

there are no words left
Aug 30, 2001
Oslo, Norway
Vintersorg's music makes us all think about beautiful landscapes, mountains,
oceans etc. I have noticed a love for posting landscape pics on this board,
AND this fantastic post by Fjelltussa -->

When I hear "Hednad i ulvermånens tecken" I picture a nice 'blot' out in the forest, and then the 'gilde' afterwards with nice food and nice drink. (And people who get a *little* drunk even though they're not supposed to 'cause of the children present, and 'cause it says - in Hávamál - that you should be a little careful with how much you drink lest you get killed from saying something stupid to another drunk person...) It's so cozy!

Made me want to do this thread...

Here I sit, in this tall building with brickwalls. Outside there are loads of cars,
polluting this world (MY WORLD!!!)... It's cold, wet, dark, the air smells like gas....
Fjelltussa's post made me miss the forest....

But, whenever I'm out there in the woods I always realize it's not for me.
The forests are beautiful to be in, the smell, the sight, the sounds.... Pure nature!
But I don't feel at one with it.... I feel kind of lost.... I love sitting on a rock,
in the sun, feeling the wind in my hair, sensing the smell of the trees....
Until little ants come crawling up my leg and I freak! lol >:eek:)

Well, I am complete when I am in a big city with loads of people.
I love this town and all the busy people. There are so many things to watch,
so many things to notice :eek:)

So, what's your ideal place to be? Living in the beautiful mountains
with few people around you, or in an over-populated city?

I think I want a little bit of both... I'd like to live where I live now, but,
sometimes just travell far away and become one with nature....
I want to make angels in the snow again! I'm going to buy myself one of
those coveralls and invade your home Fjelltussa! >:eek:P

So, come on, describe the perfect place for you, post your fav landscape pics...
Spread the love for nature!! :eek:)
well it's half of it!
so that's why I love living where I live!!!!
it's a little town 17 km from Barcelona...
so it's not 100% nature, but well it's air is clean, it's by the sea and by little mountains and in 20 min drive I'm in the big city with everything I need from it..
I just wouldn't be able to live on a tree watching monkeys get the best fruits nor in the middle of a big city....sort of an hybrid where I just have to decide each time....that's the cool thing for me!
pfff, i have grown at 500m from a steel works and now that i live in Paris, i can see an incineration factory from my window :(

what is "nature" ? :cry:
Fascinating thread. I had to think very hard and really consider my feelings to come up with a good answer.

Half a year ago, I went to a family reunion in North Carolina. It was in a very country area, the kind with fields that seemed to go on forever. The actual reunion took place on a plantation where my ancestors were slaves. As I stood there, on that field, with woods not too far away, I felt good. A sort of carelessness. I enjoyed being outdoors with fresh air for a change, but I felt a sense of loss too. I liked being in the presence of nature, but to be blunt. Nature was BORING!

Oddly, I feel that same sense of loss where I live now. I live in a small suburban ghetto outside Manhattan. I rarely leave the house, simply because there's nowhere to go and nothing to do outide. Nothing that fancies my interest. But when I go into Manhattan. THAT'S when I feel alive! I love being around all the people and especially all the shops and establishments. I'm a bit of a shopping whore, because buying things and hanging out in clubs and stuff makes me feel almost intoxicated. I guess it's all the options I have.

Anyway, even in the city I feel like I'm missing something. And when I think about it, what I felt I was missing, I had when I was on the field. I missed nature. I think of woods and fields a lot... basically because I'm a fantasy addict.

So basically I'd love to live in the city, with access to a woodsy area, or a grassy field with a lake. To me, few things are more romantic than a lake.
I live in a desert, its usually high 90s to low 100s all summer. So I really love it when I get out of here and get to experience nature. The best places to go is usually over the mountains towards Seattle, or up into Canada. I really like going to Idaho the most to see my Uncle though. This is a picture of a forest in Idaho, I think that it could be the most beautiful state in the US.


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well, i've allready discribed my home in the pict thread and have also uploaded pictures of the castles surrounding my house.
well for me my hometown is perfect. it's rather small, 25000 inhabitants, but not really a village. you get allmost everything you need. I'd hate to live in a big city! my hometown is just 30km away from vienna and even closer to the "industriezentrum" a large area with all kinds of big shoppingmals. on the other hand it's just next to the "wienerwald", a large wood(many guys might know the name from those silly fast food restaurants, it means vienniese wood). i really love this place. it has so many magic places.

today is full moon night. it's rather warm here, 15°C, unusual for this time of year. so i decided to take a walk in the woods just around midnight! the moon was incredible beautiful. i laid down at a large clearing. the moon was so bright, that the whole scenario looked like flooded with spotlight. i just laid there gazing at the trees in the moonshine. it was incredible beautiful and impressing. i simply love the "naturens galleri"!
thank you, blackspirit, for opening this thread!
hugs, Fleischwolf!:D :D :D :D
ohhh! I would love to do that, it's just that when it's midnight I fancy being at home warm....tastes I guess...
I love forests, but I'm really learning to enjoy the city now. Chicago's way to big and Illinois is way to dull to see anything real nice, but we have some tolerable forest preserves (and even some decent mountain biking areas!).

But I'd love to hike some mountain areas... I've never had the chance before.

Soon, someday soon.
we haven´t really got forests in Iceland, at least you Norwegians wouldn´t call it a forest!
there are plenty of mountains here though,
You only have to go just outside the city to be in pure nature

the landscape can be pretty satanic at times I must say; when you´re near a black lava sand and the sky hangs with heavy clouds

Well I´m waiting for the volcano Katla to erupt, it did in 1918 and it´s supposed to do so every 90 years!
@Belial; I'm with you on this... I love being around a lot of people, even though
I don't know them, and never will see them again.... I can sit in a pub, or a
discoteque and just watch people. I love it. I can walk down the main street
of this town and I can find almost anything I want, there are so many things
to see, and so many things to buy.

A negative thing though, is that I feel like I'm breathing in gas all the time! hehe...
But I like the urban life... Lots of little coffehouses etc :eek:)

That sure is a beautiful pic you posted winter-frost!! I think I'll save it....
It just looked so nice... I want wings, so that I can fly over those mountains
and smell the trees >:eek:)

Fleischwolf; You wrote about the moon etc.... This reminds me of something...
Do you find the nature more beautiful during day or night? I like both.
By night everything is mystical, and every little sound gets me jumping, I love it :eek:)
During day, if it's sunny I get this warm feeling of being alive....

And, Djöfull; you don't need forests, you have the Geysirs (spelling??!)!
And that's enough! :eek:) Iceland has a very special nature, I really want to go to
Iceland one day. What's the best time of the year to go there?
When is the nature at it's most beautiful?
i too have mixed emotions about nature.... i love being surrounded by it but i have 'insectophobia' so i can't be too pleased for a long time 'cause i immediately start thinking about spiders and such :s
@blackspirit:i have to agree with you, that at night everything looks more mystical and so. but it also depends on the season of year. well, i'd say every season has it's special moments. sometimes i think autumn is the greatest, the golden tress, leaves cover the ground! then i think winter is beautiful the silence when the snow falls, the naked trees. then spring, awakening of nature, mild wind, the scent of the blooming flowers and trees. then summer, nature is like a ripe fruit, life everywhere, birds singing, the sun shines through the trees, the air is filled with bees(not exciting for the ones with insectophobia though:D )!
i love all the seasons of the year, but i think i'd tend more towards the darker ones!:D
@fleischwolf: 25000 inhabitants - and you call it a small town - a village! Wow!

Where I live there only live a little short of 5000, and is about 1170 square km. That's about thrice as big as Oslo. Most of it are mountains. They're not to high (mountains in general are not very high in Norway) but they're old. Anyways, it's so open up there, and that makes me feel free. I lived in Oslo for about 4 years, but then I moved back here beacuse I wanted to get out of the city. Oslo is a great city to live in, and if I were going to live in a city (in Norway) it would be there, but cities are just not for me...
Geysirs is an international word for those hot springs that gush into the air, it came from the great Geysir who was once magnificent, but now it´s in hibernation, although the earthquakes in 2000 aroused it a bit... but not for long

I would go in the summer to Iceland the weather is least worst then!
well each season has it´s charisma(?) as blackspirit said I´d say may-september...
@fjelltussa: i didn't call it a village, i said, it's a small town though! well, a big city for me is from 500000 upwards. i know in norway, there are rather few people living in a rather big country, so the towns are rather small. in austria, we have only twice as much inhabitants as you but vienna has about 2 million inhabitants!

@djöfull:i thought it was me, who said that about the seasons!:confused: :lol:
I live at the east end of a nice town, in a nice house (sharing with two lovely people) with a wonderful garden. The town itself is not too big and surrounded by a beautiful nature. This area is more quiet and I love it. I wouldn't mind living in the countryside, well I live close to it already. I love the nature more than big towns.
Of course there is a beauty in everything, I do like big towns too, but only like to stay there for a visit, 1 - 2 weeks is fine for me, then I need the nature, need to breath. Even my times in England I lived most times in a suburb or small village.
Big towns, I love Gothenburg, London, Hannover (my mom's hometown), Budapest...
Oh I have to say that I love the sea / ocean areas a little bit more than the mountains, but in general anything close to the nature is fine for me. One thing I love very much, the communities of Sweden, you are surrounded with sooooooo much nature, sure it is the same in Norway.
I love taking photos and drawing pictures of the beautiful nature. And I agree, every season has it's very own spirit. Seeing the circle of life, the begin and the death, feeling the energy, the power, it gives me the desire to become one with it...
Aitsj... Was interrupted when I was wrighting that last post of mine - duty called for my attention. Anyways: I like nature all seasons, but there's something special about winter that I cannot explain, and that makes it my favourite season. And I don't like all the bugs in summer, especially not the spiders (have arachnophbia...). But when I first happen to see them, it's better to see them out in the nature than inside.

Home sweet home attached.


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