Nevermore a No-Show in Grand Rapids!

Ascension said:
l would've said F*** em & give them the finger. There' s plenty of bands out there. DT hasn't let me down...other than not coming to the South at all. Of course, that sux...but l can go see them in other areas.
DT didn't miss a date on Gigantour...professionalism.

As long as you would have said the same thing to them, then fine. :p
Ascension said: showed up at the venue, went in, and it was announced the show was cancelled?
First, the In Flames show wasn't cancelled, Nevermore(one of the opening bands)didn't play. That same thing happened to me in the case of Frank Marino. He was opening for Nazareth and didn't show. No announcement was made and never did find out why he didn't make it. One guy drove aver 200 miles just to see Frank Marino and he was pissed.

Your assertion that this kinda stuff doesn't happen is wrong, it does happen. Didn't Dream Theater cancel one of the dates on the last 'Evening With' tour because of James' voice...why yes they did.
TheWhisper said:
First, the In Flames show wasn't cancelled, Nevermore(one of the opening bands)didn't play. That same thing happened to me in the case of Frank Marino. He was opening for Nazareth and didn't show. No announcement was made and never did find out why he didn't make it. One guy drove aver 200 miles just to see Frank Marino and he was pissed.

Your assertion that this kinda stuff doesn't happen is wrong, it does happen. Didn't Dream Theater cancel one of the dates on the last 'Evening With' tour because of James' voice...why yes they did.

Yeah, I hope no one is assuming that bands don't occasionally cancel. In my case, I just meant to say that I've been seeing bands for 30 years (well, 31 since my first gig was KISS in 1975 just before KISS Alive was released) and only one band canceled -- Bob Seger who was sandwiched between Eric Carmen and The Sweet in 1976. (Great gig, that. Sweet had just released Give Us a Wink. I still have Mick Tucker's drum stick from that concert.)

In Grand Rapids, it was Nevermore who didn't play. Evergrey left the stage. The roadies set up for Nevermore...and then, nothing. Two band members walked out to say the gig was canceled due to sickness.

I didn't mean to start a range war with my post. I was just disappointed that Nevermore didn't play. I wanted to see them at ProgPower this year. And then when I found out they'd play right here in my home town I couldn't believe my luck. Well, my luck wasn't all that good because I still didn't get to see them.

No biggie. It happens. I don't know if they're not playing "means" anything -- like they do this a lot and it's typical for them. All I know is I only went to the gig to see Evergrey and Nevermore, and only got to see Evergrey -- which was fantastic, by the way. It was my first time seeing them and I was totally impressed. After they played, the band gathered up their stuff to split and had to walk out past all the fans (that's the way The Orbit Room is set up). The band members stopped to sign autographs and to say Hi to fans. So I got to tell them thanks for being there and I enjoyed their show. They seemed like very nice guys.

I'm sure had the day been nice and warm, I wouldn't have been so disappointed by not seeing Nevermore. But it had been raining and only about 45 degrees in Grand Rapids for three days and my wife and I stood outside in the cold mist for an hour waiting for the doors to open. So I'm sure that contributed to my reaction.

Ascension said:
DT didn't miss a date on Gigantour...professionalism.

DT probably weren't sick, either.

Cheiron said:
Who is the one band that regularly backs out?
Don't quote me on this, but I seem to remember a topic a long time ago asking why Royal Hunt haven't played PP yet and Glenn said that they have a really bad reputation for backing out of shows. Hopefully, I'm not thinking of the wrong band.
dcowboys311 said:
Don't quote me on this, but I seem to remember a topic a long time ago asking why Royal Hunt haven't played PP yet and Glenn said that they have a really bad reputation for backing out of shows. Hopefully, I'm not thinking of the wrong band.

It is Royal Hunt.
All three times I've had tickets for Twisted Sister, or a festival they were supposed to play, thay have cancelled. Some bands just aren't reliable.

Nevermore have pulled out of PP twice, but I don't know of other obligations where they have done so. It's not like thay cancelled this tour, they just couldn't play one night of it due to illness. Shit happens. They do need to be careful not to develope a reputation like Royal Hunt though. They're already off Glenn's list of possibilities, It wouldn't serve them well to be dismissed by promoters in general.
for me, royal hunt is the one band that would absolutely FORCE me to go to progpower. as long as a solid contract is set in place (ie cancellation fee) I dont see why it wouldnt be worth the potential risk
If a band is notorious for canceling shows and have a bad rep like Guns N Roses... Well I would see everyone getting pissed. But a band with a great track record.. Thats different. Shit happens even to great bands out there. The fans still got to see a great show. If they were true fans, they would understand. But the fans that dont really care.... well those will be the ones to bitch...
Did I miss something or maybe it was posted? I read a press release within the last week or two that one of the guitarist was diagnosed with kidney disease and he wouldn't not be touring with Nevermore during the European tour..He was only going to play the 3 festivals in Europe they booked and the guitarist from Jag Panzer was going to fill in during the rest of the dates.

Maybe he was to ill to play or Chris wasn't able to join the band

Oh, found the article, forgive me if it's been posted.



Nevermore guitarist Steve Smyth has been recently diagnosed with end stage kidney failure, the result of a congenital birth defect.

Says Smyth: " I have been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, and have been advised to preserve my health as much as possible at this time, as I am facing "complete renal failure" within six months, and ultimately, a transplant. Due to my recently diagnosed condition, I have decided not to join the band on the In Flames US tour. I want to be fair to the fans, and be able to give them a show I know I can deliver night after night. I will, however, join Nevermore on all four of the European festivals on our itinerary in early June: Gods of Metal, Rock Hard, Rott Fest, and Sweden Rock, after which, the doctors should have some news about the next step in my treatment. I will say this: I will fight this, and I will be back!"

Jag Panzer guitarist Chris Broderick will fill in for Smyth on the upcoming US tour, after which Smyth will rejoin the band for the aforementioned European festival dates. For more from Smyth about his health situation and future career plans, please visit
Think most people are failing to see that they SET UP the equipment for Nevermore. It wasn't anything that people were notified ahead of time. It obviously wasn't decided until at the time they were supposed to go on stage because at anytime they could have stopped setting up.

So in regard to why Everygrey didn't play a longer set? Their equipment had already been taken out and another band's setup when the crowd was told Nevermore wouldn't be taking the stage.
From a comment on Blabbermouth someone made, apparently Warrel had been really sick the previous night as well, although he did perform. You have to understand that for singers especially its extremely hard to perform when sick, because your instrument is your voice. Guitarists or drummers etc don't rely on their lungs and throats to play their guitars or drums, and what are the two parts of your body that typically get affected the most with a flu?

I don't think Nevermore would have gotten to the point they are at if they were a horribly unprofessional just sounds to me like they've had a shitload of bad luck this year.
And that's another thing. I went to a Blind Guardian/Symphony X show in Fort Lauderdale in 2003. Symphony X was a no-show(which BTW is rare for them, although we never got an explanation).

So the opening band, Premonition, a local group, played for two and a half hours, much longer than the headliner, Blind Guardian! Would it have killed Blind Guardian to play longer, considering their huge catalogue? Premonition had to ad lib covers and songs they hadn't played in awhile, and they aren't half the band Blind Guardian is.

Now I'm not mad at Blind Guardian or anything. They played a great show that night. I'm just wondering why the local band would have to fill so much time.
yea sorry for anybody that get sick but decision should have been made earlier and then other bands could have played longer etc why ever set their stuff up if theres no chance to play just let Evergrey play longer!!! Sorry for all who wanted to see Nevermore but would have been less disappointing if you knew when you got there right!!!????
PurpleCrayonWriter said:
Does Nevermore do this often?
Not that I've heard of. None the less, that truly sucks for you and your wife. I think it was a cool move for Van and Jim to make the announcement, instead of sending the club owner (or whoever) out to do it. And although I understand the frustration of the fans, giving the band the finger, because they were too ill to play, is a bit childish.

Wow...I can't believe that some people would be that angry. I have seen Jim play with food poisoning where he was having to go to the bathroom every few minutes right before the show and have seen some of the other guys play with fevers and everything else. For your info, Warrel has pancreatitus and type 2 diabetes. I talked to one of the guys last night by phone and Warrel had something happen with the diabetes from what he said. After all Warrel has been through the past year or so, it is cool that he is able to tour at all. They were very sorry they had to cancel....
Cheiron said:
Who is the one band that regularly backs out?

Considering NM went ahead and undertook this tour already missing two people who had major illnesses, well, it's kind of hard to give them crap for not trying - when Smyth was diagnosed, it would have been REALLY easy for them to cancel the whole tour.

They backed out of ProgPower due to a re-scheduled previous commitment, and it's the correct business decision for anyone who has a view of a world outside of ProgPower.

I know these guys - if Warrel could have done this show, he would have. These things happen. Believe me, I've seen bands give shows they *should* have cancelled - sometimes it's the right move.
I've never really had any respect for anything Ascension ever said.

This thread assures that I won't ever have respect for what he says in the future.

I'm on Zod's and Eaolian's and Yngvai X's side on this one. Nevermore ain't Guns N Roses. They're still a struggling band trying to make it, not a bunch of divas trying to live it up on the road.