Music for moods


Jan 13, 2006
If this genric, stupid or has already been done before the feel free to lock.

Explain the perfect music for each music

Sad-Turn on the bright lights era-interpol
Tired or sleeping-jesu
relaxed-Boris or sunn 0)))

feel free to add more moods
mad-Behemoth or Nile
Sad-Symphony x or Summoning
Tired or Sleeping-Satyricon -Dark Medieval times album

perhaps a weird pick, but thats how i am i guess
Activities are easier for me to do, because I actually do have pretty specialised listening habits based on what I'm doing:

Tired/sleeping: Soft Machine or Grateful Dead - I listen to one of these two bands almost every night
Doing homework: Infected Mushroom, or pretty much any mellow trance artist
Jogging: Speed metal, or any classic/stoner metal with a decent tempo (i.e. Motorhead, Iron Maiden, Orange Goblin, Wolfmother)

For moods, it's a lot harder to give examples, but here's my best shot:

Happy: varies too widely to say, but this is definitely my most metal mood - I'll listen to nearly any genre as long as it's not emo-ish or slow in tempo
Bored: Electric Wizard at the moment - the murky, trippy abrasiveness is very satisfying in this mood
Relaxed: Grateful Dead, Ten Years After - other hippie rock :cool:
Depressed: usually not metal - probably something like Steely Dan or the Doobie Brothers - though if any metal band it would be Sunn O)))
Reflective: Opeth
Sentimental: Bathory
Standing on a mountaintop, raising your stein filled with fine brew to the sky, and making a mighty toast to the gods: Odroerir
How about music for seasons?

Summer: Arcana - Le Serpent Rouge
The whole album is filled with an warm, dry, unending opressive drone. Feels as if you are lost in the desert, crawling in the summer's heat. Hypnotic.

Fall: Tiamat - Wildhoney
Warm production but with a distant atmosphere. Mid paced with lots of contrasts that plays well into the weather outside. Excellent for a walk on a nice grey-skied fall day.

Winter: Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
Fenriz said it best on the interview contained with this cd "... fucking cold!"

Spring: Mercyful Fate - Melissa
General upbeat riffs and solos and King's vocals, but mainly for my own personal nostalgic reasons.
Extremely happy: Korpiklaani(particularly Happy Little Boozer)

Fueled with rage: Bloodbath - Breeding Death(album)

Depressed: Never depressed

Bored: Eucharist - A Velvet Creation(album) or Gorod - Leading Vision

Doing homework/reading: Classical (Chopin/Beethoven/Mozart/Etc.) or Post-rock(Isis, Red Sparowes, Russian Circles)

Relaxed/patient: Opeth, Candlemass, Solstice, Pentagram
Angry - Nile or RATM
Relaxed - Opeth or Isis
Reflective - GY!BE, Martyr or late-era Gorguts (depends on the type of reflective)
Sad - GY!BE or Lengsel
Psyched up - Primordial or Immortal
Vengeful - Type O Negative (Slow deep and hard)
Suicidal - Funeral (early work in particular)
Playing video games - Fear Factory or Mudvayne
Teenage Angst - Korn
Reflective - Opeth
Violent - Suffocation
Good thread in fact I was thinking of starting it myself!

Angry: Dark Tranquillity The Gallery
Depressed: Shape of Despair
Contemplative: Katatonia The Great Cold Distance or Anathema Fine Day to Exit
Happy: Arcturus The Sham Mirrors
Pumped: Amorphis Elegy, Opeth Blackwater Park, Orphaned Land Mabool
Crazy: Emperor Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk, Melechesh Emissaries
Silly: Korpiklaani