Nekro/Frederik - Important


Jul 21, 2003
Oulu, Finland
This person is a lurker on this forum though a regular at the Alestorm forum, one I have known for years and is from Germany.
I have had my sound card stolen by him and i am posting this here as well so he will maybe see it.

I've been waiting now over 3 months for you to send my soundcard after I sent you mine as part of a trade.

I'm tired of excuses and just want the truth, unblock me on MSN and stop ignoring my emails and just tell me the truth as to why it's not with me.

I'm losing money turning down bands that want mixes, money I really need... I am also letting down a very talented musician due to the fact I cannot do the guest section on his album that I promised (In good faith that YOU were an honest person who wouldn't cheat and steal from me.)

Did you sell it, break it, lose it?

Cut the shit, man up and tell me the truth, I'm tired of excuses and lies.
fucking hell Nekro/Frederik dont be a scab dude - give the man back his sound card - dont forget what goes around comes around. i promise you one of these days your going to be caught and your going to get a mighty fucking beating from either gavin or someone else you decide to screw over. you dont own the sound card so give it back. how would you like it if someone took something belonging to you? something you spent your hard earned cash on? no matter how small you may think the item is maybe for the person you took it off thats all the can afford (im not saying your poor gavin - im speaking in general)

i hope when you are caught and you have your head kicked in that your hospitalized for a year.

gavin - if you do catch him before you beat him take him to a cold lake, strip him down, shove a 1 inch willow tree branch up his ass hole. force him into the lake for around 10 hours and dont let him leave. when he finally does leaves the water that willow branch will be swollen to around 6 inches and Nekro/Frederik is going to be walking like john wayne for the rest of his life unable to hold any shit in his ass

i fucking hate tea leaving bastards
Yeah dude, better face the facts and be honest just telling Gavin if it's broke or whatever so you can deal a way to pay it.
By talking, people understand each other. Gonna be worse that way, nothing's too far, nor Germany and I assume your address was given...

Had the same experience with a person that was 3000 kms away and you gotta see his face when I was standing in front of him, he was sooo polite...

He's since blocked me on MSN, ignored many PMs and ignores emails...

I'm letting Neumann down cause of this prick plus losing money turning down mixing jobs :(
I've sent 5x PMs and i know he's seen them due to being online... Just.... prick is ignoring me..
I wouldn't even be so pissed if i got an explanation but it's the hiding that is getting me.
:err:where's he living?
i could drive there and beat the shit outta him :mad:

(what soundcard did you send him?)

Doesn't need to go that far... :lol:

Edirol UA-25, not that big a deal in the grand scheme of things but without it i can't mix in Sonar (Lost £$€), Can't play E-Guitar and am letting down Neumann cause i can't track the guest solo i promised for him :(
An Frederik: was nach dem Permaban folgen wird ist eine Anzeige wegen Diebstahl, überlege dir bitte nochmal, ob du durch den ganzen Stress gehen willst, oder dich nicht doch lieber mit Gävin in Verbindung setzen willst um eine Lösung zu finden. Jeder kann mal Scheisse bauen, aber irgendwann wird es Zeit sich Eier wachsen zu lassen und dazu zu stehen.
Melde dich und nimm wenigstens Stellung, du wirst damit garantiert nicht durchkommen. Schlimmstenfalls werde ich selber die rechtlichen Schritte für Gavin in Deutschland übernehmen.
An Frederik: was nach dem Permaban folgen wird ist eine Anzeige wegen Diebstahl, überlege dir bitte nochmal, ob du durch den ganzen Stress gehen willst, oder dich nicht doch lieber mit Gävin in Verbindung setzen willst um eine Lösung zu finden. Jeder kann mal Scheisse bauen, aber irgendwann wird es Zeit sich Eier wachsen zu lassen und dazu zu stehen.
Melde dich und nimm wenigstens Stellung, du wirst damit garantiert nicht durchkommen. Schlimmstenfalls werde ich selber die rechtlichen Schritte für Gavin in Deutschland übernehmen.
