Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

Originally posted by Moonshield13

Where the fuck do you get your sources?!!! Like I said before, you speculate too much on things you know jack shit about!! This is enough evidence to me that you can hardly hold your weight in a debate or argument. You lack evidence to back up what you're saying and you manipulate peoples' words to make it sound as if your opinion is worth considering. Now either you are some kid in high school or below, OR you actually took higher education classes(university or college) in the intricacies of writing well thought out arguments and essays, and you failed miserably or forgot everything you were taught. Now before you accuse me of speculating too much about your education, I suggest you at least write a well thought out argument because I can tell it's shit. What I most dislike about posts like your's is that people get off on the wrong foot by declaring their OPINION as fact, or do you even know what a FACT truely means? If you ask nicely, I will check it up in the dictionary for you. :)

you are a little cunt. if you hadnt noticed, this thread has over 20 pages. obviously you didnt read it all, because sources have been cited, facts have been layed out. then you tottaly admit to being a hypocrite by saying that you yourself are jumping to conclusions. fuck off you little wanker.
Originally posted by Moonshield13
I think your post is very biased because you already have a predisposition; one reason being that you posted this type of a message at Nevermore's forum!! Now if you posted this at Iced Earth's forum as well, I think this would grant you more leverage on your opinion and the responses you would get. I think you draw too many conclusions based on speculation on things that you know too little about. Just because you buy a band's CDs and read interviews, what insight does that give you about people in bands on a personal level? Have you talked to memebers of Iced Earth for yourself? I just don't see how you can pass judgement on someone or a group of people of whom you hardly know anything about.

YEah, your talkin out your ass motherfucker.
I posted this thread all over the fucken net slob face.
Originally posted by Moonshield13
"And you never know really, WD may not lik ethe band, and he isnt being a cod sucker like jon, you know, jon is the best.

If you told jon he was the best, he would say....."shit, i knew that"

Obviously if you tell WD he is in the upper class of metal, he merly laughs, further proving that WD and nevermore have their heads screwed on the right way."

Where the fuck do you get your sources?!!! Like I said before, you speculate too much on things you know jack shit about!! This is enough evidence to me that you can hardly hold your weight in a debate or argument. You lack evidence to back up what you're saying and you manipulate peoples' words to make it sound as if your opinion is worth considering. Now either you are some kid in high school or below, OR you actually took higher education classes(university or college) in the intricacies of writing well thought out arguments and essays, and you failed miserably or forgot everything you were taught. Now before you accuse me of speculating too much about your education, I suggest you at least write a well thought out argument because I can tell it's shit. What I most dislike about posts like your's is that people get off on the wrong foot by declaring their OPINION as fact, or do you even know what a FACT truely means? If you ask nicely, I will check it up in the dictionary for you. :)

Listen dill nose, i never said it was fact, its my oppinion on the way jon plays.

I dont care about essays, i dont care if you like what i post, i dont care about you at all. I have friends here, and they are the ones i post for, not you.

And my so called speculations, .....hahahha, they are guesses retard. WD may like Jon, hell WD may just suck jons dick, i dont knwo, and neither do you.

I do know this, i read interviews, and what ive read in the interviews is where i picked up my views on the way Jon is.....a dick. If he isnt a dick, then he should lighten up on the way he gives an interview. Its not my fault you like the taste of his sperm, maybe if you didnt like his sperm, you may listen to his stuff and say "hey, he says he is the best band in the world, WTF"

He has more than once ditched out half the metal bands in the owrld by name. I thougt it was pretty cool for WD to say he liked IE, even though in BWBK Jon has dissed nevermore, and im sure WD heard about it.

Anyway, fuck you and all you stand for you twerp. If you dont like my opinion, then good. Go whack your bird and eat some protien.
Originally posted by taoofground43
Funny thing about this is that IE and Nevermore have toured together and pretty much every album these two bands do they always thank each other in the linear notes. In the interview, I believe Warrel was laughing about the "power metal" comment. Both bands have said in interviews that they do not like the whole power metal label, because as we all know the term power metal is reserved for the lords of cheesiness, Manowar. Also, you claim that you dislike IE because Schaffer talks smack about other bands. I have read interviews where Warrel does it too. Also, a lot of people are often misquoted or things are taken totally out of context by interviewers. And evry band has to believe that they are the best they can be. I have not actually read Schaffer say that IE is the best there ever was, is, or will be. I enjoy listening to both bands equally. Those are pretty much the only CDs in my truck. Also, I have met most of the guys from IE and all of them were very friendly and accomodating to all their fans. All of them took time for autographs, photos, and answering questions. And out of all the guys, Scaffer seemed the most out going and he was pretty humble about it. One guy said to him "You rule Jon!!" while flying the horns. Schaffer just said "Thanks, but I'm just trying to my best at what I love too do." It is very suprizing to me that someone in the position he is can be very down to earth and friendly. I am sure the Nevermore guys are too, I am just speaking from my experience.

Well said. I have heard Jon say goo dthings. BUt i must say, the bad stuff i have heard him say sort of makes me sick.

BUt hey, amybe he wants to act big and bad on paper, who knows.
Wow, you really can't make an intelligent argument can you? You, just like every half-witted idiot, resort to a "fuck you" stance. Well, I'm sorry if you get an education because you're just wasting your money and/or time, but then again, ignorance has a price too. Oh, and just to let you know, speculations are guesses, so you're the retard. You know, guessing is also considered jumping to conclusions. And if you can provide an interview of Jon saying, "we're the best fucking band," then maybe I can understand at least SOME of the points you're trying to convey. Well, this is the last time I'll reply to you in this thread because you obviously can't come up with any concrete material worth debating over. Have fun scurrying about in your short, worthless and pointless life as you try to make up for it w/ your pitiful contributions to this message board.
ledmag, you're not worthy to be a fan of nevermore not even to be a member of the britney spears fanclub. Shameless fuck. Really... you are one of the most disgusting people i've ever seen flaming on a board. Music isn't about fighting and argueing, it's about the fucking music and how much you enjoy yourself. People like you should be banned from listening to music. Listen to yourself, you sound like a puberal fuck yourself. Sure, bash away on Iced Earth, bash on their efforts they make to keep their fans pleased, bash bash bash... Sigh. A good (Sp)(W)anking will put you back in place.

Don't bother to reply, I hardly ever check this board anyway and besides, I'm only expecting some below the belt insulting so...

Latz, keep it peaceful ! :)

P.S. I'm a big fan of NM AND! IE... imho it's impossible to say which band is better because it's all based on opinions (= subjective)
Originally posted by ledmag

Well said. I have heard Jon say goo dthings. BUt i must say, the bad stuff i have heard him say sort of makes me sick.

BUt hey, amybe he wants to act big and bad on paper, who knows.

I have read some of that stuff off knac, and to be honest I wasn't sure if I wanted to meet him when I saw them in Austin. But then when I did actually meet him, he was very outgoing like I said earlier. I recently read an update by him at their website and he addressed a lot of things. One being that he has felt that a lot of things he has said in interviews was taken way out of context or he was just misquoted entirely. Like the "Even Matt is replaceable" issue. He said that everyone in the band is replaceable, but they would only be replaced if they started screwing up or not giving their all. He even said that Matt is one of true best friends and always busts his ass for the band. He can't be all bad if he let McDonough back in because I heard they had a huge fallout. But, that's just my opinion. Maybe he does want to come off as a hard ass because he has been screwed over a few times in his career.
Originally posted by Unregistered
Wow, you really can't make an intelligent argument can you? You, just like every half-witted idiot, resort to a "fuck you" stance. Well, I'm sorry if you get an education because you're just wasting your money and/or time, but then again, ignorance has a price too. Oh, and just to let you know, speculations are guesses, so you're the retard. You know, guessing is also considered jumping to conclusions. And if you can provide an interview of Jon saying, "we're the best fucking band," then maybe I can understand at least SOME of the points you're trying to convey. Well, this is the last time I'll reply to you in this thread because you obviously can't come up with any concrete material worth debating over. Have fun scurrying about in your short, worthless and pointless life as you try to make up for it w/ your pitiful contributions to this message board.

YEah, i said i was guesing , and i was on some of it. Like neal said to ya, read this whole fucekn thread, then open your pie hole.

And on another note, as your reading this whole fucekn thread, you may just see you blind retard, that i flamed no one here FIRST. YOu flame me, ill flame you.

I ststed my opinion, on these 2 bands, and thats it. Thats the same i asked from everyone else.

Im not tryin to make an argument butt plug, im stateing my OPINION, so you are the retard, and you are makeing mindless asumptions about me.

If you wnat those interviews neal and i and a few others have read, then find them your fucken self, i did.

FOr one thing, didnt i tell you BWandBK up there? Yeah, i did you fucekn mongaloid.

As far as the rest of the shit you farted out your mouth, im not even gonna go there, you too retarded to undersatnd anyway, and your saying your not gonna reply, and ive wasted enough time on some shit face peice of FORESKIN like you anyway.

SO to sum it all up, just keep ridin jons COD. You can ride it like Jon rides threw all those storms he writes about ridin threw, in every cd as he is playing the same rehashed riffs over and over again, in every cd.

ANd BTW, you cant make an argument if you tried.

BTW again, you fucekd ass retared motherfucker, i was agreeing you on the geusses and asumptions/speculations. SHit man, and you call me a moron and stupid an dall that shit. Your a sorry fuck ass, . ITs not my fault your hooked on jons sperm like its heroin.
Originally posted by Gulder
ledmag, you're not worthy to be a fan of nevermore not even to be a member of the britney spears fanclub. Shameless fuck. Really... you are one of the most disgusting people i've ever seen flaming on a board. Music isn't about fighting and argueing, it's about the fucking music and how much you enjoy yourself. People like you should be banned from listening to music. Listen to yourself, you sound like a puberal fuck yourself. Sure, bash away on Iced Earth, bash on their efforts they make to keep their fans pleased, bash bash bash... Sigh. A good (Sp)(W)anking will put you back in place.

Don't bother to reply, I hardly ever check this board anyway and besides, I'm only expecting some below the belt insulting so...

Latz, keep it peaceful ! :)

P.S. I'm a big fan of NM AND! IE... imho it's impossible to say which band is better because it's all based on opinions (= subjective)

1) I have not flamed unless i was flamed first.

2) that last thing you said, your right, it is my opinion, big fucken deal. Im not mad cause you cant choose between them, why should you be mad becouse i can?

3)SO, what i think is, all you fuckers who have flamed me over my opinion, you just have a different opinion than me, and you unlike myself, well you gys cant handle anyone elses opinion. YOu flame me for mine, and you call me names etc, and you expect me to just swaloow your opinion.

you guys are the sickos, you guys are the ones who cant control yourself, you guys are the ones who are mad, your upset over a fucken opinion at a message board.

tsk tsk call me mindless, and childlike, look in the mirror you punks.
Originally posted by taoofground43

I have read some of that stuff off knac, and to be honest I wasn't sure if I wanted to meet him when I saw them in Austin. But then when I did actually meet him, he was very outgoing like I said earlier. I recently read an update by him at their website and he addressed a lot of things. One being that he has felt that a lot of things he has said in interviews was taken way out of context or he was just misquoted entirely. Like the "Even Matt is replaceable" issue. He said that everyone in the band is replaceable, but they would only be replaced if they started screwing up or not giving their all. He even said that Matt is one of true best friends and always busts his ass for the band. He can't be all bad if he let McDonough back in because I heard they had a huge fallout. But, that's just my opinion. Maybe he does want to come off as a hard ass because he has been screwed over a few times in his career.

Look man, im sorry you had wade through all these flames. YOu noticed i didnt flame you right? Well, that cause you didnt flame me.

I respect you my man. The otehr guys up above here, they need to take lessons from you.

YOu know, I dont know, im sure Jon is a good guy to chat with, but as i have said, i just get tired of those interviews, and if those interviews are wrong, and misquating him, then he needs to state that at the site more often. Granted, no, i havent been to the site in months, but i may go check it out again soon.

Once again pal, some ppl need to read your reply and think about it. Yes, its your opinion, and you have the right to state it, as do I, no matter what the opinion may be.

Thanks for you time dude, its nice to see we have some good down earth ppl left here.

see ya around pal
Originally posted by ledmag

YEah, i said i was guesing , and i was on some of it. Like neal said to ya, read this whole fucekn thread, then open your pie hole.

And on another note, as your reading this whole fucekn thread, you may just see you blind retard, that i flamed no one here FIRST. YOu flame me, ill flame you.

I ststed my opinion, on these 2 bands, and thats it. Thats the same i asked from everyone else.

Im not tryin to make an argument butt plug, im stateing my OPINION, so you are the retard, and you are makeing mindless asumptions about me.

If you wnat those interviews neal and i and a few others have read, then find them your fucken self, i did.

FOr one thing, didnt i tell you BWandBK up there? Yeah, i did you fucekn mongaloid.

As far as the rest of the shit you farted out your mouth, im not even gonna go there, you too retarded to undersatnd anyway, and your saying your not gonna reply, and ive wasted enough time on some shit face peice of FORESKIN like you anyway.

SO to sum it all up, just keep ridin jons COD. You can ride it like Jon rides threw all those storms he writes about ridin threw, in every cd as he is playing the same rehashed riffs over and over again, in every cd.

ANd BTW, you cant make an argument if you tried.

BTW again, you fucekd ass retared motherfucker, i was agreeing you on the geusses and asumptions/speculations. SHit man, and you call me a moron and stupid an dall that shit. Your a sorry fuck ass, . ITs not my fault your hooked on jons sperm like its heroin.

curse you, ledmag!

curse you for making me burst out with uncontrolable laughter here in this library!

now everyone here thinks i am weird. . . but it's ok

damn, that was funny :lol:
Ledmag, you never cease to amaze me... :lol:

About the original topic... it is quite an interesting debate actually, as the two bands are often lumped in the same category together, even when they are years apart.

Dead Heart in a Dead World and Horrorshow DO have their similarities, and while horrorshow has grown on me quite a bit since i first heard it, Dead Heart doesn't do much for me at all, despite nevermore being one of my favourite bands... I hated Horrorshow when i first got it, it just seemed "Wrong" to have been released by iced earth, but once you get past the juvenile lyrics, and the slightly derivative riffing style, there is some downright COOL stuff on the album...

Dead Heart is interesting... it is a step towards the style of Iced Earth, much more "new-age power metal" than DNB or POE. Simplified riffing, thrashy passages and catchy choruses, cool vocals etc...

Neither band has "stayed the same" over the years... EVERY nevermore album is a different style of metal, "Nevermore" being power metal with a thrash undertone, "In Memory" being a dark, complicated thrash album, "politics (see below)" being a technical and complex thrash progressive 'guitar'-album, "dreaming" being a melancholy, almost doomy thrash/power album, and "Dead Heart" being a new age Power-Metal (tradition power ideas, but with detuned guitars and a groove).

While DHIADW and HS have their similarities, it stops there. Politics of ecstasy is like NOTHING that iced earth, nor any other band have ever done... Iced Earth have never even tried to border on prog, they are basically just an updated version of what Metallica dn Megadeth were doing in the mid/late eighties, around the time of Master of Puppets and Rust in Peace.

Nevermore are far superior musicians (no insult to iced earth, but this is a fact), and "the Politics of ecstasy" is unmatched in terms of guitar and drum playing. I applaude iced earth for not coming of as a second rate "we wanna be better musicians" style band, where they play a style which is out of reach for them, they have never given the illusion of progressive ideas or technicality.

Schaffer isn't a great player at all, but he writes some really cool riffs, but just like pantera, they are like a shotgun, some bullets are right on target, and others are totally leftfield, out of knowhere.

Older iced earth is pretty generic, despite the cool riffs and ideas here and there, burnt offerings, the dark saga and earlier have their shining moments, but aside from a shimmer in the park, there is little solidarity to their music... There are a few awesome songs, like Travel in Stygian, Burnt Offerings etc... but that is where it ends, the albums sound very "hurried" to me.

There is a slight parrallel between Nevermore's S/T effort and Burnt Offerings, a little bit being the production, and a little being the groove-oriented thrash riffs, like CBF... Where iced earth released the same album twice, nevermore did the total opposite, and totally reinvented their sound with their following albums, In Memory and POE... while IM was only an EP, it was alot stronger than Iced Earth's full length albums at the time.

I won't go into details, for you people can hear for yourselves the difference between POE and Something Wicked, Dreaming Neon Black and HS etc...

Nevermore and Iced Earth Started off in the same direction, but nevermore took a totally different path, and cut their own way... but both bands have ended up again in a similar spot... heavy and thrashy power-metal, with a similar production (no room to breathe, guitars squashed to buggery, drums the same... the only decent thing about either production is the way that the vocals stand out...)...
Originally posted by ledmag

Look man, im sorry you had wade through all these flames. YOu noticed i didnt flame you right? Well, that cause you didnt flame me.

I respect you my man. The otehr guys up above here, they need to take lessons from you.

YOu know, I dont know, im sure Jon is a good guy to chat with, but as i have said, i just get tired of those interviews, and if those interviews are wrong, and misquating him, then he needs to state that at the site more often. Granted, no, i havent been to the site in months, but i may go check it out again soon.

Once again pal, some ppl need to read your reply and think about it. Yes, its your opinion, and you have the right to state it, as do I, no matter what the opinion may be.

Thanks for you time dude, its nice to see we have some good down earth ppl left here.

see ya around pal

Well, thank you too. Nevermore and IE are probably my favorite bands, along with Metal Church (w/ Mike Howe on vocals) and Anthrax. My brother turned me onto them after I had gone on an alternative binge. Needless to say, I was glad to hear real metal bands again and not the same old Korn clones. Everybody has their opinions and are entitled to state them. But others have to respect that. That is why I didn't flame you. You did raise some valid points, but you were also willing to listen to mine. As long as they are not a flame war. Be cool and I'll see you around.
i agree with trapped that dead heart and horror show have a similar production, and i dont really like either. iced earth- what happened to the raw chuncky sound of the frist 2 albums that i loved? nevermore- what the fuck happend to the bass tone and the listen-to-this-while-youre-tripping aspect of the first 4 releases? also both have weaker lyrics although nevermore is far superior in that department at all times. theres more about each that i dont particularly care for, but the bottom line is:
dead heart is still a good album.
horror show is a fucking abomination against nature.