PurpleCrayonWriter said:
Van said the other guys in the band (I couldn't hear any names named) were "too sick" to play.
He said something like this, "We have some bad news. We will not be able to perform our set tonight, because Warrel is sick or something...." I forget what he said after that, but the way he said it seemed as if he were annoyed to not be playing and was blaming Warrel with the tone of his voice in the announcement.
I was front-and-center for the first half of the night, so I could kinda see what was going on between sets. I kinda thought something was up when they did a mic check.. ?! This seemed odd to me because I know one of the guys on the sound crew that night and he told me all the bands had already went through sound checks. Plus, Evergrey didn't "check, check" AND the Orbit Room (venue) doesn't work like that. They set all levels before the show, and if ANYONE goes out for a check, it's most certainly not the band members themselves. To see Van out there messing around with the equipment and talking into the mic before the set was just fuckin' WEIRD!! This is a major venue in GR, you just don't see the same shit you do at regular clubs.
So about 30 minutes pass, and the two guys come out. Van Williams and James MacDonagh (he's filling in for Jim..) approach the mic and give the announcement.
Sure, I was disappointed - big time! I thought they were joking! Then people started yelling at the band like they should get out there and play anyway, regardless of their band member's health. Quite frankly, I think that behaviour from the fans is selfish. "Fuck the band for being sick, I want to rock and they won't let me! *pout*"
It's like a dude hitting on a chick at the bar. She says no, so he calls her a cold bitch. What? She was good enough to hit on but only if he gets what he wants? ..... What? A band is good enough that you want to see them perform but you swear at them and get pissed when they can't? :Smug: Bah!
HOWEVER, if you read the shoutbox on the NM official site, people are posting that Warrel was drunk at last night's show in Kansas. Now people are going to interpret that any way they see fit, and it's popular to villianize this band lately. Like I posted on the shoutbox, what if Warrel is sick with something that is more than just a cold? What if he doesn't want to cancel another show so he does whatever it takes to get on stage, even if that means getting toasty before a performance? ((Don't try to tell me that none of you have used alcohol to kill pain or a virus)) OR maybe he had a fever that night in KS... I know when I get a fever I act like a fucking dope on hallucinogens wothy of America's Funniest Videos.
People are so quick to criticize. It seems some of the worst are also some of the biggest fans. Go figure..
ANYWAY - Evergrey put on one helluva set! The sound system at the Orbit Room is terrific - did you see that new console they brought in?!?!

Despite this, the mix in the front of the house sounded like MUD. Only on the last song did they finally seem to get the mix sounding great! A whole lotta good that early afternoon soundcheck did, eh?
Evergrey received a lot of praise all throughout the night from my friends who I'd convinced to show up early. Evergrey even came out from backstage and mingled with the crowd. This is a big deal, and I'm glad they did it, because what they don't realize is bands that come through The Orbit Room NEVER come out unless it's after the show and only people with passes are present. The fact that EG came out, signed autographs, took pictures, sat at the bar, and even WENT INTO THE AUDITORIUM to watch the other performances was beyond cool!! They kinda capitalized on Nevermore's cancellation because people were like, "Evergrey rocked and they're out here chilling with us - Nevermore who?!"
Throwdown is not a band I enjoy, so I proceeded to get hammered in the lobby bar while watching people dote over Evergrey. A small part of me felt proud that I had talked them up so much to my friends and that they were leaving such a good impression on the city.
In Flames had a great set but the house mix made all their songs sound the same. Maybe I'm crazy or maybe I was too drunk (joke!) to tell. During the set, Tom Englund came out from the band area and sat at the corner of the lobby bar. Naturally I ditched my group and went over to chat. He said that the next song In Flames was playing is one of the best songs he's heard in 10 years, and I should "go right now and watch this song! I mean it!" I think he was trying to get rid of me
All in all, the night was a lot of fun for everyone but Nevermore fans who didn't get something out of the rest of the show except a reason to bitch.
EDIT: So I intended this to be a short response to clear up some of the misunderstandings of the GR show, and offer my $.02 on the bitching from the fans. Then I saw that you guys already found out about the Kansas show. I considered deleting that part of my post, but I might as well leave it in. I didn't know he had a history of alcoholism, nor that he has severe pre-existing health issues. So anyway, sorry if some of my post sounds like a parrot in the room, but no sense in me changing it now.