Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

Stormrider1981 said:
Guess I'll add my opinion to the list (don't judge me because of my nick guys :Saint: )

Vocals: This is a hard one. Matthew Barlow is definitely one of the best vocalists in the metal-scene, but then so is Warrel Dane. Both are versatile, but I'd have to give Matt the edge. Why? Has anybody seen Iced Earth's three-hour shows? The man abuses (or sounds like he abuses) his vocal folds for a whoppin' three hours and he *still* sings falsetto with ease. I'm a vocalist myself, and I know how difficult this is! (the only vocalist I know who can do the same is Devin Townsend btw - that guy must have steel bands for vocal folds!) Warrel may be able to do this as well, but we have yet to see it. Until then...
Incidentally, I've seen both Iced Earth and Nevermore live (twice in fact), so I know what I'm talking about.

Riffs: This one goes to Nevermore. Yes, Jon's riffs are great but if you listen to 'Wolf', 'Damien' and 'Jack' (the first three of Horror Show) you'll notice the same riff in all three. This is just not done. Nevermore doesn't have this problem.

Solo's: Nevermore. Sorry Larry :)

Lyrics: Nevermore. Sorry Jon, but 'madness/sadness' and 'cry for/die for'- rhymes are preschool material. And it gets worse if you actually use them more than once! :D

Bass: Steve DiGiorgio is ex-Death. That says enough I should think. Jim's great too, but just not 'dominant' enough...

Drums: This is hard. Yes Richard Christy is simply awesome, but sometimes he makes the drums' presence too strong. Van's drums are more attuned to the songs. So a tie, I guess.

Atmosphere: Both have given me chills on occasion. Draw.

Live: Show - Iced Earth / Contact with audience - Definitely Nevermore. The Iced Earth guys don't always look so enthousiastic, more like their mind's somewhere else (at least that's what it was like in Belgium)

There. Now flame me at your leisure.

Greta fucking post my friend....GOOD STUFF.

You will never get flamed for your opinion from this threads regulars. We only flame for flames...if you get me here.

ANd i dont think youll be judged by your name either.


welcome aboard!!!!!
yeh good stuff, except that steve digeorgio isnt in iced earth, and only apears on one album, and its their worst album. and RC is better in DEATH. he is on a leash in IE.
ledmag said:
RP>>>hahha, you now the rules in this flame till youve been flamed hahahha.

aw come on
barlow better than dane?!?!

people who think that MUST have orange peels shoved in their ears