In Defense of Nevermore...

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Megawozniak said:
Why don't you just stand outside your circle and read your posts?

I've read them...hell I wrote idiocy detected...opinions & observations, of course...they're there. Call me an idiot for that? If you be it. But now you've resorted to name calling as a defense of a second rate band. You really need another form of entertainment, because Nevermore is failing to give it to you. Which is expected from that band.
Ascension said:
Whatever l can do for the cause...which is getting better bands to the event.

MadeInNewJersey said:
You could always go through the trouble of booking your own festival. Oh right, that'd be a lot of work, I forgot.

Ascension said:
Idiocy? Ok, l'm curious...please expound.

I think this pretty much says it all.

How's your festival with better bands coming along?
Ascension said:
You really need another form of entertainment...
This from the person who has spent the last ten days making countless posts about a band he has no intention of watching? Dude, we get it, you don't like Nevermore, you wish Glen would have booked someone you do like. Let it go already.

I've had little or no interest in most of the headliners that have played ProgPower. However, I didn't spend countless hours fighting with people who were looking forward to seeing them. In most cases, I simply gave them a few songs to win me over, and if they didn't, I went to the bar. Or in the case of WoMD, I simply took a nap.

I have talked with many people who don't like his voice... i have been listening since the first album and it seems people love him or hate him... :)

lady_space said:
I don't know if it's a mark of how much I love Warrell's voice or how long I've been listening to him (prolly both), but it had honestly never occurred to me that other people might actually *dislike* his singing until I read somebody say that here a few days ago. It was a little shock. guess I'm a bigger fangirl than I realized.

As for 'off' nights, I didn't think Warrell sounded _bad_ here, Paul... but I was close to the front where the sound wasn't so great, and, as already admitted, I adore the man's voice. Where were you standing?

As for what he wears, I couldn't give a shit less unless it's so goofy it distracts me, like Gamma Ray and their leather vests. :b

Tattooedsean, I'm with you... I love PoS, like PT, and I'm stoked to see Nevermore. I guess I can't categorize well enough to get in on those debates. ;)
i like most of the mentioned...not much for Prog...but power,death, thrash..
i think i am with ya... i would prefer death/thrash if i HAD to pick

booB said:
lol... it must be twice as funny when people like me, who are members of neither the "prog" or the "power" side, make fun of both the wimpy prog-weenies and the sword-wielding, orc-slaying power nerds? :p

If I had to pick a side, I'd be a member of the doom/death/thrash side. :)
this is a funny thread, guess it gets the board going... Zod, I usually agree with you and Rider of Theli on most topics and this is no different... :)

Warrel is sober, has no choice but to be....

And Shaye, as much as I LOVE MORBID ANGEL, i don't want you to be shot so i say keep em away from Progpower....LOL....
MadeInNewJersey said:
I think this pretty much says it all.

How's your festival with better bands coming along?

I still don't see the need to call someone an idiot. Never did I say I would start my own fest...although that could always be an option. But, I did weigh in with thoughts that may help get better bands to this fest.
Now, if you would get off of your knees & get the pole out of your mouth long may have seen that.
Yeah...I can resort to name calling too.
I didn't call you an idiot; I said your posts reek of idiocy (giving you the benefit of doubt in that you're smarter than you appear to be here).

Do you need assistance with reading comprehension as well?
MadeInNewJersey said:
I didn't call you an idiot; I said your posts reek of idiocy (giving you the benefit of doubt in that you're smarter than you appear to be here).

Do you need assistance with reading comprehension as well?

Oh bad. Well I didn't call you a faggot either...just your actions represented that. :Spin:
I bet you comprehended that.
i know.... and i totallly understand why.. they are actually one of my fave bands....can't wait to see them..

lady_space said:
lol, thanks!!! Seen 'em once, that was enough. Not quite my thing.
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