

I want stout!
Aug 18, 2009
Chicago, IL
Thread for discussing movies.

I saw Prometheus last weekend. The plot was kind of cool but as it went on it did get very predictable. To me the biggest flaw was that there was barely any character development besides the android guy. When people started getting killed I really did not care or miss them. The visuals were great and the 3D was not overused and only came of gimmicky in a couple spots. Overall it was entertaining but I don't think I would ever have a desire to see it again.

I kind of want to see Seeking a Friend For the End of the World.
Dead Snow is a waste....I was so let down.

If you want some good horror....

Inside - great french film about stealing babies from the womb.
Martyrs - much more than your typical horror / torture porn movie
Tucker and Dale vs Evil - comedy horror
Black Death - not really horror but elements of horror. one of my faves
Trick r Treat - the anthology movie that came out a few years back is really good.
Isolation - imagine the Thing ( carpenters ) on a farm
Kill List - I didnt like it at first because it was so odd. Once you think about it and start putting the clues
The Host - great korean monster movie
7 Days - man gets revenge on child killer....kind of an art house movie but damn good.
Thread for discussing movies.

I saw Prometheus last weekend. The plot was kind of cool but as it went on it did get very predictable. To me the biggest flaw was that there was barely any character development besides the android guy. When people started getting killed I really did not care or miss them. The visuals were great and the 3D was not overused and only came of gimmicky in a couple spots. Overall it was entertaining but I don't think I would ever have a desire to see it again.

I kind of want to see Seeking a Friend For the End of the World.

Seeing Seeking a Freind for End of the World tomorrow actually.

Prometheus was a waste. It could have been so much more of a smarter movie. Any film that has to have you listen to people tell you about all the stuff you "missed" isnt a film that works for me. Yuo should be able to "get" what is happening from the movie itself. It failed on all levels. First off with a waste of a great cast. Characters that did stuff that a normal person who was with that job would not do. The explaination of the "engineers" being Christ was unclear until reading an interview with Ridley Scott. People are trying so hard to want to like this but it just wasnt a good movie overall.
if anyone is looking for some good movies to check out.....

NEVER LET ME GO - one of my favorite movies from a few years back.

Martha Marcy May Marlene - my fave from last year

Another Earth - not really sci-fi...more about second chances at life

The Wild Hunt - such a great film...funny but messed up

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I saw the Avengers today and enjoyed it quite a bit. My only issue with it is what I have issue with most of these Marvel films. They're too fucking long. It would be one thing if they crammed a lot of necessary stuff, but I felt a lot of stuff in the first half could have been trimmed a bit...even some of the battle sequences could have been trimmed. I don't know about you guys, but I like my superhero/action films wanting more, not wanting less.

Beyond that, recently I've seen a couple of other films.

The Grey - Enjoyed it for the most part until the end. The end just felt forced to me.

The Thing (current and Carpenter version) - My gf and I are seeing the various versions of the Thing. We're going backwards as we saw the newest one first, which I just thought was okay, then we saw the Carpenter version which I enjoyed, even if it does have those hokey special effects (then again, what Carpenter movie doesn't?) and this week, we most likely will see the '50s original.

Prometheus - I enjoyed it. It entertained me. Maybe I see what you guys are saying in that it could've gone into more, but I wasn't really expecting it to be that. I enjoyed it for what it was -- a good, not great sci-fi action film. The one thing that annoyed me more than anything was Charlize Theron. Not that she was bad or anything but I felt her character served no purpose at all.
I saw "Bulletproof" starring Gary Busey, from 1987, last night. It was pretty funny and offered everything I want out your basic typical 80s macho-guy action film.
I haven't seen a Hollywood movie in a theater in five years. (I did see that lousy black metal documentary in a theater, though.) I'm sick of movies with incoherent plots and tons of CGI.
Dead Snow is a waste....I was so let down.

If you want some good horror....

Inside - great french film about stealing babies from the womb.
Martyrs - much more than your typical horror / torture porn movie
Tucker and Dale vs Evil - comedy horror
Black Death - not really horror but elements of horror. one of my faves
Trick r Treat - the anthology movie that came out a few years back is really good.
Isolation - imagine the Thing ( carpenters ) on a farm
Kill List - I didnt like it at first because it was so odd. Once you think about it and start putting the clues
The Host - great korean monster movie
7 Days - man gets revenge on child killer....kind of an art house movie but damn good.

Awww man, major bummer on Dead Snow. The trailer made it look like it had so much potential, too. And the new Hellraiser reviews are so atrocious, it sounds like it was just a "must retain the rights" movie with a budget circa $300,000. And I can't imagine it rivals "The Evil Dead" for low budget awesomeness, lol.

Though the best arbitrary horror buy I did was the movie "HIDEOUS!" (1997, Full Moon). I was... Thoroughly impressed with the cheese, the creatures, and... Yeah, all the elements I want in a horror film. Laughed my ass off quite a bit during that one. :lol:

The Thing (current and Carpenter version) - My gf and I are seeing the various versions of the Thing. We're going backwards as we saw the newest one first, which I just thought was okay, then we saw the Carpenter version which I enjoyed, even if it does have those hokey special effects (then again, what Carpenter movie doesn't?) and this week, we most likely will see the '50s original.

I personally enjoy the 50s "The Thing From Another World" the best of the lot.
Well I signed up for a free trial on Netflix...already caught up on a few movies I wanted to see. Any suggestions?

I did see Super 8 which I really enjoyed. One of my favorites in the last few years I think. First movie in a long time where as soon as it was over I wanted to watch it again.

Then Skyline which was terrible. So bad.
I watched THE BAY on PPV. best thing I have seen in a long time.

I also just watched this really messed up documentary called Bad Blood: A Cautionary Tale. it is about hemopheliacs in the late 70's early 80's when AIDS hit. It is soooo messed up.

I also highly recommend these....all on Netfilx

- Battle Royale - great japanese film which Hunger Games ripped off.
- Tall Man - lots of great twist and turns. Not really a horror movie but it was marketed that way.
- Postal - Uwe Bolls very un-pc action comedy
- Prey (Proie) - great low budget horror movie. Highly recommended. Very dark and downbeat.

God Bless America - great movie.

also if you are into TV shows....I highly recommend these.

- Psychoville - one of the greatest TV shows ever. Black comedy british show. It is currently on Fearnet on cable ondemand.

-The Inbetweeners - british version...not the bad MTV remake. one of the funniest shows ever.
- Trailer park boys - love this damn show. BAMMMMM!!!!!
- Skins - british version as well. The first 2 seasons are unbeleivable. Very wel done stuff.
- This is England 86 and 88 - mini series about a group of skinheads. Not your typical fighting and racist stuff. Just about life in that era.
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