Need help with my Recto Amp Sim

Earlier this week I was working on song on my old PC and got sick of all the glitches and crackles I got as soon as my project has more than 4 or 5 tracks...
So I decided to get myself a better computer, dedicated to making music. I ordered an iMac. So I will definitely port some of my plugins to mac in the future.

What's everyone using for a TS in front of the Lecto? Or none at all? I've tried the 808 and the TSS but unhappy with what I'm getting from the Lecto with them in front. I'm having difficulty getting the gain out of it I need. What is everyone setting the input to as well? I usually can leave the input alone on the Lepou's plug ins. So far for me, Legion is the winner compared to Lecto so far, but I had very little to tweak with Legion to get it to sound good. I probably just need to spend a lot more time with it. Some of these examples you guys are posting sound great!
like you could produce a bad mix... That sounds awesome. What impulses?

lol thanks man, but theres some highendstuff that annyois me a bit while listening to it ;)
also the guitars are dominating everything
impulses were Lolzgregs beta + s-preshigh...they work VERY good together imo.
Love this sound. Details?

Thanks! 6-string baritone tuned to drop C with EMG81 --> Audient ASP008 instrument in --> Pod Farm Tubescreamer --> LeCto --> keFIR with Mesa 4x12 Redwirez impulse (TABFunkenverb SM57) --> apQualizr for high- & lowpass and a liiiittle dip at around 4k
It is crashing sonar for me. Im using version 6 (& it is a legit copy). I can load it and play just fine, but when I try to save the project it crashes. It also crashes if I try to move the plugin from one track to another, & it crashes when I try to delete the plugin.

It sounds fantastic though. Has top notch sounding palm mutes for a sim! I love the resonance knob!

I ran it to the effects return of my 5150 and almost creamed myself haha. Thats probably how I will be using it once I figure out how to save the projects with this plugin haha.
Fwiw, it is working fine for me in Sonar 8.5 PE. I can't save projects with LeCab, though. That crashes Sonar (ever since I switched to 64-bit).
Here's a really quick clip with the Lecto running into the Powerball FX return and Mesa STD 4x12" cab, with SM57 just thrown in and going into Fireface 400. Schecter 007 Blackjack with passive Seymour Duncan JB, and almost default SD2.0 Metal Foundry:

Don't expect a miracle sound :lol: Even the riffs I just quickly memorized on the fly :lol: It's just a tone example with this strange setup. Perhaps tomorrow I can record a proper clip with a mix going on too :P

Oh yeah, forgot that I also tested ~7 kHz low pass frequency on the guitar EQ, so that's why it sounds so dark.
Ok i dont know whats up. I tried again and it acted the same. Tried again, it worked great....but after using it for a while i started acting up again. Strange.
I received tens of bug report in Sonar. It seems to work fine in some versions and not in others... scratching my head !!!
It could be related to the data structure I use for preset savings. I'll change it to see if it's the cause of the problem.
Thanks for the report guys.