Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

Hmm don't recall you. Times have changed, the bonds are broken, and the board will be chaos until another CD rises...
Capharnaum is a death metal band from florida but formed by someone in Quebec called Dan Mongrain who formed Martyr and actually plays with Cryptopsy for their tour. Great band with great music.
Wolftribe said:
yeh Capharmnaum are good, only prob i have with them is the guy from Trivium's awful hardcorish vocals. Music is great though. Not surprising from Dan Mongrain
Yeah I agree with that, I wish someone else was doing the vocals. But Dan Mongrain's voice is little hardcorish too.
So, my thread is still here hey!

how long has has it been now, 2 yrs? hahahaha

I see Tee has a new pic, or avatar....HOT...!