Muslim Maniacs!

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dimi888 said:
It is not just a fight between two cultures or two religions. It is deeper it has to do with power with who is in charge of the...resources etc. Don't you think?

That's exactly it. The West would have ZERO involvement with the Middle East if not for it's oil. Period.
Had the majority of the world's known reserves been in Australia, for example, the ME would be just as irrelevant to American/Western foreign policy as say country x _________ from Africa is.
SoundMaster said:
That's exactly it. The West would have ZERO involvement with the Middle East if not for it's oil. Period.
Had the majority of the world's known reserves been in Australia, for example, the ME would be just as irrelevant to American/Western foreign policy as say country x _________ from Africa is.
so...what happens to the world when the american pres changes in 2008???
perhaps there could be some way to pacify radical Islam.., like, not systematically bombing/starving/enslaving people, letting them have their space, and not throwing fuel on every ideological fire that sparks over there?

ps if norsemaiden is so 'norse' why the fuck are you advocating israel? i thought norse metal was all about exterminating jews, not arabs
mengeloid said:
perhaps there could be some way to pacify radical Islam.., like, not systematically bombing/starving/enslaving people, letting them have their space, and not throwing fuel on every ideological fire that sparks over there?

ps if norsemaiden is so 'norse' why the fuck are you advocating israel? i thought norse metal was all about exterminating jews, not arabs

I am not advocating Israel, only predicting what they might do. In fact I think that a Jew commissioned the cartoons in the paper to inflame the Muslims. Also I think that Jews in disguise wrote the placards for the demonstrations by the muslims and they were being agent provocateurs in all the protests and attacks. The Jews have a history of pitting their enemies against eachother. We are about to repeat history. Satisfied?!
There is nothing wrong with the muslim religion on its own. However, many are brainwashed by the extremist authorities who hold power in the muslim world right now. This is the problem with organized religion. Few religions teach unethical actions and violence; it is warped religious leaders that turn religion into a tool for their own goals.
sonofhendrix13 said:
There is nothing wrong with the muslim religion on its own. However, many are brainwashed by the extremist authorities who hold power in the muslim world right now. This is the problem with organized religion. Few religions teach unethical actions and violence; it is warped religious leaders that turn religion into a tool for their own goals.
i agree with this because i remember history class enough to notice that what's going on in "the muslim world" right now seems really scary-similar to "the Crusades"
Unless you have anything valuable to contribute please do not bother. If you do disagree, word it better in future, if you will.
mengeloid said:
ps if norsemaiden is so 'norse' why the fuck are you advocating israel? i thought norse metal was all about exterminating jews, not arabs

norse metal isnt about exterminatng jews, there is a sub genere of black metal called "National Socialistic Black Metal", but it sucks, and that does not consitute norse metal as a whole.
mengeloid said:
ps if norsemaiden is so 'norse' why the fuck are you advocating israel? i thought norse metal was all about exterminating jews, not arabs

Being Norse doesn't have anything to do with being a racist, you half-wit. Norse indicates that one is of Scandinavian descent - Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. Idiot Nazis have sometimes associated themselves with Norse pride, but this is not representative of or inherent to the Norse. Anti-Semitism is a refuge of the intellectually weak. I am a Norseman by blood and I would choose to stand with the Israelis against Islamic extremism any day.
hell yea!! it really sucks that the Nazis took ancient sacred symbols from norse mythology and religion and associated them with their hateful indionsincracies. now any ignorant person thinks "nazi" whenever they see a swastika, when in reality it has nothing to do with it.
so...what happens to the world when the american pres changes in 2008???

Regardless of which party wins the election, we'll still have a presence in Iraq. During the Clinton years, we maintained our presence in Saudi Arabai (only recently pulling out due to Arabia's insistince - being that US presence there was one of Qaeda's largest gripes with the Saudi Royal family). And if not Iraq, then another ME country.

Of course, most Dems wouldn't have fabricated the case against Iraqi invasion at all, but I think they would stand tough against the (potential)Iranian nuclear threat. Contrary to popular opinion, the Dems are not as weak as the media portrays them. The Dems, remember, are the ones who nuked Japanese women & children twice; who stood down the Soviets, risking war w/the Cuban Missile Crisis and who liberated people from a madman in the 90s in Europe.
Jaen said:
hell yea!! it really sucks that the Nazis took ancient sacred symbols from norse mythology and religion and associated them with their hateful indionsincracies. now any ignorant person thinks "nazi" whenever they see a swastika, when in reality it has nothing to do with it.

The Nazis were not in fact (contrary to the propaganda you are determined to believe) anything to do with hatred. They were trying to protect the germanic people. I do realise that if a race (apart from those sweet darling Jews) wants to protect itself from extinction that automatically implies hatred to the brainwashed masses.
The real race haters are those who wish to deny race and would like nothing better than for everyone to be forced into a multi-society culture - which some naivly think would be peaceful, although such balkanisation is really a violent hell. (A few thousand of a different race amongst millions is tolerable, but when they are coming over in millions and threatening to indirectly genocide the host population - that is evil and that is hate.)
By the way, if I'd have been living in the 3rd Reich I would have decided to be a refugee, because it was too militaristic and I wouldn't like to live somewhere where my family would be forced into a tragic pointless war.
(Of course Norse has nothing to do with Nazi.)
Norsemaiden said:
The Nazis were not in fact (contrary to the propaganda you are determined to believe) anything to do with hatred. They were trying to protect the germanic people. I do realise that if a race (apart from those sweet darling Jews) wants to protect itself from extinction that automatically implies hatred to the brainwashed masses.
Someone has been reading too much posts. Pick up any text book on Nazism, even Mein Kampf, they were bigots regardless of anyway you want to wash it over. I hardly see how the <1,000,000 population of Jews in Germany pre-WWII were any threat to Germanics.
Birkenau said:
Someone has been reading too much posts. Pick up any text book on Nazism, even Mein Kampf, they were bigots regardless of anyway you want to wash it over. I hardly see how the <1,000,000 population of Jews in Germany pre-WWII were any threat to Germanics.

I've never read Stormfront actually. In Mein Kampf Hitler says that he used to not understand why there was all this hostility towards Jews and thought it was biggoted. Then he found out about what they were really getting up to and what they were planning to do to the Germans and what they had already done.
You do realise of course that neonazis are not proud of the holocaust and in fact deny that it happened. They would seem to be a lot more full of hate if they celebrated the holocaust with a special festival, the way the Jews celebtate Purim.
There was no hatred towards blacks. There were very few in Germany anyway. Interesting fact that a black musician who was in Britain and who was playing for the Nazi orchestra (Berlin Philharmonic or something) was interrered during WWII in the same cell in England that Oswald Mosley was put in. So the black nazi musician and Mosley got on just fine!

In the olympics in Berlin when that black runner won the medal, it is said that Hitler was outraged. Well that is not what those who see Hitler somewhat differently say, which is that Hitler actually waved to him. It didn't mean he wanted the Germans to breed with blacks though!

Even if you don't believe what I said there, you have to admit that I don't sound as if I am boiling with genocidal hatred for other races - indeed the problem is that the Jews seem to be the ones full of hate.
"To-day it is hard and almost impossible for me to say when the word 'Jew' first began to raise any particular thought in my mind. I do not remember even having heard the word at all at home during my father's lifetime. If this name were mentioned in a derogatory sense I think the old gentleman would just have considered those who used it in this way as being uneducated reactionaries."

"It was not until I was fourteen or fifteeen years old that I frequently ran up against the word 'Jew', partly in connection with political controversies. These references aroused a slight aversion in me, and I could not avoid an uncomfortable feeling which always came over me when I had to listen to religious disputes. But at that time I had no other feelings about the Jewish question."

"There were very few Jews in Linz. In the course of centuries the Jews who lived there had become Europeanised in external appearance and were so much like other human beings that I even looked upon them as Germans. The reason why I did not then perceive the absurdity of such an illusion was that the only external mark which I recognised as distinguishing them from us was the practice of their strange religion. As I thought that they were persecuted on account of their Faith my aversion to hearing remarks against them grew almost into a feeling of abhorrence."

"In the Jew I still saw only a man who was of a different religion, and therefore, on grounds of human tolerance, I was against the idea that he should be attacked because he had a different faith. And so I considered that the tone adopted by the anti-Semitic Press in Vienna was unworthy of the cultural traditions of a great people. The memory of certain events which happened in the middle ages came to my mind, and I felt that I should not like to see them repeated. Generally speaking, these anti-Semitic newspapers did not belong to the first rank - but I did not then understand the reason of this - and so I regarded them more as the products of jealousy and envy rather than the expression of a sincere, though wrong-headed feeling."

"My own opinions were confirmed by what I considered to be the infinitely more dignified manner in which the really great Press replied to those attacks or simply ignored them, which latter seemed to me the most respectable way."

From Vol 1, chapter 2 of Hitler's "Mein Kampf".:OMG:
i would've thought they would've been more pissed off at matt stone and trey parker's team america.

"durka durka a la sherpa sherpa! jihaad muhhamed ali!"
Norsemaiden said:
The Nazis were not in fact (contrary to the propaganda you are determined to believe) anything to do with hatred. They were trying to protect the germanic people.

I'm not going to take a lot of time to address this, because it is way off-topic, but I can't let an absurd statement like that pass without some response. The vehement hatred that Hitler expressed towards the British, towards Jews, and towards many other nations and peoples is extremely well-documented to the point of being indisputable. Sure, it was mixed with nationalism and racial pride, but not the healthy kind - rather it was a twisted sense of entitlement that lead to the brutal subjugation of nations deemed necessary for Hitler's fantasy of lebensraum expansion (I hope my German spelling is correct). That's not survival or protection, that's naked aggression. And Hitler clearly was not overly concerned with the actual health or survival of the German people, considering that he continously risked their lives for his personal gain, and nearly caused the total destruction of the nation with his insane and illogical orders, especially at the end of the war.

To relate this to the main topic, it seems clear that the Islamic fundamentalists are just as much a threat now as the Nazis were in the 1930s, and that they must be stopped, not pacified, before they can build a more effective military strategy.
ranma187 said:
i would've thought they would've been more pissed off at matt stone and trey parker's team america.

"durka durka a la sherpa sherpa! jihaad muhhamed ali!"

That is a great movie. Stone and Parker deserve more recognition for their genius satire in South Park and Team America. The main difference between that and the Danish cartoon is that Muslims have some sort of prohibition against depictions of Mohammad, whereas the Team America satire does not use religious imagery.
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