Musicians that alone slay Opeth

i do understand... and even in my weekly lessons we do things like identifying intervals... and I have worked on inversions... however "cadances" is something that has not come up yet... im sure ill get into it with my instructor when im ready...

isn't it weird how you just explained months of work in a few lines... ;)
well cadances are pretty easy. its to do with degrees of the scale.

eg. a perfect cadence is V I so if in Cmajor the notes that fulfil this cadence are G then C

plagal is IV, I and then there are the others

they are also probably the easiest thing of ALL! so no worries there. They are all so distinctive that it shouldn't be a problem to distinguish them at all.

Well i had no idea i had explained months of work but more importantly DID I HELP?!

oh alittle extra

Perfect cadence sounds very ordinary and it resolves nicely and predictably

Plagal cadence is the sound of the "amen" part of a church prayer, sounds more interesting than perfect but still resolves nicely

Imperfect sounds very unsatisfactory and is only really used in connecting sections

Imperfect is a VERY nice sounding cadence, the word i keep coming up with for describing it is "voluptuos" its very nice but it doesnt resolve, again more connective but nice nonetheless :wave:
why does this sound so familiar to tonic, dominant and subdominant scale degrees...

btw... yes your explanations do help..
it sounds similar because it uses them perfect cadence is dominant (V) then tonic (I)

etc it will all becom VERY clear
Ours is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo emoooooooooooooooooooooo. But yeah, I listen to them once a while, when I'm feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling.
Stimuli said:
frankly, you can praise Jeff Buckley all you want on this board and I don't care... I don't like people who are super anal about little forum rules...

but I so agree with Spigot about the fact that Jeff Buckley is about 20% of what Opeth is... he has a great voive, and Grace especially is just phenomenal... and he is defenitly better than Jack Johnson...but he's just another dude singing little DITTY's about love and losing love...

Progressive music, eternally > than non-progressive music... its as simple as that...

bands that musically and compositionally slay Opeth (Doesn't mean I like them more)

Return to Forever - Al Di Meola on guitar, Chick Corea on the piano/keyboards, Lenny White on percussions. friggin amazing jazz rock...

Liquid Tension Experiment - probably the most talented band ever... Dream Theater without Labrie (or vocals) and the great Tony Levin on bass... perhaps some of the most amazing virtuoso prog- rock/metal music ever...

Steve Vai (and his band) - possibly the only band that surpasses LTE (maybe)...Tony Macalpine and Billy Sheehan are already an unstoppable team. throw in Steve Vai - the only true "god" in music left and you have a band that everyone must here... check out...

Tender Surrender
For the Love of God
The Animal
Fire Garden Suite
Lotus Feet
Whispering A Prayer
Brando's Costumes (Gentle Ways)

there is a huge list everyone should check out... Steve Vai not only is the greatest guitarist to ever live, but also one of the greatest composers... he is trully on some beethoven shit...

wrong.... you have just begun to listen to that kind of music, obviously. Steve Vai is shit compared to guys like Shawn Lane. In fact, there are numerous other guitarists who are much better than him. Steve Vai is not Beethoven, hes just a wanking rock guitarist who likes to fool around with pedals and has done everything possible with them. LTE is shit compared to bands like Watchtower and side project Spastic Ink. That's if you are going for total wankage, which is what those bands are in the first place. Compositionally, Opeth and Porcupine Tree slay anything by Steve Vai.
Musicians that alone slay Opeth...hmm...

Varg Vikernes [Burzum], Ihsahn [Emperor], Horst [Taake] and Haughm [Agalloch].

These are so much people who aren't 'technically' better musicians than Opeth, but they make much better music.
in the vein of ^

abbath (immortal), karl sanders (nile), nergal (behemoth), quothorn (bathory) and in the vein of better musicians, gorguts and hate eternal
now, although i would never say he slays opeth, simply because opeth is g-d. tim roth of into eternity is really f'in talented.
personally im a big fan of a good transition, and the single greatest transition period belongs to tim roth.
Ours is a complete ripoff of Jeff Buckley :)

BTW,I read that Buckley could do the same Steve Vai can when it coems to musical logics ie
BTW... when I compared STeve Vai to Beethoven I was referring to the fact that Vai can hear an entire song's melody note for note inside his head and instantly transpose it to guitar or piano... Vai can even harmonize notes in his head with perfect pitch, and pretty much instantly recreate it on an instrument...
you mean relative pitch? im pretty sure it is perfect pitch. it is definitely special due to the lack of people capable of doing so but it can be learned - certainly.
perfect pitch is whena note is sounded (on its own, no other notes) and the person can name the note, it is NOT when a person plays 5 notes ina row and can name each note immediately. Relative CAN be trained easily if you play an instrument CONSTANTLY, and concentrate on recognising intervals and such. It is tricky to start with but thats mainly getting the lingo, it soon becomes second nature
Now I haven't just started listening to Steve Vai... I've been listening to him for about 2 years now I guess... But I have never listened to Shawn Lane or Watchtower... I will be sure to check them out since they sound like they are firggin amazing...

But I'm sorry man, I am not the best guitarist in the world, but I know my fair share and I HAVE listened to MANY MANY MANY guitarists (perhaps some you've neer heard of) and I just plain disagree when you say Steve Vai just "wanks" on Guitar... I have never seen another guitarist fill one note with as much passion as Steve Vai... Not Carlos Santana, not David Gilmour or even Steve Morse have made 1 little note sound as beautiful as Steve Vai...

I hate it when people just label a guy who can play fast and say he's a wanker...when I watch Steve play (I was lucky to see him front row last year) everything he plays is with purpose and direction (except when he is being silly just for fun)...

Now OpethGuitarist... Perhaps the guy you mentioned really IS better than Vai, I've never listened to him, and I'm looking forward to hearing his stuff...

I'm done with argueing with you guys about Steve Vai... if you don't like him thats fine... but he composes for more instruments than just guitar, he works with large orchestras and he is the one who directs them... He works with all types of world musicians especially Indian musicians meaning he can adapt and work with many exotic styles of music (I read that for his new album he studied Bulgarian wedding music for the odd time signatures and scales)...and he's a berkeley graduate... and i don't give a shit what anyone says, that stands for something when it comes to discussing composition...

now you guys can have your own tastes and thats fine... or perhaps you just don't like Steve Vai because of him specifically ( i know tons who feel this way) and it seems a little immature to me but whatever...

to just come one here and just abruptly say "Steve Vai sucks, he's just a wanker theres nothing more to it"... clearly shows, at least in my opinion... that you dont know what your talking about... theres more in my head but I'm lazy
^here here

have you heard any classical guitarists though?

they fill each note with passion too, try segovia, he's excellent. very good technically and emotionally, you should like him a lot :)
Hey Nairolf... yes I defneitly have checked out Andres Segovia, he is truly a wonder to behold... like I said, I listen to all types of music... but as a guitarist I ESPECIALLY listen to as many different types of guitar music I can get my hands on...

I would say Paco probably is my favourite classical guy...

EDIT: When I said Vai plays with more passion than I've ever seen, I wasn't implying that he is the only one... he is just my personal favourite... there are defenitly Guitarists out there that play with arguably just as much passion and intensity...
he is a wonder, AND have you seen his fingers? they are like bananas! :D

hey its good that you listen to classical too, i play the violin so i listen to a lot of violin music and its great to play an dlisten too, but i also like the guitar.

im going to have to stick with segovia as my fave classical one though ;)
Pseud0 said:
^ yes

relative - you can hear an interval in relation to a tonic
perfect - you can hear any note and instantly recognize its name

but if you know the tonic then relative > perfect because its a lot quicker. I know someone with perfect pitch and it isn't THAT useful because you have to listen to the note, so a sequence takes a lot of working out with perfect but not so much with relative.

relative works between the notes, connects them

perfect is fairly static in that you have to treat each note individualy