My Dual Rectifier video review/demo


Feb 20, 2005
Hey guys, as promised (though a bit late), here's my video demo of my dual rec. Forgive the sloppy playing/wanking, I felt a bit put on the spot to come up with something, so I just kinda noodled, but I think the active ingredient comes across. Enjoy!


Also, the settings were as follows:

Bass - 10:30 (Red), 12:30 (Orange)
Mid - 11:00 (Red), 9:00 (Orange)
Treble - 1:00 (Red), 2:00 (Orange)
Presence - 9:30 (Red), 2:30 (Orange)
Gain - Don't remember, but pretty similar
Thanks man. It's good to hear the 2-Channel differences and how they're voiced. From the video I'm diggin the Orange channel more as it sounds a bit more organic, tight and has better mids. Well the red doesn't sound that bad either.. Just a little more scooped as you mentioned. I'm sure it's more apparent in person. A few questions :) Did you get the black metal plate put back on? I can't tell.. lol Did you end up keeping the 85 or 81 in the bridge? 6l6's or EL34's? TS boost on or off? AND this is random but I know you live in NY but you sound like you have an accent? (Not sure of the nationality) LOL Just curious. BTW Nice closing words. hehe. Anyways thanks for the review and your advice on the Mesa's! Keep kickin ass \m/

EDIT: That kinna sux how the orange channel has the vintage high gain and clean... So you can't switch between that and the clean and that beautiful gain. :/
Thanks man. It's good to hear the 2-Channel differences and how they're voiced. From the video I'm diggin the Orange channel more as it sounds a bit more organic, tight and has better mids. Well the red doesn't sound that bad either.. Just a little more scooped as you mentioned. I'm sure it's more apparent in person. A few questions :) Did you get the black metal plate put back on? I can't tell.. lol Did you end up keeping the 85 or 81 in the bridge? 6l6's or EL34's? TS boost on or off? AND this is random but I know you live in NY but you sound like you have an accent? (Not sure of the nationality) LOL Just curious. BTW Nice closing words. hehe. Anyways thanks for the review and your advice on the Mesa's! Keep kickin ass m/

EDIT: That kinna sux how the orange channel has the vintage high gain and clean... So you can't switch between that and the clean and that beautiful gain. :/

Hey dude, thanks for the props! And fear not, this amp is the KING of having awesome features that I never would've thought of, and you can, in fact, switch between clean and Vintage high gain! There's a switch on the back called "channel cloning" which is fucking awesome; it basically allows you to have either two red channels or two orange channels, and if you have the latter, you can make the bottom vintage high gain orange and the top clean! Shit's rad for sure

To answer your other questions, I've decided I am gonna keep the 85 in it, though that vid was with the 81 (I didn't wanna loosen the strings to switch pickups, so I'm gonna wait until my set of 12-52's with a wound G arrive so I can get rid of that horribly twangy unwound .20 G that's on there :mad: ) And I currently have the 6L6's in there, since despite the difference being ever so subtle in my shootout, I slightly preferred them, but I'll do some tests between the two using the orange channel to see if it changes my view! And the TS was definitely on, I can't ever go back to playing without it (it's usable without it of course, but that's just been my feeling on every amp I've owned once I try it with a TS :D) I did stick the black diamond plate on, though unfortunately I didn't know it wasn't completely dry when I put dish towels on it and stacked books on top of them - when I pulled them off, it was all linty! :ill: So time to sand it down and do one more coat, but it looks great from a distance when you can't see the shmutz!

And yeah, I've been told I have something of an accent before; hell if I know what it is or where it comes from, cuz I've been living about 1.5 hrs. outside of NYC since summer '03, but it's just kinda become second nature! And as for red vs. orange, in the video I agree orange sounds better, but in person when you can really hear the balls of the red channel, switching to the orange makes it sound a little honky in the mids by comparison. But you see above how differently I had them tweaked, so there's tons of potential!
Just wanna point out that I coined the term Rectum-Fryer in 2005 and I cant believe people still call it that.


I miss it :(

HA! Fuck yeah man, I always got a kick out of it :lol:

I'm a Mesa noob. Can you enlighten my mind as to why people call it the Rectum-Fryer?

Just to use as a disparaging term for it (Rectum-Fryer sounds like Rectifier), I don't think they mean the scooped bassiness actually fries rectums or something :lol:
Damn, every time you talk about this head, it just seems to get better. Lots of great features and awesome tone... My 6505 money was returned, I finally fixed my finances with the whole car accident shit and got my spring tuition in and now I'm waiting for my Mesa like Ralph for his Red Rider BB Gun. :D

BTW I have a feeling I'm gonna start saying Rectum-Fryer for now on... pretty catchy word. lol
well back when i was 17 and i just got my recto, I was at band practice and i told my keyboard play"er who doesn't know anything about amp brands "i just got a mesa rectifier and hes like "A RECTUM FRYER?!!"

and it was hilarious

and I traded my single recto for a marshall DSL
I miss it!
Damn, every time you talk about this head, it just seems to get better. Lots of great features and awesome tone... My 6505 money was returned, I finally fixed my finances with the whole car accident shit and got my spring tuition in and now I'm waiting for my Mesa like Ralph for his Red Rider BB Gun. :D

Shit, you too? What happened?

I've never been able to get a good sound out of a mesa :erk: I honestly have no idea what I'm doing wrong, but they sound awfully thin and gainless whenever I use them. I even diallied in Loomis' settings (DHIADW I think) and it was garbage. I've tried a Dual Rec and a Roadking.

I almost wanna buy one just to figure it out :lol:
Meisterjäger;7897243 said:
Shit, you too? What happened?

I've never been able to get a good sound out of a mesa :erk: I honestly have no idea what I'm doing wrong, but they sound awfully thin and gainless whenever I use them. I even diallied in Loomis' settings (DHIADW I think) and it was garbage. I've tried a Dual Rec and a Roadking.

I almost wanna buy one just to figure it out :lol:

Hey man, what part are you referring to when you said "You too? What happend?". lol

EDIT: BTW Marcus, I know you said you were going to get a voodoo custom pedal so if you have the original footswitch for this head and are up to sell it, I'm interested.
Those french people dude....seriously.

Sounds great Marcus. You never disappoint when you post something! Impulses would be fantastic when you get the time.

Reminds me a lot of the Dual Recto tones from Living Sacrifice's "The Hammering Process" album. I've always admired how the Dual Recto was dialed in AND mastered on that album. Great dynamics.