I was there as well, Loomis' costume was fucking epic. Too bad he got so frustrated with it after the first song he threw the damn thing off.
Dane called him a pussy, but Dane had his mask off before the first song was even over.
To answer your question Dreadful, Van had that on for a few songs, maybe 4 or so. He lasted nearly the longest. Dane's teeth started falling out too during one song. Atilla seemed to switch masks at some point, but I was too transfixed on the left side of the stage to really pay much attention.
Drove all the way from Iowa to only get this pic, sadly:
I was afraid of the shitty quality of the camera phone, and it seems from the pics at the beginning I would've been correct.
Oh well, was a fantastic show, and the food costumes were epic.
Loomis did rub his hand in my hair and give me the new title I have up there though. Was a great night, was glad to see Jim ok.