Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

neal is out now....shit!

well, I know a game!

I spy with my little eye, something that isssss

black and grey!
pretty small (hand size)
holy it

*is in awe*

this is really thick, yet perfectly round
top and bottom are white
sides(circular part) is green
Because the rhythm guitar is so much better. The drumming is better.

The vocals will I give a draw,
and the same with the bass.

But Nevermore wins when it comes to lyrics.

But how can you say Iced Earth is in first grade when you seem to be it yourself?

Your post was silly.

All this is a matter of opinion, and I was just stating mine.
I was going to put something worse but really you arent worth it. Iced earth is a great band and you are wrong about 3 or 4 riffs. Learn guitar and try to play any iced earth song. Then come back. I am a guitarist who happens to love both bands. You need to see both bands live and tell me who is better. Iced Earth rocks live and to be honest Warrel sounds well to compare him live I would say Axel Rose. He is a better singer in the studio. Maybe I just saw him on a bad day?? Iced earth dont have them. Matt is great all the time. I grant you Jeff is a genious on guitar. He is up there with Alex Scolnick (my idol). The rest of the band is lets say equal in talent. i have to say one more thing too. To sit there and put down a metal group who has stayed true to metal unlike Metallica and others like them, STAND ALONE AND BE ACCOUNTED METALHEADS. Yes we are out there and we must rise again. Stop this bull about people sucking. You cant play Iron Maiden and all the other covers they put out without being able to play. Both bands rock and metal rules. Get back on the metal wagon or go back to the kids on the block you fairy.