Hier sind echte Könner am Werk. Vier Jahre nach ihrem erstklassigen Debüt „´N Crugu Bradutui“ beweist die Band, dass sie keinesfalls eine Eintagsfliege war. Was die drei Herren 2006 abliefern ist erneut abseits gängiger Normen, viel zitierter Klischees und steht über oder neben sämtlichen Black Metal Alben, die in den letzten veröffentlicht wurden. „Om“ ist kein Album, es ist ein Werk. Ein Film, der in deinem Kopf abläuft und dabei Landschaften zeichnet, die du noch nie vorher gesehen hast.

Mitten in den nebelverhangenen Wäldern der Karpaten erlangst du dein Bewusstsein wieder, die klamme, feuchte Trübe hat dich deiner Erinnerungen beraubt und du bist vollkommen auf dich allein gestellt. Innerhalb weniger Minuten bricht die totale Dunkelheit in das Land ein. Anfangs spürst du nur die bedrohliche Gegenwart irgendwelcher entseelter Wesen, nach einiger Zeit glaubst du, sie leise miteinander (oder mit dir?) kommunizieren zu hören. Du siehst die Hand vor Augen nicht, kein Mond am Firmament, der dir ein wenig Licht und Wärme spendet. War das eben der Wind auf deiner Haut oder hat dich etwas berührt? Irgendetwas kichert ganz in deiner Nähe. Übelkeit und klirrende Kälte steigen plötzlich in dir auf, dir gelingt es nur kurze Zeit dagegen anzukämpfen und zu versuchen, weiter zu gehen und einen Ausweg aus der Finsternis zu finden. Dann sackst du zusammen.
Du erwachst in einem Haufen feuchten, modrigen Laubes und dir ist immer noch kalt. Es ist hell und es gelingt dir aufzustehen; in der Ferne siehst du ein verfallenes Schloss. Rettung? Nach nur fünf Schritten fällst du in ein tiefes Erdloch – eine Art Falle. Doch für was? Oder für wen? Für dich?

NEGURA BUNGET gehen einen eigenen Weg, leben ihre persönliche Definition von Black Metal. Diese ist gekennzeichnet, durch ausschweifende Instrumentalpassagen einerseits und eine hohe atmosphärische Dichte andererseits. Sie spielen dabei wie selbstverständlich mit beklemmenden Stimmungen, dunkler Schönheit, verstörenden Akustikeinlagen, atemberaubenden Arrangements, brutalem Gehetze und langsam dahin fließender Kälte. Gewandet sind die einzelnen Stücke in einen hervorragenden Klang, so dass kein Grund zum Klagen bleibt.
Das Album erscheint als hochwertiges achtseitiges Digipack (hoffentlich ähnlich des DIN A5 Digipacks des letzten Albums) und einer Bonus DVD. Darauf sind enthalten: verschieden Clips, eine Slideshow, diverse Livemitschnitte und ein Interview mit der Band. Aussagen zu Qualität und Aufmachung der DVD kann ich nicht treffen, da diese in meiner Promoversion nicht beigefügt war.

9.50/10 Punkte
From Terrorizer (UK) magazine:

There are few pleasures available to the music fan as great as watching a band simmer, slowly come to the boil and then blow. In the four years since Negura Bunget's last full-length release, the perfectly respectable 'N Crugu Bradului', it'd be forgivable to imagine Romania's finest export had been locked away rehearsing and composing non-stop, forging, folding, re-folding and planing the material to the apogee of perfection like a Japanese sword. Like Drudkh's albums, 'Om' underlines the unassailable supremacy of the Eastern European scene's idea of symphonic, sweeping black metal over the footling, plinky-plonky ideas graveyard their western cousins cling to. The keyboards create enormous, evocative landscapes of sound, the vocals are convincingly impassioned and hoarse with ancient pride, the dense guitars are stirring and resolute and the whole experience is euphoric, cleansing and draining all at the same time. 'Om's bonus DVD is unexpectedly illuminating, though not particularly of Negura's ideological motivations (a slightly rambling interview with intense vocalist Hupogrammos is baffling, though drummer Negru is affable and concise). No, the breathtaking video clips of Transylvanian forests, artfully directed and beautifully shot on film rather than tacky video, eloquently illustrate the music's innate primeval vastness. Expect to hear that chant of 'Om' again echoing through the year-end album poles.

[9/10] James 'Harry' Hinchcliffe

A typical Terrorizer review... talks as little about the music as possible... honestly I know Terrorizer markets itself as a "thinking mans magazine" but nowadays its just going apeshit with pretentious babble and fails to describe the music at all (or in this case simply calls Om a Symphonic Black Metal album... which it really isn't).

Da più parti additati come una delle migliori e più innovative realtà del black-metal europeo, i rumeni (di Timisoara) Negura Bunget tagliano il traguardo del quarto disco con un'opera bellissima e ricca di fascino, da annoverare, sicuramente, tra i momenti migliori del 2006 "metallico".
"Om" è un viaggio verso la purificazione, un viaggio in cui le scariche black di stampo classico sono affiancate da meravigliosi pannelli ambient, in un gioco di pittoricismo isolazionista da togliere, spesso, il fiato. E' la Romania dei Carpazi, dei boschi solitari quella che viene tradotta in suoni. Una terra cui i Negura sono legatissimi, tanto da non disdegnare nemmeno di caricare la loro musica con certi passaggi di musica folkloristica, invero essenziali per avviare quell'iniziazione al mistero della Transilvania che la band ritiene essere l'essenza ultima della sua, ormai decennale, carriera.
Un mistero che è già vivo mentre ci si addentra tra le immensità inquietanti, i rumori sinistri e la voce sofferente di "Ceasul Rau", ouverture terrificante e gelidamente austera, preludio perfetto per la lunghissima e superba "Tesarul De Lumini". Aperta da una cappa opprimente di distorsioni tremolanti da cui, attraverso una melodia spaziale, viene proiettato un bagliore sfuggente, "Tesarul De Lumini" incrocia rettilinei black , malinconici arpeggi di chitarra, ondulazioni cosmiche plananti su scrosciare d'acqua, cadenze epiche, profondità catastrofiche e scream velenosissimo marchiato a fuoco nel frastuono ascensionale (date libero sfogo alla fantasia: pensate ai Mayhem in fase di decollo o ai Bathory in parapendio). Emozionante, questo è quanto. Emozionante come il trillare straziato della chitarra che circoscrive panoramiche ampie e verticali, falsamente irreali. Emozionante come l'inabissarsi della mente dentro un suono che è, in prima istanza, simbolo di una pena millenaria.
Sublime, come la voce austera che in apertura di "Primul On" chiama a raccolta per chissà quali meraviglie esoteriche. Movimenti pendolanti di orchestre aeree, campanellini di bestiame sparso, al pascolo, un richiamo di corno da una collina lontana, oltre la valle rasserenata, ritirata in un silenzio attonito. "Conoasterea Tacuta" (in cui fa capolino anche uno xilofono) è puro distillato black (cunicoli elettrici-lirismo urlato-parossismo cinetico), ma ha un che di mistico, di sacro, di ultraterreno. La loro eccezionale capacità compositiva e il loro eclettismo sono testimoniati da un brano come "Inarborat", che sembra sviluppare, in apertura, un discorso obliquo sulla world-music (percussioni, linee atmosferiche di synth, fraseggi di corno), mentre se ne diluisce, nella seconda parte, la portata evocativa in un cadenzare insistito di riff o in una bolgia spaccaossa.
Una marcia horror-grottesca squarcia in due la corsa di "Dedesuptul", aprendo ad un pandemonio di malefici e di oscure tribolazioni del cuore, con magistrale detonazione simil-doom, rimbalzare di corde e tasti paranoici e claudicanti fondali wagneriani. La tensione magniloquente si protae anche nella successiva "Norilor", dominata da percussioni rituali e lanugini sintetiche. Un ruolo importante, le percussioni lo hanno anche in "De Piatra", in cui stratificano tappeti per repentine mitragliate dal sapore thrashy. Le meditazioni chitarristiche che aprono "Cel Din Urma Vis" preparano un'altra lunga escursione nel mistero più fitto. Scenari a perdita d'occhio vengono riempiti con un turbine elettronico "chiesastico", ma la desolazione che, improvvisa, traspare, riproietta la loro musica in un limbo di dark-ambient minaccioso e purificatore. Così, quando la furia riprende a farla da padrone, tutto ha assunto una connotazione irrimediabilmente metafisica. Perciò, anche da un massacro oltranzista può, adesso, sbocciare una danza: la danza del sole. Ed è per questo che "Hora Soarelui" diventa l'emblema più accecante della loro commistione di sacro e profano, con il suo girare in circolo, il suo sciorinare strumenti tradizionali, la sua ariosa rivendicazione di appartenenza alla terra, prima che agli dei, anche perchè, poco dopo, con la conclusiva "Al Doilea Om" sarà già come attraversare quella linea che separa i vivi dai morti. A quel punto, il viaggio (quel viaggio verso la purificazione di cui si diceva in apertura) avrà finalmente raggiunto la sua, ineludibile meta.

Ritorno sul mercato, a un anno di distanza dal mcd "Inarborat kosmos", per una delle band più misteriose e interessanti di tutta la scena black, i romeni Negura Bunget.
"Om" è la quinta fatica dei nostri, che si sono sempre contraddistinti per un sound personale e molto legato alla loro terra, non di facile assimilazione, ma che una volta compreso è veramente interessante e carico di atmosfera mistica e ancestrale.
Per quel che mi riguarda, "Om" è il miglior cd realizzato dai Negura Bunget, il più completo e quello dove mi sembra hanno trovato la loro dimensione definitiva (potrò sempre essere smentito in futuro...), un vero gioiello proveniente dalle oscure foreste della Transilvania.
Descrivere la musica dei nostri è un'impresa non da poco, ascoltare "Om" è quasi un'esperienza mistica capace di rapirvi per oltre un'ora di durata, ogni tanto mi viene da pensare che i Negura Bunget più che dei musicisti siano degli sciamani, vista l'atmosfera che riescono a donare alla loro proposta e all'effetto quasi ipnotico con cui riescono a catalizzare l'attenzione di un ascoltatore attento.
Il black metal suonato dalla band, come dicevo sopra, non è di facile assimilazione, soprattutto per i molti elementi presenti e grazie anche a uno stile che oramai si può tranquillamente definire unico, le note di "Om" trasudano misticismo e magia arcana, non manca anche un tocco folk grazie all'uso di strumenti tradizionali.
Il cd è di una tale varietà che lascia basiti per l'ispirazione dei suoi compositori, che si dimostrano degli abili musicisti, che partiti da una base black metal sono riusciti ad evolversi fino ad arrivare a sorprendere con uno stile veramente unico e particolare.
Il disco non mostra veramente punti deboli, pur durando molto riesce a non far calare mai l'attenzione dell'ascoltatore grazie a canzoni sempre coinvolgenti e cariche di atmosfera, su tutte direi che prevalgono, a mio modesto parere, la lunga e oscura "Tesarul del lumini" con il suo fantastico riffing ipnotico, e la maestosa ed epica "Cunoasterea tacuta", anche le altre comunque non sono da meno, ripeto, un disco che non ha cali ispirativi.
Anche la produzione, effettuata dalla band, risulta veramente azzeccata, non troppo pulita ma dove tutti gli strumenti hanno lo spazio che li compete e capace di non fare perdere un pizzico di atmosfera alla splendida musica dei Negura Bunget.
Passiamo a un altro aspetto che mi ha fortemente colpito, prima di tutto la splendida confezione e la grafica che è misteriosa tanto quanto la musica della band, secondo, il dvd presente in questa prima (penso...) tiratura, finalmente non il classico riempitivo ma un prodotto veramente interessante con una bella intervista alla band, alcuni video che ho trovato molto belli e alcune canzoni dal vivo, la Code666 ha fatto veramente le cose in grande.
Non escono tutti i giorni dischi del calibro di "Om", il mio consiglio è di addentrarvi dentro le nebbie della proposta dei Negura Bunget e di farvi ammaliare da questa splendida band.
VOTO 8,5/10
The new album OM from Negura Bunget. I tell you this, I have been listening to this for 2 weeks, and dare I say, OM is the best brick of Metal for me in the last 5-10 years. The attention to detail is stunning. A tremendous amount of work went into this album. It comes in a cd/dvd package with superb artwork. I would suggest that those who buy this should watch the dvd first and then listen to the cd. This "document" is complex in regard, to Negura Bungets ideaology and spirituality. Pay attention to the interview section of the dvd as to glean an understanding of what they are conveying. Includes English sub-titles. The lyrics and songs are in Romanian(a beautiful language)and the vocals are performed with great passion and emotion. Negura Bunget is "pigeonholed" as a Black Metal band. And while their music is certainly blackmetal based there really is so much more happening. I'll let you hear and determine that. This is one of those records where every note, every beat, every clean and harsh vocal are perfectly placed. This is a record that every band strives to create. In my humble opinion, Negura Bunget have transcended Black metal, taken it to another echelon and have done so masterfully. It will be interesting to see where this record stands in 5,10,20 years. If you like Agalloch, Enslaved, Pink Floyd, I strongly suggest this. Highest recommendation. Peace.

Dark art from Romania

It is extremely hard to give black metal a high review rating unless it is a classic. This is primairly so because black metal underground is currently consumed by hyperproduction, the auditorium oftenly bombarded by shallow creations, which can often be pretentious, minimizing the artistic impression one gets while listening to such music.
Those who have been listening to this noise for years and despite the tremendous auditive pollution hear the singing fo birds, Negura Bunget is not unknown. For those who do not know, Negura Bunget is a Romanian band, existing for more than ten years and Om is their fourth full lenght album.

This secluded band gained their much deserved prominency in european black metal after their album 'N Crugu Bradului in the year 2003, redefining the genre and setting new standards in probably the most rigid genre of metal. Releasing for the italian label Code 666(a haven for some other ''weird'' bands like Aborym too) guaranteed independence and time to finish the new album. And they have outdone themselves this time.
Negura Bunget plays strange black metal, in the early phase much influenced by Emperor, and now with clear stoner influences, so in this instance they would be compareable with the new Enslaved. But the major difference is that Negura Bunget does not hesitate to use dark ambient elements typical for, one could say, some of the best neofolk bands signed under the now cult swedish Cold Meat Industries label.
This newly aquired synthesis comes about in more than 12-minute lasting song Tesarul De Lumini, where partially progressive riffs and classical black metal vocals take turns with apocalyptic passages on keyboards, but this sounds so much better than anything else with what Negura Bunget may be compareable. Namely, the music is multilayered and multidimensional; the rhytm, although abundant in breaks, seems fluent as ever, so it easily occurs that the music has a hypnotizing effect on the listener.
It is particulary intresting to see that the song De Piatrã features some death/doom influences, while Cunoaºterea Tãcutã offers epic clean vocals, being the most similar to the precessor of this album. The most catchy song of the entire album would be Inarborat which is a somwehat changed version of the song ''Worldless Knowledge'' from their last year's EP. A Fantastic acoustic beggining spills over into progressive guitar riffs immersed into a sea of melancholic keyboards and almost enables visualisation of the presented auditive content.
The music of Negura Bunget is alive, organic, like the nature which serves as their inspiration. As a cherry on top of the finest cake come the songs like Norilor or Al Doilea Om – dark ambient mediators that perfectly support the album as a whole.
If you should ever get this album, it comes in a limited edition with a DVD where you have the chance to look at some live clips, together with great videos of the band, which productionwise exceeds anything black metal had to offer until now.
Half a point was taken away from the perfect score, since a person used to classical BM could claim that the guitars are losing the battle against other instruments and that such experimentation crosses the borders of black metal by far too much. But one is clear – Negura Bunget stopped being just black metal for some time now, it is truly – art.

Quarto disco per il terzetto di Romania che dopo lo stregante ep mettono a punto quel che pare divenuto ormai il loro stile.
Un sincretismo fatto principalmente di musica ambient, ma non in una chiave spettrale, tesa tutt'altro a rampollare un fluido sonoro dalle mistiche atmosfere.
Il black, non foss'altro per un ragionato uso di una voce gutturale ora, stridente dopo, lascia quasi interamente posto a sonorità eteree, spaziali, ricche di sfumature. Un disco sorprendente, capace di cambiare agevolmente tempo e modo, dall'etereo al fiabesco, dagli influssi rumeni, sempre cari al gruppo, a sinistre teatralità, da sperimentazioni para-sinfoniche ad un metal mascherato, sventrato e satollato con una crestomazia di suoni capaci di regalare moltissimo.
L' atmosfera, come suddetto, è ciò che vince in questa alchimia, dove concorre anche la chitarra, qui usata come difficilmente si può sentire altrove. Distorta, ribassata, stridente, abrasiva, capace sia di assolvere il proprio compito dietro le quinte, sia di recitare il ruolo di prima donna con accordi eclettici.
Un album tuttavia capace anche di graffiare, ma che comunque trascende i meri confini di catalogazione nonché quelli sonori, innalzandosi a potenza di espressione musicale di ampio e profondo respiro.
Un' ora abbondante di lavoro, una manifestazione del cosmo Negura Bunget davvero abbacinante; difficile dire di più di un disco come questo. Un fiume di sensazioni, un viaggio in posti lontanissimi, un' immersione plenaria in siti di difficile percorso; OM è una "ierofania" in un mondo musicale ormai avaro di proposte suadenti, un artigianato di grande cura e spessore.

voto 4,5/5 - Through Decaying Corpses We March

Band: Negura BungetReleased: 2006Rating: 8.5Genre: Black Metal

To be honest, I had no idea of what to expect from this band named Negura Bunget. But since they were signed with the label Code666 I knew I had to just sit down and give it a proper listenen because it wouldn't be the kind of music that gets in right away. I was kind of surprised to find out they were actually a Black Metal band, I wouldn't have guessed it with the artwork of their release. But then again, those things can often be misleading. Just moments before actually listening to their music I had the chance to read a couple of reviews on them and I must say I was even more curious to give them a try since they got quite an amount of praises by two other fellow reviewers, not just about the quality of the band, but also with some sort of inovation they delivered with their music. But we'll get back to that in a little while.

Formed back in 1995, Negura Bunget hail from the dark realms of Romania. I think they are actually the first band from there I get a chance to review. Anyway, they come descibred as a Black Metal band, but not really the usual kind you're used to. The music itself is very dark and melancholic but in a whole different level. It's... different, I don't know quite how to put my finger to it. It's like a Black Metal soundscape with different kinds of environments being thrown around all the time, but always keeping the true Black Metal feeling. It's hard not to like this, really, since everything is quite well performed. I'd say that these guys were able to mix raw and melodic Black Metal at the same time, but still adding this avantgarde touch.

"Om" is the name of this precious gem, and I'd recommend it to pretty much anyone who likes good music and is not worried about pushing boundaries. It's impossible to mention just one track as the best since I personaly feel this is like a book, where you can't just mention this or that chapter as your favourite, the big picture is always more important.
Negura Bunget : Chroniques, news, mp3, vidéos, discographie, biographie, ...

<A class=groupe href="">Negura Bunget<A class=groupe href=""><A class=groupe href=""><A class=groupe href="">, c'est un des secrets les mieux gardés du black metal. Non pas que le groupe soit totalement inconnu au bataillon, mais il progresse, affine ses choix artistiques dans une certaine confidentialité au sein de la scène. Et pourtant, ceux qui ont eu la chance de découvrir Maiastru Sfetnic et 'N Crugu Bradului, leurs deux précédents albums, savent que la formation roumaine est un des fleurons du black metal atmosphérique et mélancolique, rendant justice à l'atmosphère hypnotique des forêts transylvaniennes. Ce nouvel album intitulé Om, qui succède dans la continuité à l'EP Inarborat Kosmos, est l'occasion pour le groupe de grandir encore, avec une musique toujours aussi personnelle, et encore plus maitrisée.
Om regorge d'ambiances et de couleurs musicales, sans jamais perdre son unité, perpétuant la tradition du groupe d'offrir des compositions envoûtées, et envoûtantes. Il se dégage de l'ensemble une véritable magie , une beauté éthérée et abyssale, au mysticisme affirmé. Le jeu des guitares tantôt aériennes tantôt grondantes y est évidemment pour beaucoup. Mais cette fois, Negura Bunget prend davantage d'amplitude, jouant des claviers pour accentuer la majesté de ses compositions telle Tesarul de Lumini, incorporant des instruments acoustiques et folkloriques à un black métal toujours aussi racé. Les formats se raccourcissent, bien que deux pièces dépassent les 10 minutes, mais la richesse des peintures musicales est indiscutable. Le chant est en roumain bien sûr, ce qui donne un parfum d'authenticité et d'intemporalité à la musique de Negura Bunget. Dans ces montagnes, ces forêts et ces landes, lorsqu'on perçoit au détour de nappes ambiantes, un sample discret de troupeau en transhumance (Primul Om), l'oubli de soi est total. Le voyage dans le temps à travers les étendues naturelles de Transylvanie s'impose alors aux sens.
Il faut savoir se laisser guider par le berger de Conoas Terea Tacuta, alternant la rudesse du growl et la noblesse du chant clair posés habilement sur une composition grandiose et hantée. L'utilisation de percussions traditionnelles et d'instruments à vent apporte énormément à cet album, comme en témoigne Inarborat, à l'introduction d'une beauté à tomber. Et toujours une utilisation judicieuse des claviers à l'image par exemple de Dedesuptul, piste sourde, menaçante, angoissante même dans son final. Que dire encore du percutant Norilor, véritable bande son guerrière, tribale, évoquant quelque redoutable tribu forestière. Plus que jamais, <A class=groupe href="">Negura Bunget varie ses attaques, gagne en profondeur, investit des territoires encore inexplorés sans rien renier de la puissance de sa musique à l'occasion primale, incisive et plus typiquement black métal. Le dyptique De Piatra / Cel Din Urma Vis en est la preuve éclatante, deux pistes agressives, mélodiques et puissantes où le chant criard le dispute à l'impact des emballements des riffs black. Sur la seconde, l'atmosphère devient quasi spatiale, éthérée au point de non retour, souffle de mort sur les terres du prince Vlad Tepes, comme après une bataille sanglante, avant que les guitares ne reviennent fendre l'air de leur tranchant, plus mélodiques que jamais. Ce genre de passage d'une grande souplesse est une autre des forces de Negura Bunget sur ce disque.
Au vu des paysages contrastées ainsi traversés, la capacité des roumains à accrocher l'auditeur n'en est que plus remarquable. Om apparaît alors comme un album d'une profondeur appréciable, et pourtant facilement assimilable, dont chaque note, chaque ingrédient musical est un délice de tous les instants. Il serait alors dommage de ne pas évoquer la merveille folk que constitue Hora Soarelui, sauvage et habitée. Un morceau proche du pagan black, avec des flûtes virevoltantes, des guitares mélodieuses et des envolées de chant clair limpides, ensemble d'une beauté saisissante, déchiré par une voix criarde qui ne faiblit jamais. La conclusion de ce disque, Al Doilea Om, n'est que plus pertinente, sorte de murmure chamanique surgi des tréfonds du néant, au son des choeurs en méditation et du souffle profond des didgeridoos.
Au final, peu de groupes de black métal sauront vous saisir à ce point par la beauté de leur musique, hormis bien sûr Drudkh, dont <A class=groupe href="">Negura Bunget s'impose comme le cousin roumain. Au plus profond de la forêt, parmi les bêtes et les hommes, fermez les yeux, libérez vous de la pesanteur crasse du présent, la Transylvanie ancestrale vous accueille en son sein, inaltérée, sauvage et mystique. Negura Bunget en est le passeur dévoué. Om, le coeur, le souffle, l'esprit et l'âme - rate: 18/20
FannZic - Webzine Metal / Les chroniques / NEGURA BUNGET - OM

(Note : 9.75 / 10)

Chroniqué par Vince. Mise en ligne le 23 Novembre 2006 à 23:01:40

Infos sur l'album

Hupogrammos: vocaux, guitare, clavier, flûtes
Sol Faur: guitare, clavier
Negru: batterie, percussions

01. Ceasuri rele
02. Tesarul de lumini
03. Primul om
04. Cunoasterea tacuta
05. Inarborat
06. Dedesuptul
07. Norilor
08. De piatra
09. Cel din urma vis
10. Hora soarelui
11. Al doilea om

Label: Code666

Site Internet du groupe</B>
Ô joie, ô béatitude… rarement l’immersion dans un album de metal n’a été aussi intense et le retour à la réalité si difficile. Je dois reconnaître que depuis la sortie du "trailer" vidéo de Om, que certains d’entre vous ont peut être aussi déjà vu, il me taraudait de jeter une oreille sur cet album de NEGURA BUNGET, qui préfigurait déjà du meilleur. Peu après, l’écoute de "Cunoasterea tacuta", un des morceaux phares, avait enfoncé le clou jusqu’à la tête. J’étais donc fébrile dans l’attente de son arrivée dans les bacs. Finalement, une fois la superbe édition digipack entre les mains, aucun doute ne fut plus permis: cela sentait l’exceptionnel à plein nez...
Cela fait maintenant plus de 10 ans (depuis 1995) que NEGURA BUNGET traîne ses guêtres dans le petit monde du black metal. Hantant les splendides forêts de Roumanie, nos trois compères n’en sont en effet pas à leur premier coup d’essai et Om n’est autre que leur quatrième album en date, prêt à exposer et à faire enfin exploser leur talent au grand jour, même si le précédent - 'N crugu bradului - les avait déjà quelque peu sortis de l’anonymat.
Comment définir la musique de NEGURA BUNGET ? L’appellation usitée est "black metal Transylvanien", ce qui fera évidement penser aux terres de Dracula, mais le concept reste loin des vampires et autres lieux communs rattachés à cette région du monde… leur musique est en effet emplie de spiritualité, inspirée de la nature et du cosmos, et s’avère aussi riche et variée que propice à la contemplation. Om se présente dès lors comme l’aboutissement de ce concept.
Om est le mantra le plus important du yoga, celui de la vibration primordiale (il est d’ailleurs difficile de rester insensible et de ne pas frissonner lorsque ce mantra résonne dans le titre "Primul om"), mais Om est également la traduction roumaine du mot "homme", faisant ainsi coïncider le spirituel et le corporel en une seule et même unité musicale.
J’aime autant vous dire que l’écoute de Om ne laisse pas indemne, tant les atmosphères s’entrecroisent, se complètent, se suivent et se heurtent dans un ensemble tortueux mais cohérent, alternant plages ambiantes avec déflagrations black metal, en considérant toutes les nuances possibles et imaginables entre les deux, du blast sauvage limite basique aux nappes de claviers hypnotiques, des parties pagan planantes aux mélodies enivrantes… rien n’a été laissé au hasard durant ces 67 minutes, et l’emploi d’instruments et de sonorités acoustiques, comme un genre de hautbois (je peux me tromper), ou encore des percussions et des flûtes qui apportent un plus indéniable à la musique et la rendent encore plus mystique.
J’admets que cette description peut faire un peu peur, mais n’imaginez pas que la musique se résume à un fatras de plans agglutinés les uns sur les autres, dont la complexité n’est à même que d’exciter une frange de musiciens onanistes… elle se veut au contraire parfaitement maîtrisée et mesurée, intense et onirique, accessible mais demandant un minimum d'écoutes pour se révéler totalement. Le chant n’est pas en reste, grincements black côtoyant sans gêne growls et voix claires, sans aucune ombre au tableau. La production est également parfaite, claire et puissante sans pour autant fissurer le plâtre, allant même jusqu'à être légèrement crade juste quand il le faut, bref, une merveille.
Autre chose: si vous avez l’occasion de vous procurer l’édition avec le DVD, n’hésitez pas, ce dernier vaut largement le coup et offre un contenu très attrayant (en termes de qualité et de quantité), avec clips vidéo, live, interview, diaporama, le tout accessible via une jolie interface. Et même si les clips se ressemblent beaucoup (que vivent la forêt, la montagne, les champs et les promenades dans la steppe), on est très loin du DVD bonus tout naze servant de prétexte à un coût plus élevé.
NEGURA BUNGET signe là un véritable chef d’œuvre, un maître-étalon qu’il sera difficile ne serait ce que d’égaler, une invitation à l’introspection que nul ne devrait ignorer. Peu de groupes peuvent se vanter d’avoir une vision si personnelle de la musique, et encore moins de réussir à la retranscrire si fidèlement. Serez vous du voyage ?​
From Lunar Hypnosis

Any band whose name translates to &#8220;black foggy forest&#8221; almost immediately goes on my list of bands to check out. Having never heard anything by Romanian black metal band Negura Bunget before (even though this is their 4th official full length), I was not really sure what to expect, other than some (hopefully good) Code666-worthy black metal. Sitting outside with my CD player I put on the disc, closed my eyes&#8230;.
&#8230;.and got blown away. If you can make it through the dismal, bleak intro that is &#8220;Ceasuri Rele&#8221;, you will be treated to some of the most powerful, dark black metal you have ever heard. Combining bleak, cold soundscapes with the occasional folk-ish melody and thick black metal, Negura Bunget have managed to create something amazing with &#8216;Om.&#8217; This could almost be called black metal&#8217;s equivalent to Agalloch because of their ability to create a place with their music and then transport the listener there. Tracks such as &#8220;Tesarul De Lumini&#8221; and &#8220;Inaborat&#8221; are amazingly beautiful, even during the rawest of parts. Album closer &#8216;Al Doilea Om&#8217; is a fantastic ambient experience that closes the album nicely.
There is really not enough I can say to accurately express how good this album is, and I don&#8217;t want to give too much away in case you intend on getting it, so I&#8217;m going to leave you with the advice my friend gave me when recommending this album: &#8216;Pick this album up, NOW. If you like amazing music, you won&#8217;t be sorry you did.&#8217; This may well be the album of the year (yes, even over &#8216;Ashes Against the Grain&#8217;), so do yourself a favor, and find this album now.

Decmber 3, 2006
By Ormr
9.5 of 10
Why the hell are people bitching about the intro? Its bloody fantastic!

If people are bitching about it imo, they are completely missing the point about OM.

Negura Bunget’s fantastic last album catapulted the band from relative obscurity to a position at the vanguard of what has become a very tired Black Metal genre in recent years. Far beyond any of the prevailing trends of the time, ‘N Crugu Bradului’ was an exercise in progressive and intelligent music, maintaining at the same time an essentially earthy and natural feel. The success of that release and the almost interminable four year wait since have served to heighten the anticipation and expectations surrounding ‘OM’, only partly sated by the ‘Inarborat Kosmos’ EP released last year. This weight of expectancy doesn’t seem to have affected the Romanians in any way though, except maybe to drive them towards even greater heights. Certainly, ‘OM’ plainly reveals that the threesome felt in no way inclined to play it safe and attempt to stick to the winning formula they stumbled upon with the last album. Although ‘Inarborat Kosmos’ already pointed to a further evolution in the Negura Bunget sound, in reality it barely hinted at the vast progression and the absolute genius of ‘Om’.

Almost immediately it becomes all too clear why the wait was so long. Every second of the sixty seven minutes is so incredibly rich in minute detail, it’s almost inconceivable the energy and imagination the writing and recording process must have cost the individuals involved. Not since Emperor have keyboards been used so effectively on a Metal album, and then there’s also the lush percussion (especially in ‘Norilor’), occasional acoustic guitar and the use of more traditional wind instruments and chimes, not in small cameo roles, but as almost constant accompaniment throughout. The opening three tracks ‘Ceasuri Rele’, ‘Tesarul De Lumini’ and ‘Primul Om’ can be taken almost as a single, monumental opener, showcasing the full palette of the familiar Negura Bunget trademarks, the trebly and discordant guitars, long instrumental passages, complex structures, the interplay of harsh and melodious passages, and of Black Metal and ambient moments. Unlike the last album, however, even the more ambient respites are overflowing with detail, musical and heavily textured rather than minimalist as in the past. Greater emphasis has also been placed on the production than before, all of which contributes to a fuller, richer, more lavish sound. Rather than trying to recreate the very sparse and barren feel that so characterised the last opus, at times ‘Om’ might be described as warm, and even beautiful.

Possibly the highlight of the album, ‘Cunoasterea Tacuta’ begins abruptly after the ambient, breathtaking ‘Primul Om’, but gradually evolves into an incredible piece of music that transports the listener to places far from the here and now. Even during the more aggressive section late on, the airy wind instruments accompanying and contrasting starkly with the harsh guitars and vocals manage at the same time to fit perfectly, so much so that the end when it comes is all too soon. ‘Inarborat’ follows, initially continuing the ambient theme from ‘Primul Om’, one of a few motifs that repeat on occasion, not necessarily within a particular song but over the course of the album. In fact, ‘OM’ more closely resembles a single piece of music, divided into segments rather than songs, the sole (tiny) flaw being a slightly too abrupt transition between the aforementioned ‘Cunoasterea Tacuta’ and ‘Inarborat’ and between ‘Inarborat’ and the terrifically ominous ‘Dedesuptul’, another exercise in how to create tension in music, borrowing slightly from the soundtrack to Francis Ford Coppola’s 'Dracula'. Whether this was purely coincidental or a disguised reference to popular Romanian tradition I’m not sure. Needless to say, however, Negura Bunget couldn’t be further removed from the usual vampire kitsch, evoking instead images of vast forested mountain landscapes, of barren stone and of flowing water. With ‘OM’ the Romanians have managed to create an album to be felt rather than listened to, to be pictured rather than heard. And to be enjoyed for many, many years to come. It is nothing short of a milestone in the Black Metal genre.

As if the music itself wasn’t enough, the packaging is magnificent, as one has come to expect from Code666 and Negura Bunget. The limited edition version features the almost compulsory DVD, including live videos for ‘Bruiestru’, ‘III’, ‘IV’ and ‘Wordless Knowledge’. Finally, there’s an introduction to the history of the band, as told by Negru, and an interesting insight into the conceptual background of Negura Bunget presented by Hupogrammos, as well as the esoteric and numerological concept behind ‘Om’. With videos included for both album tracks ‘Cunoasterea Tacuta’ and ‘Norilor’, similar to the remarkable ‘Vazduh’ video featured as a bonus on the last album - also included here – the band reveal fabulous scenery from some of Romania’s most remote landscapes, once again highlighting that imagination and will are enough to overcome the limitations of even the smallest of budgets.

4.8 / 5 - David Butler Manning :::
Totentanz-Magazin - CD-Review: Negura Bunget - Om

Negura Bunget- Om
(Code 666)

Warum eigentlich lassen so viele Musiker die Chance aus, in ihrem Schaffen etwas von sich auszudrücken? Dass es auch ganz anders geht und welch sagenhafte Ausdrucksstärke sich im Falle selbst gewährter künstlerischer Freiheiten erzielen lässt, beweisen wieder einmal Negura Bunget. Mit „Om“ begeben sich Hupogrammus, Sol Faur und Negru auf eine spirituelle Reise, deren Route nicht selten weit hinter den gedachten Horizonten des handelsüblichen Black Metals verläuft. Ich gebe zu, die ersprießliche Aufmachung (schmucker Pappschuber inkl.DVD) hat ihren Teil daran getan, mich günstig für dieses Werk zu stimmen, ehe ich auch nur einen Takt davon vernommen hatte. Wirklich ins Schwärmen geriet ich aber erst, als ich dem Tonträger Hörbares, im Grunde allerdings kaum Beschreibbares, entnahm. Negura Bunget spielen mehr denn je in ihrer eigenen Welt, die auf „Om“ einem verwunschenen, immer wieder von gewaltigen Windstößen erschütterten Idyll gleicht. Die logische Folgerung, der Rumänen musikalisches Wirken sei, wenigstens in seinen Grundzügen, harmonisch und beschaulich, führt auf die falsche Fährte. „Om“ ist unbequem, die Mischung aus verwehter Grimmigkeit, schrulliger Progressivität, dissonanter Gitarrengeräusche (die Negru meist mit wirr akzentuiertem Drumming begleitet) und dezenten musikalischen Herkunftshinweisen ist ziemlich obskur. Während sich mir nach einem Halben Dutzend Hördurchläufen noch immer nicht jedes ominöse Break erschließt, hab ich „Om“ als ganzes längst lieb gewonnen. Die künstlerische Eigenwilligkeit Negura Bungets ist schlicht beeindruckend, die Musik im Detail nicht weniger. Wer als Black Metal-Reisender längst das Interesse an den üblichen Pauschalangeboten verloren hat, sollte sich unbedingt zu dieser Entdeckungsreise ins weithin unwegsame Transylvanien aufmachen. Auch beim Betrachten der DVD-Inhalte erschließt sich das Außergewöhnliche an Negura Bunget. Das lange schon kursierende Video zu „Vazduh“ könnte auch ein Lehrfilm sein, der begleitend zum Seminar „ Bewegte Bilder im Black Metal – über die Ästhetik der Natur“ gezeigt wird. Zwei weitere sehr faszinierende Clips, diverse Live-Mitschnitte und sehr ausführliche Erläuterungen zu den spirituellen Hintergründen der Rumänen machen auch die visuelle Seite dieses reichhaltigen Packages zu etwas ganz Besonderem.
