wednesdays" here in the UK, 2 cinema tickets for the price of one if you have an orange phone :grin: My girlfriend and I pay £2.50 per film and go once a week. IC has a cinema which is £5 for two films, so that helps, and we rent DVDs from Amazon. Added to the fact that haven't had the usual 20,000 hours of uni work to do as term just started = muchos films :grin:

When are you coming over the pond anyway. We should watch some movies :cool:
god damn nad said:
i'm renting this one soonish, read about it the other day and from the description i'm likely to have the same reaction. is it sappy sad or geniune sad or... oh nevermind i'll just watch it and let you know. :Spin:

Do. Get "My Neighbour Totoro" at the same time to balance it out tho. Those two were actually released together in Japan for that very reason ;) And watch Grave first ;)
What are you nuts? I don't think Hideo Nakata could top that. The original is a masterpiece.

are you fucking shitting me? so far all these Jap horror flicks that were oh so scary ... were fuckign lame with acting as flat as the leading ladie's chest ...
(Audition ruled though) :loco:
Dark Water the Jap version ... nigga please ...

saw SIN CITY ... not into comic books at all ... but this movie was so well fucking done ... it was like ... revolutionary.
Did anyone go to see the Doom movie? Looks fucking stupid, it saddens me that they waste games concept like this.

But who knows... maybe it's not that bad.
it looks like it'll be fun on a beernight, but there's no way i'd pay more than a buck to see it.

i mean, 12 years too late?
i saw sin city as well. dunno, it was cool as hell, but I wanted a little more after all the OMG ClassiKKK praise. Elijah WOod was one messed up mofo
Yeah, I finally got around to seeing Sin City too. It was interesting visually but didn't do much for me. Dialogue was horrible, stories weren't that good, characters were only moderatly interesting, action was boring, etc.

I don't think I'd watch it again.
if I was to really disect it ... i would say the same thing ... but for some reason ... I guess it was seeing the original comic and then realizing how faithful and original process this was ... plus Mickey Fucking god Rourke as Marv ... he was born for that role.

Rodriguez still needs to make his masterpiece though ... his Reservoir Dogs.
guys, I am really psyched to see "SNAKES ON A PLANE"


Plot Outline: On board a flight over the Pacific Ocean, an assassin, bent on killing a passenger who's a witness in protective custody, let loose a crate full of deadly snakes.

photos here

Chromatose said:
guys, I am really psyched to see "SNAKES ON A PLANE"


Plot Outline: On board a flight over the Pacific Ocean, an assassin, bent on killing a passenger who's a witness in protective custody, let loose a crate full of deadly snakes.

photos here


has to be a joke ... Snakes on a Plane :lol: