Musicians that alone slay Opeth

Hell yeah. I went to see a local band Shihad the other night. big loud dumb rock band. When I came home (cold and) tired, ears ringing like hell, I just put on WYWH and fell asleep. Its the best come down album ever.
Its cool, good for the time (not my fav psych album though), you are right its kinda funny. Pow R Toc H is one of my favourite floyd songs, and flaming reminds me of good times of summer but other than that its only ok.
Shine on you crazy Diamond is one of the best things to ever be put to tape...

so many Pink Floyd songs have that "awwww" effect on me... dude, a song like shine on or "dogs" literally almost brings tears to my eyes...

see the problem is, that everyone on this board thinks vai is some superhuman ego maniac that runs scales for 23 hours of the day...
and that is literally the EXACT opposite of the type of person, and player he is... he is a very down to earth humble guy, who has NEVER run a scale in his life (everything he's ever played has been PHRASING, very meticulously composed) and his playing is ALL about emotion...who's to say speed lacks emotion.. its just a different type of emotion... what if you WANT something to sound really weird and frantic??? then you create some frantic guitarwork... watching "Lotus Feet" "Tender Surrender" and "Whispering A Prayer" live was truly something else... you can FEEL his music speaking to the divine (as fuckin weird as that sounds, i hope you get what im saying) very much like a gilmour solo does... and the look on his face... it is almost as if he sees god or something (sounds weird again i know...but its very powerful, you would understand if you see him live)... and these are 8-10 minute songs where at some points, he'll be playing single notes and holding them until they die out... its weird how people will hear one moment of shred, and somehow completely forget all the insane heartfelt music that just came before it... Vai is all about dynamics... the super slow and divinely beautiful combined with the frantic speed and intensity of shred (not everyone can put emotion into shred... Vai is one of the few. Santana and Alex Lifeson also come to mind). And I think that any Opeth fan probably can appreciate the importance of dynamics...

EDIT: Piper is only good in my opinion if you are just listening to it for a joke... Bike is friggin hilarious... but I must say, Astronomy Domine is genius in my opinion.. probably my favourite song from the psychedlic era...