my saturday morning thread

i always get chili on my bondi burgers
the one time i didnt i could barely taste it
andy doesn't though - chili hurts his vagina :D

If there's no chilli on it it's not a Bondi Burger it's a Norm Burger!

It's shit that they have to ask if you want chilli when you order a Bondi Burger. Other than that O Porto is to die for :)
:zombie: since when??

Ahh Tagh. What I meant was that I was so drunk I couldn't hear. I remember concentrating REALLY hard and picking out Practice What You Preach, but other than that I literally couldn't hear.
So alcohol was a big factor in my decision to walk for six hours, but I was also really pissed off, not a good night at all, and that helped too. The drunken train of thought went something like "Fuck this, I'm gonna show YOUSE...I'm gonna WAAAAALK home."
i would recommend AGAINST getting a treadmill for home
once you get one in your home you'll soon realise that staring at the same patch of wall (or even TV, DVD, whatever) is boring beyond belief. plus you won't be feeling like signing back up at the gym cause you spent $1000+ on a treadmill at home already!

I know this is old topic now... but..

I have an exercise bike and I fucking hate it. I sit in the same spot and do jack all. I like riding my bike that MOVES because I can take a different route every time and play chicken with cars and stuff.
I'd love to get a treadmill. I just wouldn't have the space for it at the moment. It would end up in storage with my drum kit, home gym and about half my guitars :(
If there's no chilli on it it's not a Bondi Burger it's a Norm Burger!

It's shit that they have to ask if you want chilli when you order a Bondi Burger. Other than that O Porto is to die for :)

I used to be a chilli pansy until some mates and i started up a little chilli challenge at oporto's. The chilli there isn't hot at all, just tastes great! The otropo is the shit as well!

If you want to give your month a touch up go to nando's get a burger without avaocado with the very hot chilli sauce!
Hahahaha yeah it'd probably be a good idea, you don't even need proper running shoes for the crosstrainer, which is where people who use treadmills sometimes go wrong.. there is a reason they are called running shoes haha.

Less than a week now and I'm back at the gym :). Which is very much needed right now!! haha

so, basically gyms in lebanon suck because they don't have TVs that keep your mind off of counting the seconds while on the crosstrainer!!
I lasted 8 minutes on it yesterday... I suck!
I used to be a chilli pansy until some mates and i started up a little chilli challenge at oporto's. The chilli there isn't hot at all, just tastes great! The otropo is the shit as well!

If you want to give your month a touch up go to nando's get a burger without avaocado with the very hot chilli sauce!
That Nandos chilli is ridiculous! I love chilli and can handle some hot stuff but that stuff is insane. Plus Nandos sucks and i dislike it.
so, basically gyms in lebanon suck because they don't have TVs that keep your mind off of counting the seconds while on the crosstrainer!!
I lasted 8 minutes on it yesterday... I suck!

Seriously if u can watch TV and actually pay attention to it while exercising, then you aren't exercising hard enough.
I used to be a chilli pansy until some mates and i started up a little chilli challenge at oporto's. The chilli there isn't hot at all, just tastes great! The otropo is the shit as well!

If you want to give your month a touch up go to nando's get a burger without avaocado with the very hot chilli sauce!

haha at nando's i used to get the pocket pita with the extra hot peri-peri sauce (the bottled stuff they keep for putting on the chips) on it
the manager said he was the only other person in the place that'd ever tried it and not died.
Seriously if u can watch TV and actually pay attention to it while exercising, then you aren't exercising hard enough.

i don't understand.. I'm still doing physical exercise. but instead of looking at the crosstrainer display screen for the whole time I'm on it, I'm looking at the TV, which is way more amusing...
Of course, I still look at the screen - to see how many calories I burned hehe.
Mmm depends what kind of work out you're doing too. If it's one of those ones that changes to a different speed and gives you a visual warning you don't really want to be yellow "No deal mate no deal" and doing the X arm action when bam you fly off the thing.. though.. this would be rather amusing. Anything other than that I'd watch the TV too otherwise I'd get way tooooo bored. Monotony FTL!
Haha yeah there was always a soapie or something on while I was there, so I'd look at that, but listen to Artillery, which in my opinion, is awesome music to work out to. *thumbs up*