
I got an idea...Put Politics of Ecstasy, Dead Heart in a Dead World and Dreaming Neon Black on shuffle...everytime a Politics of Ecstasy song comes on you drink two beers.

Edit: If you're drinking with two other people, ascribe each album to one person. So which ever song comes on, the person who is drinking to that album drinks two beers. The winner is the one who throws up last.
whether they're drunk enough or sober... a song like "seven tongues of god" should sound pretty good to a potential new fan.

"wh-wh0-a....this song is pretty's like old school thrash...but it has regular heavy metal elements and the vocals r unique....ugh, :: baaarrfff ::: "
All I've got is one of him smiling for my camera, no wacky faces, but believe me, Attila is a total camlover :D
