Hey, this is ledmag's thrread.. It's his fucking deal to keep it going...I'm tired and teenangsty. Let some other poor fucker fucking do this fucking shit, man.
Yeah, I'm really fucking tiresd rightn ow. Larry left Ie to go back to college, btw.
Stop the murder spirits Neal!
I just stop a murder with my smoooooth talk hahaha
They left here 'and if they want to fight to death,well at least it not in my LAIR
Let them Eat Metal
Days of Purgatory is a damn good CD...first IE one I bought, when they were scheduled to open for Priest and Anthrax before all the madness started. The bass is up a little high, but otherwise badass.
I think it was Bacardi, yeah. What would you reccommend? I really don't drink apart from a sip or two to be polite (like to keep my wits about me), but it might come in handy to know.
Captain morgans is some nasty shit, lol. I perfer bacardi of that shit any day. yeah it goes down smooth, but you get the worst hang over from just a dropped off it, lol.