Musicians that alone slay Opeth

Everybody Here Wants You is an extremely awesome fucking song. I really need to get more Buckley. Been meaning to for a long time now...
I would put Gildenlöw even a tiny bit higher but Buckley's songs like the aforementioned "Opened once" are relatively simple yet beautiful, moody compositions that get youinstantly. Simply put; Gildenlöw is too intellectual at times. Same with the lyrical department.

it's really sad that Buckley died seeing that a lot of people seemed to like him (in fact, I've never seen someone put him down or the like, everyone I've seen talking about him loved him ). And damn, he was hot! And his father was basically a secomd jeff buckley if you are into experimental and jazz music.
Ah gosh. I try not to listen to buckley and it's almost impossible, even though it's almost 3am here in germany. I wish ulrich died instead of buckley!
Gilmour, Waters, Fripp, Wagner, Beethoven, Penderecki, the Botteri brothers from In The Woods, Mike Oldfield, Ciaran from Primordial and yes...Jeff Loomis
Silent Song said:
compositionally its hard to beat Mikael

I don't know about slay, but guys of that ilk: Jimmy Page, Rik Emmett, and Steve Lukather jump to mind. Mikes probably a better guitar player technically than Jimmy though, Rik and Steve are better technically, but Mike's at least as good a composer, probably better, than Lukather (although it's hard to tell with him, being on so many records without credit).
Buckley was good. Grace is great (especially "Lover, You Should Have Come Over"). But I think he died before he reached his potential, particularly in songwriting. And his Live in Chicago DVD is at times almost unlistenable due to his vocal pyrotechnics. Which is a shame, because his straightforward voice was truly beautiful.
I'm sure I've contributed a lot more to this forum that you.
Also I've heard enough jeff buckley to be absolutely sure that I will never like him anywhere as close as Opeth. Also, you started this thread just to pimp this guy and instead of coming out and saying so you make some oblique comparison of the talents of Buckley and Akerfeldt. I mean, really how can you compare a death metal singer to a male diva?
Even the bwp bonus tracks are nothing like Grace and make for a very weak comparison. This way I could probably compare Calexico with Opeth, coz they both have acoustic guitars....
When you said "musicians that alone slay opeth" I thought you meant single musicians, like me, the pwner of Opeth.

But I still love Opeth platonicly, like a robot could love a human.... a dog could love a rabbit.... and occasionally, a gorilla would love a kitty.
Oinkness said:
platonicly, like a robot could love a human.... a dog could love a rabbit.... and occasionally, a gorilla would love a kitty.

Profound. Group hug. The water falls down the waterfall.
frankly, you can praise Jeff Buckley all you want on this board and I don't care... I don't like people who are super anal about little forum rules...

but I so agree with Spigot about the fact that Jeff Buckley is about 20% of what Opeth is... he has a great voive, and Grace especially is just phenomenal... and he is defenitly better than Jack Johnson...but he's just another dude singing little DITTY's about love and losing love...

Progressive music, eternally > than non-progressive music... its as simple as that...

bands that musically and compositionally slay Opeth (Doesn't mean I like them more)

Return to Forever - Al Di Meola on guitar, Chick Corea on the piano/keyboards, Lenny White on percussions. friggin amazing jazz rock...

Liquid Tension Experiment - probably the most talented band ever... Dream Theater without Labrie (or vocals) and the great Tony Levin on bass... perhaps some of the most amazing virtuoso prog- rock/metal music ever...

Steve Vai (and his band) - possibly the only band that surpasses LTE (maybe)...Tony Macalpine and Billy Sheehan are already an unstoppable team. throw in Steve Vai - the only true "god" in music left and you have a band that everyone must here... check out...

Tender Surrender
For the Love of God
The Animal
Fire Garden Suite
Lotus Feet
Whispering A Prayer
Brando's Costumes (Gentle Ways)

there is a huge list everyone should check out... Steve Vai not only is the greatest guitarist to ever live, but also one of the greatest composers... he is trully on some beethoven shit...
The thread should have been "What TEAM could PWN oPeth in a battle?" I would choose Daniel Guildenlow teamed up with Devin Townsend... yeah..
.but he's just another dude singing little DITTY's about love and losing love...

Wow, you arent exactly the brightest, are ya? There's probably no song that deals with love itself all that much but things going along with it. He is rather socio-critical, similar to the beatles, really.

Join Date: Apr 2004

I'm sure I've contributed a lot more to this forum that you.
You bet.

Also I've heard enough jeff buckley to be absolutely sure that I will never like him anywhere as close as Opeth.

Owned by inferiority by nature.

Also, you started this thread just to pimp this guy and instead of coming out and saying so you make some oblique comparison of the talents of Buckley and Akerfeldt.

i know I hyped him like a retard.

I mean, really how can you compare a death metal singer to a male diva?
You can compare anything on a subjective base. Cars with girls, comics with movies.It just depends on what your priorities are, what you like more. i know you can't exactly compare both in the "posing like a retard" department ;). Seriously though, I didn't mean to offend you with "little troll". I am currently just obsessed with him and reminded some (apparently) of his greatness (he was great to me at least).

Even the bwp bonus tracks are nothing like Grace and make for a very weak comparison. This way I could probably compare Calexico with Opeth, coz they both have acoustic guitars....

I know. The comparison was ridicolous but these are the tracks most like Buckley's.
karl sanders, dallas toler-wade, muhammed |(from necrophagist), John longstreth, derek roddy, tony laureano, abbath, flo mounier, Inferno, trey azagthoth and others already mentioned.