Music and Girls

Does it?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 48.0%
  • No

    Votes: 5 20.0%
  • I'm gay

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • I'm on the fence on this one

    Votes: 5 20.0%

  • Total voters
Crimson Velvet said:
My fianceé is into Guns 'n Roses and she doesn't hate Iron Maiden, and that's good enough for me. As long as she's kind and caring, that's all that matters in the long run...

Right on. There is a particular girl that I have my eye on that has been getting into Dimmu Borgir (older DB, thank goat) and some Finntroll.
fotmbm said:
If the chick doesn't like metal, what am I supposed to do/say to her? I mean, one of the things is over after five minutes and once I've told her to make food and get a beer there isn't really much to say...UNLESS she can tell me how much she likes Iron Maiden and how kool I am because I've got this and that album and shit.

LOL :tickled: ... why can't life be this simple?
My wife doesn't understand what how I/we can listen to metal or how we can put so much energy into talking about and spending so much money on CDs. She doesn't mind some of the stuff. She dug Opeth, somewhat, when we saw them live. She thought Arch Enemy was funny simply because of Angela. She loved Angel Dust, not because of the music, but because it was an energetic/entertaining performance. She even went to go talk to the singer after their set.

But stuff like Nile and most black metal, she doesn't understand what we see in it. I don't know how many times we've had the how can you like metal vs. how can you like the radio discussion, but we've pretty much called it a stalemate.

She has said that the actual music is good with bands like Graveland, THyrfing, Summoning, and a lot of the more epic bands, but she just can't stand the vocals. Maybe I should get some power, no.
I totally agree with you Snowfall, but I dont know of any women that are into decent music. I know a bunch that dig Radiohead, but thats about as far as they will go. Spaffe I almost totally agree with you, but one can make the same argument against most men; i.e. that they are boring only care about superficial external things etc. There are some women that are nothing like this stereotype of yours; mousewings being an excellent example. But in general, I suppose you are right.
speed said:
I totally agree with you Snowfall, but I dont know of any women that are into decent music.
Well, you know one now. :grin: I know quite a few girls actually who are into metal and decent rock music, one of them even being a DJ in a metal club and a talented concert photographer. After all, there might still be more guys who are into rock and metal, but there are more music genres out there. ;) Even though I'm not into hip hop, techno, jazz or whatever other style and probably wouldn't consider those as "decent", I still respect everyone who really is into some kind of music and knows their stuff.
And if I look at the teenagers in the streets, there are just as many guys who look like cloned Eminems as there are girls who look like Christina A. clowns... err, clones. Equal levels of stupidity and superficiality there. :erk:
snow2fall said:
I know quite a few girls actually who are into metal and decent rock music, one of them even being a DJ in a metal club and a talented concert photographer.
Could you like, FedEx a few to California for me? That would be cool. :Spin:
I stand corrected. But my lack of knowledge of such women merely indicates the poor social circles I hang around in, as well as the fact I live in Cincinnati. But yes, I used to know a few women into classical music. Excuse my broad stereotypes.

so just what kind of metal are you into anyway? Surely not power metal I would think--haha. I remember talking about non metal bands with you.
speed said:
so just what kind of metal are you into anyway? Surely not power metal I would think--haha. I remember talking about non metal bands with you.
Mainly doom (Morgion, Shape Of Despair, Skepticism, Mourning Beloveth, Until Death Overtakes Me, Forest Of Shadows, My Shameful, Necare, Monolithe etc.), early Anathema, My Dying Bride, Paradise Lost for doom/ death, but there's also some black metal bands that I really like, such as Secrets Of The Moon, Sun Of The Sleepless or Dornenreich. I like lots of other rock music as well, and right now I'm listening to some dark ambient stuff that a friend recommended to me.
Haha, no power metal, no... Thank you. :tickled:
speed said:
Spaffe I almost totally agree with you, but one can make the same argument against most men; i.e. that they are boring only care about superficial external things etc. There are some women that are nothing like this stereotype of yours; mousewings being an excellent example. But in general, I suppose you are right.

Yes of course, but I still think it's more common among girls since the social expectations are generally higher and harder to repudiate for them.
Yeah I agree spaffe. Anyway, Ive been reading too much German Philosophy lately, which may influence this statement, but have you heard about Harvard's president's statements that women are not suited for math and sciences? He is getting into some serious hot water about it. I only state this, as I see a total connection between Math and Music, especially more serious music. Could this be part of the problem; women are simply not wired for such things? The stats for the most part back the Harvard president up, only 10% of faculty in the sciences are women around the country. And few have become leaders in the field.

I am not attempting to be misogynistic, as I have few talents for math or science myself.
I haven't heard about the incident myself, but that's very interesting. I tend to think that there are more differences between men and women than the obvious physical ones, so perhaps men are naturally better suited for math and connected fields of science. But on the other hand, here in Sweden girls usually have better grades in math than boys, but than again those statistics are only for the lower levels of education. I really wish there could be some serious research done on this subject, it's so frustrating discussing this since you can never tell if the reasons are genetic or merely social; but I guess that's not very likely in the social climate of today where 'equality' has become a fetish of the political establishment.
snowfall you are such an outlier. And I am a outlier for men; I hate math and science, anything mechanical really. Ask me to do normal guy things and I get a look on my face that would remind you of Pauly Shore. But again, like Spaffe says, I would love to see some serious research done; it is obvious men and women are in general very different.
@spaffe: Yes, I am. Any doubts?! :grin:

@speed: To be honest: I hate maths and physics, so I'm a typical girl in that respect. I have no doubts that there are differences between males and females - apart from the obvious physical ones. Else it'd be quite boring on this planet... ;)
Now would you please fix my bike? :p
Hehe well I had my doubts, I couldn't really make it out from the posts ;P Anyway welcome to RC, this forum have gotten more interesting and enjoyable once some females finally found their way here
Have you ever seen the SImpsons where Homer tries to make a pit barbeque grill (American contraption) and ends up screwing it up so bad it becomes a piece fo junk, that is later spotted by a modern art critic to represent "rage art", well thats what your bike would look like when I am done with it.

Still it is weird even within academic fields the split; im in international and economic development/economics. I am the best student in terms of theory and writing; but the very worst in terms of actual methodology, making and even understanding models. And there are profs with my strengths and weaknesses; and vice versa.