Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

yo mammas pussy!

naw i had bbq chicken. i put some chinese tigerball dragonfly hot sweet and sour sauce. its really good, but its real spicy too.
interview with warrel dane

MU: Who do you consider your musical peers right now?

WD: That's a good question. I'm not really sure. Bands like Iced Earth, of course. For some reason, our two bands always get mentioned in the same breath, being the supposed leaders of American power metal. Whatever. (laughs) I really admire bands like Fates Warning.

yep, seems like the nevermore boys hate IE as much as you guys say
more of that interview

MU: Are you a lover of all that is metal?

WD: I am a lover of all that is metal as long as it's good. There's a lot of good black metal bands, and there's a lot of shitty ones.

MU: Who's a good black metal band right now?

WD: Emperor. I would say, is the best. Pretty much untouchable. Emperor, Satyricon and Opeth I think are all really good.

MU: Those are great bands.

WD: There's good power metal bands, and there's shitty power metal bands.

MU: Who's a good power metal band right now?

WD: Well, Iced Earth, of course.

yep, he definately thinks IE suck
who cares what he thinks. We are talkin about what WE think.

ANd yep, we do not care for IE as much as we care for NEVERMORE and hundreds of other bands.

And you never know really, WD may not lik ethe band, and he isnt being a cod sucker like jon, you know, jon is the best.

If you told jon he was the best, he would say....."shit, i knew that"

Obviously if you tell WD he is in the upper class of metal, he merly laughs, further proving that WD and nevermore have their heads screwed on the right way.
I think your post is very biased because you already have a predisposition; one reason being that you posted this type of a message at Nevermore's forum!! Now if you posted this at Iced Earth's forum as well, I think this would grant you more leverage on your opinion and the responses you would get. I think you draw too many conclusions based on speculation on things that you know too little about. Just because you buy a band's CDs and read interviews, what insight does that give you about people in bands on a personal level? Have you talked to memebers of Iced Earth for yourself? I just don't see how you can pass judgement on someone or a group of people of whom you hardly know anything about.
"And you never know really, WD may not lik ethe band, and he isnt being a cod sucker like jon, you know, jon is the best.

If you told jon he was the best, he would say....."shit, i knew that"

Obviously if you tell WD he is in the upper class of metal, he merly laughs, further proving that WD and nevermore have their heads screwed on the right way."

Where the fuck do you get your sources?!!! Like I said before, you speculate too much on things you know jack shit about!! This is enough evidence to me that you can hardly hold your weight in a debate or argument. You lack evidence to back up what you're saying and you manipulate peoples' words to make it sound as if your opinion is worth considering. Now either you are some kid in high school or below, OR you actually took higher education classes(university or college) in the intricacies of writing well thought out arguments and essays, and you failed miserably or forgot everything you were taught. Now before you accuse me of speculating too much about your education, I suggest you at least write a well thought out argument because I can tell it's shit. What I most dislike about posts like your's is that people get off on the wrong foot by declaring their OPINION as fact, or do you even know what a FACT truely means? If you ask nicely, I will check it up in the dictionary for you. :)
Funny thing about this is that IE and Nevermore have toured together and pretty much every album these two bands do they always thank each other in the linear notes. In the interview, I believe Warrel was laughing about the "power metal" comment. Both bands have said in interviews that they do not like the whole power metal label, because as we all know the term power metal is reserved for the lords of cheesiness, Manowar. Also, you claim that you dislike IE because Schaffer talks smack about other bands. I have read interviews where Warrel does it too. Also, a lot of people are often misquoted or things are taken totally out of context by interviewers. And evry band has to believe that they are the best they can be. I have not actually read Schaffer say that IE is the best there ever was, is, or will be. I enjoy listening to both bands equally. Those are pretty much the only CDs in my truck. Also, I have met most of the guys from IE and all of them were very friendly and accomodating to all their fans. All of them took time for autographs, photos, and answering questions. And out of all the guys, Scaffer seemed the most out going and he was pretty humble about it. One guy said to him "You rule Jon!!" while flying the horns. Schaffer just said "Thanks, but I'm just trying to my best at what I love too do." It is very suprizing to me that someone in the position he is can be very down to earth and friendly. I am sure the Nevermore guys are too, I am just speaking from my experience.