Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

yeah hahhaaha. Man, thats about the coolest pic that been posted at this forum for a long time. I mean really aguy... that kid is a kid, but the look on his face is the look of EXPERIENCE. hahahhha
hahahah. I was a mean ass kid. Out of control. I was always doing things that aould get me in REAL trouble at home. hahaha.

bUsted my uncles head with a 2x4, hit the next door kid in the head with a hammer, took a butcher knife and cut THE SHIT out of my cousins husband. And the list goes on. Im lucky dad didnt kill me.

Oh yeah, hahahha.. This is a good one. I was real pissed at mom one time. We had a wood heater in the living room back then. I was around 12 yrs old. ANyway, i found this very long and somewhat round LIMB from a tree. It was real long and streight. I got the ladder out (it was dark), and took that limb up on the roof. And I then stuck the limb in the chimney pipe, and i threw the fucker down the pipe, and it destroyed the galvanized piping that you get at the hardware store. and it rammed into the floor. Luckily, it was hot weather, and the house didnt catch fire....hahahha. it was touching the floor, and it was still in the pipe was around 14 ft long hahahha.
yeah, they are so bad, they're good....check this out, this set could be your's for viewing pleasure for years!
i came to this post to see what 1400 post could go on aboot when i see walking tall which i remember from my early childhood....funny thing is i just saw yesterday--THE ROCK--yup from wrestling is getting pimped by sony to re-do the walking tall movie....