Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

TheSinMakesYouReal said:
Captain morgans is some nasty shit, lol. I perfer bacardi of that shit any day. yeah it goes down smooth, but you get the worst hang over from just a dropped off it, lol.
that is a dirty fucking lie! how dare you slander the good name of captain morgan with your bacardi propaganda. whalers vanilla rum is good too. mix it with rootbeer, it tastes just like a rootbeer float. good times.
neal said:
that is a dirty fucking lie! how dare you slander the good name of captain morgan with your bacardi propaganda. whalers vanilla rum is good too. mix it with rootbeer, it tastes just like a rootbeer float. good times.

I can’t believe you have the audacity to doubt my veracity and insinuate that I too prevaricate!!
lizard said:
those who don't drink bacardi 151 are complete liberal pussies :lol:

Bacardi 151 + jagermister + goldshlager = Fucked up!! :) .
You see, what happens is that um does not support all pictures, so you have to place a proxy server before the hyperlink, such as: And then you place the hyperlink right after the / and bam, your picture shows up for everyone. The reason that it showed up for you is because you computer memorized the pic and the link that it came from (I think that's right).
Lord of Metal said:
You see, what happens is that um does not support all pictures, so you have to place a proxy server before the hyperlink, such as: And then you place the hyperlink right after the / and bam, your picture shows up for everyone. The reason that it showed up for you is because you computer memorized the pic and the link that it came from (I think that's right).

Sounds about right dude. thanks.
goldshlager is pretty good. Expensive though. Here for the same price you can get a couple of shots of Jack Daniels.

If we're talking cocktails......

The Classic Headfuck-

Half pint cider(Strongbow works well)
Half pint Lager(Carling ditto)
Double bells.
Half shot blackcurrant dilute
(Drink of choice, best price here approx £4-5)

The Cooper
1 pint guiness
double bells

Neutron bomb
1 shot blue aftershock(
1 shot red aftershock( MUST BE LAYERD OR WILL
1 shot green aftershock(LIKE SHIT!
I shot goldshlager

Kamikazeeeeeeeeeeeeeee(Extra E's must be said when ordering)

Double jack
double sambuka
1 shot absinthe(THe 70% not the 50%)

1 bottle blue WKD
double gin.

Try and enjoy.
I love being a student.