Muslim Maniacs!

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VikingSF said:
I'm not going to take a lot of time to address this, because it is way off-topic, but I can't let an absurd statement like that pass without some response. The vehement hatred that Hitler expressed towards the British, towards Jews, and towards many other nations and peoples is extremely well-documented to the point of being indisputable. Sure, it was mixed with nationalism and racial pride, but not the healthy kind - rather it was a twisted sense of entitlement that lead to the brutal subjugation of nations deemed necessary for Hitler's fantasy of lebensraum expansion (I hope my German spelling is correct). That's not survival or protection, that's naked aggression. And Hitler clearly was not overly concerned with the actual health or survival of the German people, considering that he continously risked their lives for his personal gain, and nearly caused the total destruction of the nation with his insane and illogical orders, especially at the end of the war.

To relate this to the main topic, it seems clear that the Islamic fundamentalists are just as much a threat now as the Nazis were in the 1930s, and that they must be stopped, not pacified, before they can build a more effective military strategy.

I'm sorry, but your outdated highschool curriculum history is old hat, even mainstream documentaries on History channel or Discovery have moved on from this version of events.
Hitler only expressed hatred of the British as being the Jews' guarddogs - not them racially. In fact the British are the people Hitler most admired, being the "Germanics of the sea", as opposed to the "Germanics of the land".

Hitler never hated Jews so much as just wanted them removed from key aspects of German life that they dominated such as law, politics and arts. As they do now. In fact, Hitler offered the Jews Magagascar, which is 50 times as big as Israel, where they could have lived in peace.

The war was forced on him against his wishes. He felt entitled to take back what was formerly German territory in Poland and felt entitled to lebensraum in the east simply because it was unpopulated - and Britain already had colonies over half the planet ruled by the master race principle after all.

If you object to the idea of lebensraum, then you should logically want to give the US back to the Red man - fair enough!

Races have a right to displace and replace eachother - that's a fact of nature. Whites are getting replaced by Mexicans in the US.

There is some evidence Hitler died in 1942 and was replaced by one of his doubles during the rest of the war.

RELATING ALL THIS TO THE MAIN TOPIC: The "naked agression" that the US and its allies have shown towards Iraq, Afghanistan - and in future to Iran and Syria - falls under the Nurenberg category of war crime: "conspiracy to wage war", for which hundreds of German generals were hanged. But who would put them on trial?
Norsemaiden said:
I'm sorry, but your outdated highschool curriculum history is old hat, even mainstream documentaries on History channel or Discovery have moved on from this version of events.
Hitler only expressed hatred of the British as being the Jews' guarddogs - not them racially. In fact the British are the people Hitler most admired, being the "Germanics of the sea", as opposed to the "Germanics of the land".

Hitler never hated Jews so much as just wanted them removed from key aspects of German life that they dominated such as law, politics and arts. As they do now. In fact, Hitler offered the Jews Magagascar, which is 50 times as big as Israel, where they could have lived in peace.

The war was forced on him against his wishes. He felt entitled to take back what was formerly German territory in Poland and felt entitled to lebensraum in the east simply because it was unpopulated - and Britain already had colonies over half the planet ruled by the master race principle after all.

If you object to the idea of lebensraum, then you should logically want to give the US back to the Red man - fair enough!

Races have a right to displace and replace eachother - that's a fact of nature. Whites are getting replaced by Mexicans in the US.

There is some evidence Hitler died in 1942 and was replaced by one of his doubles during the rest of the war.

RELATING ALL THIS TO THE MAIN TOPIC: The "naked agression" that the US and its allies have shown towards Iraq, Afghanistan - and in future to Iran and Syria - falls under the Nurenberg category of war crime: "conspiracy to wage war", for which hundreds of German generals were hanged.

Well I can comment that according to William Shirer, author of the Rise and the Fall of the Third Reich, that hitler didnt want war with the British, and regarded them as racial brethern.

I cannot disagree with you on America's war with Iraq--it was propagated the very same way Hitler started the war with Czechloslovakia. However, Hitler pretty much knew he was starting a world war when he invaded Poland; and the Iraqi conflict is still regional.

As for the Jews, I dont think you have an argument Norsemaiden. Its rather obvious his intentions. Even if he didnt come up with the plan to kill them--was that Goering that did, or was it Himmler? He still used them as a scapegoat to stay in power, and use the fear of jewish communism, and capitalism to scare the German people and titallate their prejudices.
Rulers use any tactic they can to stay in power. Power corrupts, as the saying goes. All kinds of lies and threats are used by those who govern us to maintain their power and our freedoms are being taken from us all the time.
I wouldn't argue about that!
Norsemaiden, I just don't see how you can romanticize and rationalize the actions of Hitler while criticizing and demonizing the actions of the US. If you were consistent, and opposed most military action on principle, then I could at least understand where you were coming from, if not agree. As it is, I see a contradictory attitude that can't be explained logically. How can the removal of a brutal dictator in the Middle East that has resulted in a small number of deaths compared to other wars historically be seen as morally worse than the total subjugation of Europe and the malicious taking of millions of lives? We can argue about the justification of the war in Iraq, and about the specific policy decisions, but a comparison with World War II paints a pretty clear picture.
VikingSF said:
Norsemaiden, I just don't see how you can romanticize and rationalize the actions of Hitler while criticizing and demonizing the actions of the US. If you were consistent, and opposed most military action on principle, then I could at least understand where you were coming from, if not agree. As it is, I see a contradictory attitude that can't be explained logically. How can the removal of a brutal dictator in the Middle East that has resulted in a small number of deaths compared to other wars historically be seen as morally worse than the total subjugation of Europe and the malicious taking of millions of lives? We can argue about the justification of the war in Iraq, and about the specific policy decisions, but a comparison with World War II paints a pretty clear picture.

I really think war should be avoided at all costs. Hitler should have found a peaceful way to achieve his aims if at all possible.
All the major wars in history are caused by the Jews. They (through wall street banking) were even funding the German war effort.
WWII was all about the plan to get whites to fight eachother while simultaneously making ideas of eugenics and racial loyalty associated with evil, making whites feel guilt and to bring about the state of Israel and to make people feel that one should not criticise the Jews. And to create this big deal out of the Jewish holocaust, which there is convincing evidence that it is the hoax of the century - to make us feel that we should never allow such a thing to happen again. Therefore we have to let Jews do anything they want and we must forever feel that we deserve punishment just for being white.
The war on terror is once again the Jews pitting their enemies against eachother, making money out of it in many different ways at the same time. We will fall for it again like the suckers we are, sadly.
I know this post seems a bit garbled, but I think I have managed hopefully to make you understand how I see the world, and that I haven't been contradictory.

You talk about the subjugation of Europe and the malicious taking of millions of lives. Congratulations to the Jews! That is a small part of what they have acheived.
Norsemaiden said:
I really think war should be avoided at all costs. Hitler should have found a peaceful way to achieve his aims if at all possible.
All the wars in history are caused by the Jews. They (through wall street banking) were even funding the German war effort.
WWII was all about the plan to get whites to fight eachother while simultaneously making ideas of eugenics and racial loyalty associated with evil, making whites feel guilt and to bring about the state of Israel and to make people feel that one should not criticise the Jews. And to create this big deal out of the Jewish holocaust, which there is convincing evidence that it is the hoax of the 20th century - to make us feel that we should never allow such a thing to happen again. Therefore we have to let Jews do anything they want and we must forever feel that we deserve punishment just for being white.
The war on terror is once again the Jews pitting their enemies against eachother, making money out of it in many different ways at the same time. We will fall for it again like the suckers we are, sadly.
I know this post seems a bit garbled, but I think I have managed hopefully to make you understand how I see the world, and that I haven't been contradictory.

You talk about the subjugation of Europe and the malicious taking of millions of lives. Congratulations to the Jews! That is a small part of what they have acheived.
Killing the Jews is not the answer though - I hasten to add. There's got to be a better way. Just not cooperating would be a start, but that would be hard as far as avoiding war with the Muslims. The Muslims have a much shorter fuse than the one on Muhammed's turban, and they will be provoked and attrocities will happen, and we will be outraged and want to attack them back. That's the way it will most likely go. War is a fact of life and inevitable unfortunately.
nine times out of ten the conspiracy is usually correct. That's why they call it a "conspiracy" so the brainwashed mass just puts it off to the side as bullshit. They can wave the truth in front of them and no one will care because it's only a "conspiracy".
Next time you call me a member of the masses, sir, you shall be slapped :p

and, I dont fully disagree, but the whole story does sound OTT. If Norsemaiden would be so kind as to recommend some reading either in book form or on the net, I will be happy to re adjust my attitude.
Yeah i have to agree with Final here. That sounds a bit too much. I think there's some strong feelings against jews affecting the whole idea of this, and i really don't think they are as involved as some of the apparent anti-semitics on this board claim.
To claim that Hitler's invasion across Europe and the whole of WWII were put in motion by jews to pit whites against each other is seriously scraping ther barrel. Especially without any decent evidence or sources, and also especially as it is the opostite of what pretty much every WWII historian in the world will tell you.
If there's decent prrof that WWII was brought about by jews mainpulating us then i've never seen it, and i can't think of many others who have either.
Wow I didn't expect such a balanced response! I thought someone would totally want to be jumping on my head!
I will happily provide you with some reading material a bit later Final Product.

When the Muslims started all this protesting, I fell for it and got annoyed with them, with their placards saying that Europe should be destroyed,etc. But then I remembered to think about who might actually be behind it. And I remembered the fact that when the media seems to be making your emotions swing dramatically there is usually some manipulation taking place.

Iran seems to know who is really behind the cartoons because they are retaliating by organising some cartoons ridiculing the holocaust. What a stroke of genius that is, because if they handle it correctly we will then see some short fuses indeed!
That may possibly make the Muslim overreaction seem calm by comparison.:tickled:
Final_Product said:
If Norsemaiden would be so kind as to recommend some reading either in book form or on the net, I will be happy to re adjust my attitude.

I was just having a conversation about this with someone, and to be honest, it sounds like Norsemaiden is just spouting whatever it is she read on this...

I don't think just reading a book will convince me on this.
Lord SteveO said:
Yeah i have to agree with Final here. That sounds a bit too much. I think there's some strong feelings against jews affecting the whole idea of this, and i really don't think they are as involved as some of the apparent anti-semitics on this board claim.
To claim that Hitler's invasion across Europe and the whole of WWII were put in motion by jews to pit whites against each other is seriously scraping ther barrel. Especially without any decent evidence or sources, and also especially as it is the opostite of what pretty much every WWII historian in the world will tell you.
If there's decent prrof that WWII was brought about by jews mainpulating us then i've never seen it, and i can't think of many others who have either.

1 Jewish presence in ancient Greece. Financed Alexander's campaigns. Alexander reportedly knelt before head rabbi in Jerusalem even though Alexander believed himself to be a god.
2 Financed Julius Caesar (Imperial stock exchange in Jerusalem)
Created Christianity to destroy Roman Empire. Created Islam (Muhammed urged to write Koran by Khadija - elderly Jewish widow he married.
3 Financed Norman conquest
4 Financed crusades (Zionism pt 1)
5 Financed Cromwell and English civil war - from Holland
6 Financed and created British Empire for trade (ran slave trade and tried to limit American colonies to 13)
7 Financed French Revolution (lost control of it)
8 Financed Duke of Wellington (Rothschilds)
9 Financed crimean war against Russians
10 Rothschild dynasty backed both sides in American civil war - to prolong it and get rich and bleed white race.
11 Planned WWI (which created the poverty in Germany that gave Hitler his opportunity) (created Communism - Karl Marx, Fredrich Engles)
12 Financed both sides in WWII
13 Killed Kenedy to get Vietnam war started (Kissinger) and also because he was a threat to the Federal Reserve
14 Organised Iraq war 1 and 2 - general war between West and Muslims
15 Plotting war by the west against Iran and China (neocons such as Wolfowitz and also Greenspan).
Susperia said:
I was just having a conversation about this with someone, and to be honest, it sounds like Norsemaiden is just spouting whatever it is she read on this...

I don't think just reading a book will convince me on this.
well, here's the thing on this, there are some people [i'm not saying names] that appear to be just opening a thread picking a random person and just agreeing with that random person's opinion even though it's noticeable that they don't know shit about the subject [the threads where every single fucking post contains a quote from a previous post] Norsemaiden is NOT doing this, she's actually read some books containing info that's relavant to the subject of this thread, so, even if the books she's read are filled with inaccurate info [i'm not saying they are] then, i still got to applaud Norsemaiden for actually reading books instead of being one of those comepletely illiterate people that think that they know every fucking thing that there is to know because they some how managed to remember a tiny fraction of the fucking bullcrap that they teach you in highschool
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