My Vision of Ghost Reveries (artwork)


S t a r E
Apr 27, 2002
ON, Canada
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Yes, I know this has been done ALOT here, but I strongly wanted to contribute the cover that I feel pretty strongly about. Heck, this is all because of JeanReno and Rensei (awesome covers guys!) - thanks for the inspiration!

Anyway, just wanted to share this with all you fine Opethians here.

Rensei suggested I make a seperate thread, so here it is. I'll add this to the other thread eventually as well - better yet Rensei, you should have it updated :D


fits nicely to D1 and D2, but I'm hoping for something completely different. More Evil, with more colours, like the images in the begining of The Exorcist, you know with that red sun and shit.
You did it!!! The lightning on the trees in the background is astonishing. Like Reno said, the piece is very cinematic. You have capture that "mystery" feeling which is present in every Opeth artworks. GREAT job!

*I'm very impressed how it came out compared to your previous version.
i wouldnt be surprised if they actually did a semi psychadelic cover. something dark, and has manipulated colors or some type of abstract theme.

just speculation....but its something theyve never really done before.
AbsentFriend said:
fits nicely to D1 and D2, but I'm hoping for something completely different.
Agree. And for me it's too empty and dark in the middle of the picture. But anyway it's a very good work ;)
Ok, it's FIXED. I see you did a good job there already, JeanReno.

Originally, I wanted the logo a bit coloured instead of using plain black or white depending at what is needed (like STill Life used a nice beige colour which complimented the overall look nicely.)

Anyway, I did switch it to total black and yeah, I think it just does look crisper actually. I guess black/white is usually the way to go.

JeanReno: Cinematic...I like that. Good way of putting it actually.

Rensei: Yeah, I did! And yes, I agree, it's much improved from the smaller original one I showed ya.

And hey everyone, thanks for the killer replies. And yes, as I do myself love this cover, I was the one ORIGINALLY stating that I would hope the new cover would NOT look like their typical stuff (damnations, deliverance, lamentations) and yet the end result is just that, MUCH alongside what we're used to.

But I actually have a new idea, one in which may stray aside from the known. We need something totally original (like ALL the covers that were shown before mine.) But thing is, this one truly does have the opeth feel to it so had to play along with it.
The fake artwork gets better and better. Haha, I imagine Akerfeldt making a new account and posting the real cover, and we'll all be: Looks nice, but I doubt the real cover would use those colours or composition :p