Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

look, i hate to break up the speed posting gig, but i need to get ready fo rmy jam session today

its been fun, and educational, see ya next time my friend.

Im gonna go check the cc forum, then im off

later dude. Ill work on gettin rust
well, if you really see the gross pic, then yeah, its bizzar, cause im tellin ya, when he posted to you about gettin it back, i thought he was joking. I see the mega avatar, no shit man.

So, what you say, we get all our pals to hit the pure sweete hell thread? I think we should flood that motherfucker, lets see if there is alimit to the pages. WHatya say neal?
yeah, I mean shit, VW's bass player is the one who got the shit going. SO why should we stop, every time the CHRIST comes along, i want him to see the tread hahahahaha.

Lets just keep hittin it multiple times a day, like we have been.

SHit guys, VW and WD picked a fight, shit, rememebr? A REAL FIGHT