I respect alexi a lot now. I mean he went into a new style i understand that he likes to evolve his music in new directions. And he did this in a GOOD way i mean he improved his vocals BY FAR and got creative. I still like the old stuff but this owns AYDY and is still good as a new style. So all i gotta say is congrats on making another good album CoB! :kickass:
Tie my Rope sounds really good. It is perhaps one of the strongest tracks on here, and I found the demo version to be lame. The re-recorded sound is top notch and the song flows better. Overall the album is really well done, and reminds me more of Hate Crew Deathroll than Are you dead yet, which is a good thing.
Their weakest, most half-assed record to date, worse than new Soilwork (how could they have bottomed that shit?)

Yeah, fucking right, all you can say that "OMGZ, it's so fucking fast!!1!" Of course its fast and technical, but what's so fucking special about it? Plain as fuck, nothing stands out, like Tie My Rope, shame the rest of the record follows a different vein.

And yes - AYDY was better.
Their weakest, most half-assed record to date, worse than new Soilwork (how could they have bottomed that shit?)

Yeah, fucking right, all you can say that "OMGZ, it's so fucking fast!!1!" Of course its fast and technical, but what's so fucking special about it? Plain as fuck, nothing stands out, like Tie My Rope, shame the rest of the record follows a different vein.

And yes - AYDY was better.

Let me be the first to call you a douchebag. Why don't you go jerk off to Johnny Depp some more you ignorant tool.
Ummm AYDY better? Hell no....I must say I stopped listening to bodom like 2 years ago and This new album sounds way better then AYDY...Its got more of a HCDR vibe which I like...This album is pretty solid on first listen.

Banned From Heaven still pwns....

I love Lobodomy and Hellbounds on my trail...The Intro to Roadkill Morning "WOAH!"

Worse then new soilwork? Thats Impossible...Soilwork is dead to me...3 orig members gone and Haven't made a decent album since NBC. Sworn had one good song.

New In Flames and New Bodom both still beatout new soilcrap...
How can somebody say that Bloodrunk is their best album? :erk: I just don't fucking understand. It's good but, Hatebredder and FTR were better musically. Vocals too were better in the good old days... Can't figure why their new stuff would be better... and the new TMR is just so ugly... the keyboards are completely ruined... and Alexi sounds like an old bastard trying to scream...

Ummm AYDY better? Hell no...

I thought so after Tie My Rope, but the rest of the record just didn't live up to my expectations. And yeah - new IN FLAMES owns :)

I'll bee seeing Children of Boredom 3 days in a row this Gigantour, may be new stuff will work better live, but I won't be buying this record :erk:
Alexi's songwriting skill definitely jumped a fuckload for this album. Some of the shit catches you off guard for a change, and it almost seems wrong, but it sounds fucking cool.