
Originally posted by Blackspirit
To Mel & aegis; All Norwegians want to visit Paris in France,
and Greece is like "paradise"!!! My boyfriend’s parents have
been to Greece two years in a row now and they just love it.
But I’m sure they lived in a smaller town though, away from
all the “normal” everydaylife in a big city….

to visit Paris is one thing, to stay here is another one ...
sure they are wonderful things to visit here, but it's definetly a good place to live ... you know, it's not so cool to live in a town who counts almost 3 times more inhabitants than your whole country (including suburbs, 12 millions agains 4,4 if my numbers for Norway are exacts)
i was not totally serious about moving to Sweden (i have to study 3 years, i have the time to change m mind) but it would definetly cool to live there, just one year or two, i think it could be a good experience ... i have never talked about to spend there the rest of my life) ... All i want is to live Paris (so do most of the people who are not born in that town) ...
paris is expensive (the surface of my appartment is only 13m², but i have to pay it 300€/months, and it hasn't even a kitchen or toilets (both are collective, one per floor), overpopulated (ahahah try too make shopping a saturday, you 'll have to wait at least 1h before to arrive to the cash desk, and you won't be able to see what are in the counters because there will be a loooot of people before you) , far too much polluated ...
i hate that town ...
i would probably move to Bretagne (probably better known by foreigners under the name of britain, since the Grande Bretagne is called Great Britain in england) where computers industry is actually emerging, and which is one the most beautiful region you can find in France, which has the oldest history (it has kept a 'celtic feeling', you can find some menhirs there) and where the biggest town (Rennes, Nantes) have kept a human size
or i will came back in my birth town, but i don't like the weather (8 months rain, 2 months fog, 2 months snow :lol:)

We never realize that we’re in the perfect place,

please don't say that again :)
Well, I live in a larger city now and don't have many natural things to look at. However, there are some really nice parts of the state I live in. In fact, I have decided to attend a college about 2 hours away from here. It is in the mountains and is just a really nice small town. The people are so friendly there, and it isn't too small. There are a lot of outdoor activities like snowboarding, skiing, rafting, etc. I think it will be a really nice change from the big city. I definitely like more rural settings. It's odd because I moved to a larger city from a very small town because I wanted to have more things to do and wanted a change. :)
I seem to have more to do here now than I had when I was living in Oslo for some reason... But then, in Norway you must be over 20 to do lots of things, soooo... It's nice to go there now and then, go places and stuff, but I prefer living up here.:)
Sweden is calling loud and clear, and well I won't be leaving much more than my family and friends here, no great job and I have some plans now, searching something in concrete in Sweden

sounds great my friend...:) And remember, you have friends here in Sweden too...:)

-phyros (a friend in Sweden, for all of you! )
Originally posted by aegis

to visit Paris is one thing, to stay here is another one ...
sure they are wonderful things to visit here, but it's definetly a good place to live ...
i would probably move to Bretagne (probably better known by foreigners under the name of britain, since the Grande Bretagne is called Great Britain in england) where computers industry is actually emerging, and which is one the most beautiful region you can find in France, which has the oldest history (it has kept a 'celtic feeling', you can find some menhirs there) and where the biggest town (Rennes, Nantes) have kept a human size
or i will came back in my birth town, but i don't like the weather (8 months rain, 2 months fog, 2 months snow :lol:)

I guess Paris is like London, nice to visit but living there - no! It's a dirtyy hole really, you have to live at the outskirts of it. Or like I prefer it, in a small village near by...

I hope to make it to the Bretagne one day, I love the celtic spirit...
hahahaha thanx a lot phyros, really!!! it's nice to hear...
actually I'll move there in two years (more or less) when I finish my degree. This summer I'll start my Swedish lessons, and I'll also try to get some "teacher" lessons, just to get a job as a Spanish teacher somewhere if language doesn't leave get better jobs!
I'm also considering where to go, but since I'm not the only one in that decision I guess it's too early to say...I would love going to Gothemburg. And I would love to meet you all, I guess I'll need your great help sometime in the future :)
btw how much are normal little flats in Gothemburg (buy/rent)
just to know and let me dream a little :D

fathervic (as high as the moon)
when I was planning to live here, it was a buy or nothing...I wouldn't got anywhere here on a rent flat. But up there is different....never been there before, so first I'll have to rent a flat, don't know how expensive are though...
Hmmm, I've seen only a few spots of great nature imo, and I'm living right inside of an industrial environment :( I loved the sight of the forests of Northern Sweden, Lappland... and I've been to Ireland once, it was great driving up the western coast, even tho that was already years ago I remember it :) The Norwegian fjords are really great, especially with rainy weather :) (Or snow, when one is cut off by the snow at times there hehe)

Haven't seen the Fjell yet, but I threatened already that I will see those ;)

Oh, almost forgot, I quite often see the Harz mountains, cause of some friend of mine living there, he lives in some village right at the foot of some hills with lots of forests, great for hiking :) And a great view you have from there (even tho it's mostly farmland in the flat area stretching out in front of the hills...

Living within Nature would be great, but somehow I guess I'd miss my computer, cause of friends I just can speak to over the net.

I'd like to experience nature's mystic sights, too... something like the Maelstrom is simply amazing, I think...
Well, first to describe my surroundings. I live in a house surrounded my a forest and I've got a gravelroad in front of the house. Farther down I
ve got a big lake. Love the stillness and mystery of a dark lake. What can be better than a still autumn night on the lake with mist floating around and you breath that moist and chilly air. And the forest is quite old and noone ever walk in it, except for me then. On a hot summer day it's wonderful to enter the forest. Cold and the sunshine enters through the treetops to emphasize upon the old ground. It's here I can find the picture in my head of what Vintersorg is about. In winter where a old tree has loads of snow and has been worn down when the snow becomes heavier. Those trees really speak wintersorrow to me.... Well that's what nature is for me, can't think there's a way that I could live in a city and I think Vintersorg feels the same way as I do about nature. And that's what makes his lyrics even more special to me.
Originally posted by Skogsbunden
Well, first to describe my surroundings. I live in a house surrounded my a forest and I've got a gravelroad in front of the house. Farther down I
ve got a big lake. Love the stillness and mystery of a dark lake. What can be better than a still autumn night on the lake with mist floating around and you breath that moist and chilly air. And the forest is quite old and noone ever walk in it, except for me then. On a hot summer day it's wonderful to enter the forest. Cold and the sunshine enters through the treetops to emphasize upon the old ground. It's here I can find the picture in my head of what Vintersorg is about. In winter where a old tree has loads of snow and has been worn down when the snow becomes heavier. Those trees really speak wintersorrow to me.... Well that's what nature is for me, can't think there's a way that I could live in a city and I think Vintersorg feels the same way as I do about nature. And that's what makes his lyrics even more special to me.

It sounds very beautiful !!! I can imagine it... wish I would live this way.
I couldn't live in a big town... my hometown is not very big, so I be ok here... I'm glad we have a nice garden behind the house. One day I would like to live closer to the nature, I just love to be one with the nature. Gladly I live close to the countryside... a very beautiful one...
Well I'll have to move to a city when I'll take time to go to an university but I'll always head back where I belong, to the nature.
Skogsbunden@ how wonderful!! :cry: i envy you somehow.... :cry:

Athens is getting bigger and bigger,super crowded....and super dirty...too much smog and stuff...(and currently rubbish).... :bah:
I am not sure if i could live permanently in a forest though......
but i'd definitely love to leave in a smaller town... and that will happen soon :)
and i guess when i'll grow older i would definitely love to live in a hmm isolated suburb or sth..
Ah, well Umeå is kinda nice but the partylife and happenings are low. But it's beautyful town and the average age in umeå is about 35 years because of all the students.

Guess I have to state that I don't live that desolated, I live about 20 km outside Umeå but I'm not alone in the forest. And no, I don't close all surroundings and stick with the forest. In fact you can see me kinda often drunk at the local pubs and discos.

And it's a shame what's happened to Athen, heard that it's dirty these days. Coz I'd like to live there since there are so much great culture there but I guess I have to live at a island that ain't that exploited of the tourism instead. But I don't think I'd like to live in Greece that long, too hot. I want my snow and thick forests hehe
Well, for me parties are nice but not important. I like it nice and releaxing most times. if I need a party then I invite friends to my home. Beer in pubs are quite expensive in Sweden...

I think I like your place.. "the average age in Umeå is about 35 years" - sounds good to me, sounds fun! :)

Why getting drunk so often?
Hehe, there's not too many ppl where I live either, but those who are here do indeed know how to party! I don't think I've ever been out on a saturday night here without seeing drunk folks. Not all these ppl are too smart, though - or too responsible: I'd never drive up in the mountains or down from them a late saturday night: There are some here who use to go up there, partying in a cabin or smth, and afterwards they see who can get down fastest - with a car.... drunk as hell.... There's been some accidents that way.

Most I know don't go to pubs, though. We party at somebody's home, or just outside (in summer); there's only one pub here, and that one is usually filled up with men past 50....