musical horizon's broadening

Great choice, Opeth and that album kick ass. My favorite from BWP is probably The Drapery Falls.
If i had to pick a favorite album from opeth, I'd probably say Still Life right now.
I don't terribly like Blackwater so much, it hasn't grown on me.

...But Still life is the most awesome cd in my collection... Morningrise is damn good too.

If you want to broaden you're musical horizons, go and buy "Death - The sound of perseverance", or "Death - Individual thought patterns"
May I suggest some Atheist stuff? Cynic maybe? Coroner? OK, if you want to expand your musical horizons go and buy one of the most technical groups ever: motïrhead:lol: :lol:
Talking about musical horizon's broadening:


:lol: There are not stirremakers nowadays. They came from the ancient years and got replaced somewhere in the dark ages by the shakermakers. legends say that there was a conspiracy but noone has ever confirmed such legends, so the shakermekers are the ones who stirr. if you ever meet a dude that claims to be a stirrmaker, keep your calm and agree with him in everything he says. for the legends also say that the stirrmakers who have kept the ancient skill of stirrmaking will have their revenge.
the times are near...
the signs are visible...