

Apr 29, 2001
Hey, there may already be a thread like this. But for those of you who like to go to the movies like me, why don't you post a little about some current ones you've seen (without giving em away) that was worth seeing (or not seeing). Of course feel free to add your opposite opinons too. I'll start off....

I saw DRAGONFLY and I thought that movie was damn good. It would have been better without Kevin Costner as the lead, but it was fkn spooky! They went a little overboard with TRYING to set the mood (dark house, and the windows were always open at night and the curtains blowing eeriely and the tree limbs shadowing etc)... but I think the movie was spooky enough on its own. I actually screemed out at one point I was so tense. :lol: I thought it was an interesting storyline too, and I liked the ending. My vote = worth the ticketprice.
Ok then, I'll have a crack at this:

I went to see 'A Beautiful Mind Today' (Don't know how long it's been out in other places though). Anyway's as good as it is, and it is good, I have on thing to say to it's detriment.... it's overhyped. Obviously enough don't go in there expecting to get your socks blown off (this IS a drama folks), but the maintains momentum and suspense throughout, even at a length 135mins long. As long as you haven't been privy to the main 'twist' in the plot (the director asked critics and the media to 'skirt around' the subject) then you'll be in for a nice surprise.

Oh and the only thing that gets to me about this film is that if this is what is considered oscar nominee material, then the female lead (someone or other McDowell I think?) should also be considered, but from what I heashe's not. Her performance is every bit as good as Russel Crowe's....
Hummm.. yeh that was one I sorta wanted to see, but not too badly enough to actually do it. After all the oscar hype I re-thought it but still never did. It looks a little boring to me from the previews, and Russel Crowe isn't "all that" if you ask me (tho I did like him in Hollywood Confidential). I guess I'll save it for rental cause it seems interesting the line of genius/insanity so I'd like to know the story and I seriously doubt I'll read the book.
Reading tries my patience...:mad:
0-5 Star Rating System

From Hell - 4.0
Shrek - 3.5
Memento - 4.0
Meet the Parents - 3.5
Monster's Ball - 3.5
In The Bedroom - 3.5
Rat Race - 3.5
Royal Tennenbaum - 3.0
I saw "We were Soldiers" about a week ago. It was another good war movie. What I liked most is that it wasn't a totally us (USA) against them movie. In a few scenes they showed how the other side was feeling and showing how horrible war is for all humanity.
I saw Count of Monte Cristo a couple of weeks ago....mainstream movies aren't really my thing but this one wasn't half bad...
One thing I am a big fan of is men on horseback, fighting with swords and romance..this movie had plenty....
The only thing that I didn't like too much was that the Count didn't draw out his revenge...I would have liked to see his enemies suffer a little bit more before he did away with them.

On a side note...
Some movies of very notable attention that I've seen recently that aren't currently in the theater:
REQUIEM FOR A DREAM (rawks!!! I love this movie! and the book is just as good!)
VANILLA SKY (pretty good considering Tom Cruise is in it)
MULHOLLAND DRIVE (errr....what? is all I can say)