My Vision of Ghost Reveries (artwork)

Alcapoth said:
FANTASTIC image, is it not, Wretched Pest? It makes the perfect wallpaper, just add the logo and voila!

It truly is. :) I have lots of "dark forest" pics on my comp.
Here is one:

I took that one about 2 weeks ago when it was raining like hell in Finland.
Lets see what you guys can come up with that. Or if that doesn't suit your needs,
I have plenty more. Just let me know.


Ahhh....back to the Still Life look, huh?



Now, this is the "something different" look I was talking about. I dig it.

I want to thank Rensei for supplying me the image of the "ghost girl" AND adding the rain effects for me. I think that's it for me...don't think I can come up with a better idea than this one.

Now, the question lies...the red or beige one, eh? I like both.
Those covers are awesome! Definitely the best you made IMO. Man, you did a great job with the collage! The first one actually reminds me alot of Elend's covers (Leçon de Ténèbre et Les Ténèbres du Dehors). This one is more "grim" looking I think, more ethereal which is great. Both has its own feeling, but I think the second one is favorite. I particulary like the way the girl contrasts with the background in this one.

Again, beautiful work my friend.
Thanks guys for the comments - be they good or bad, hehe.

Now, I purposely wanted the red cover nice and pops out. Did ya see the last Anathema cover? It was pretty red as well.

More comments always welcome. :)
Looking for a Job said:
be that as it may, kissing his ass is only going to lead to more abusing of the hue/saturation tool, something we don't need

It is not hue/saturation tool but the channel mixer one smartass.
^ lol

But really...I feel an attitude from Looking for a Job. Hmm, why is that?
Really, there's ALOT more than just the use of hue/saturation - lol, it's not exactly a click-click and your done kinda thing.
I'm actually expecting something more purple/greenish for the new cover, a la MAYH but not of a damn forest and a lot more vivid.
I've seen some nice artworks here, seriously. Unfortunately they all are the same old Opeth style and are quite boring. I began to think that Opeth could trie something new and at the same time try somethig "retro", something from '70s. Since most inspiration Mikael get from '70s prog music I thought actually they could hire Roger Dean. His most famous works are Yes and some Uriah Heep covers. I'm more than 100% sure, if band describes album's theme and conception, he can draw amazing cover with some retro style. Even album's name scream's for such artwork... I am REALLY BORED from those forest themes.
If you are not so familiar about his works, go Google them and judge yourself.
If this goes on like this Opeth will release the album with a blank cover saying "Print out and put in here your favorite cover from the boards".
Saber Rider said:
If this goes on like this Opeth will release the album with a blank cover saying "Print out and put in here your favorite cover from the boards".

Yeah. At least that would be something different. :lol:
ZeDzEdZeD said:
another one "taken-from-internet-cool-forest-pictrure-edited-with-Photoshop-copy-paste-logo"
Your participation in making those covers are below 1%. They are not original. Period.

well, it's not like i'm pitching for the actual artwork gig. i just having fun with stuff i found on the web while i'm bored at work ,and the people on this board seems to enjoy taking a look a those attemps...

developing the right artwork for a CD is long. trying stuff, making mistakes, etc.
and a perfect artwork can end up just being a simple picture with the logo on the right place. but it's finding that, it takes several hours.