I see your point.
But not everyone downloads the leak and decides to buy the album.

Leaks like this are illegal and are having a huge impact on the music industry in a bad way. No one can deny that.

If I want to listen to bands that I dont know about, I think that places like myspace are an awesome way to do that. It saves people from downloading stuff illegally, and you can listen to a good few tracks. MOST bands are on myspace......and honestly I think thats the best (and probably ONLY) good thing about myspace - the fact that you can check out bands, listen to their music and find out when and where they are playing live.

There is absolutely no need for someone to leak this.

I completely understand why people have downloaded it. Its tempting. But I am not gonna do it.

Everyone sees things differently and has different opinions. Its all good, and i respect people for it.
I have my own morals, and I feel that downloading this album is wrong.

Thats it. Cant be assed to say anymore.
I have a date with my best friend, a trashy film, a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates.

Night all.
Do you have school tomorrow?!
When I was at school there is no way I'd be awake at this time still!
(Im not being sarcastic either...!)

Nope, work instead.

actually, I don't think I'll be downloading this one. Who knows if I'm gonna get bad files and viruses and what nots? Plus the quality would probably be shitty, and I'm not really helping the band.

I'll just buy the album at the show.
Well i am going to still discuss the album. We live in the internet age and album leaks is just something that happens. If people are true fans they will download the leak and enjoy it and also BUY it too. CoB should be happy that people are enjoying there music and heres another thing to put into consideration a lot of n00bs wont get it since they wont know how to download it and some people that wouldn't of even bought the album will get into the music. If it wasn't for downloading albums i would of never gotten into metal, downloading illegally is just something everyone has to get used to it can;t be stopped. So stop your bitching and enjoy the god damn album and lets discuss! :headbang:
Nope, work instead.

actually, I don't think I'll be downloading this one. Who knows if I'm gonna get bad files and viruses and what nots? Plus the quality would probably be shitty, and I'm not really helping the band.

I'll just buy the album at the show.

It's actually good quality 256kbps mp3 i suggest you download and enjoy this amazing album and buy it later.
Christ... cut it with the waterworks people. You really think the band will suddenly be on the streets asking for pennies because the album leaked? The band is going to make an immense amount of money from this album because they have a huge following of very loyal fans and they can make quality music. Those who like it will buy this album and those who don't will not. Leaking it won't make a difference to those who are willing to buy CDs and to those that wont. Even if there was no leak, and the CD came out on the day where no one has listened to it yet, there still will be people sharing the mp3s.

And it helps people get into bands. I don't know about you, but I don't go to my local CD store and play "eeny meany miny moe" in the rock section for new cds. I don't throw my money away like that. I will buy CDs that I know I like. If I want to get into new artists, then I go home, listen to samples, get recommendations, then listen to their albums. If I like it then I buy the CD. If I was a musical artist, I would be ecstatics that people would be listening to my music, even if they haven't bought it; because as an artist, I am more concerned about how people think of my work, instead of how much money I am raking in. Plus as others pointed out, the artist makes more money off merch and live shows. And in order for people to do that, they have to first of all know you exist, and two, like your stuff a lot.

As for this album, I am going to say it straight, I have very low hopes. I felt that the band was going to dig themselves into a hole because of their change in style in Are you Dead Yet? Listening to the samples before I was sure that this would be a dud. and the only thing keeping me from dismissing the band was the inevitable leak that would occur. If I listened to the actual album then I would decide if I want to pay. If this album never leaked and never was available to share then I would never even think about buying this album.

But I have listened to the leak and right now I am preorder this CD. You hear that, I am buying this CD because of the leak. So don't try and say I am some thief that steals artist's money. If the albums are good, I buy. But I only buy after I have listened to it via download (or burned CDs).

If you want to see another example, look at the picture in my signature. This band has their last EP up for download on their main site. This band is obviously unknown so as a new viewer, I would have probably never even bothered getting into this band had the mp3s be available on their site. Because of that, I bought their EP through their Paypal and now I plan on buying any merch the band will sell (not any items in stock from what I can tell) and will be buying their full length (whenever they get it out). Had those samples not have been available then I would have never been a fan.

If I was a member of Bodom, I would have been less concerned about the leak and be more concerned with how people like the music. The music is first, money is second. Of course musicians need bread on the table but you know how you will get money, by making good music, and supporting the fanbase. I think people are going to see a new age in music, where the information highway will make artists have to work harder on making music, if they want to get money. Back in the day, many artists liked to write albums that had one awesome single, but then the rest of the album would be filler. The single would be promoted to hell and the people would buy the CDs to hear that they wasted their money. But these days it isn't so easy to fool people, you really need to step it up to get your bread.

Again, just because people listen to the leaks, doesn't mean that they wont buy the CD. It just means that they are more cautious in what they buy. If someone does download it and likes it, but doesn't buy the CD, then they are douchebags who would never buy the album in the first place and obviously don't care about music. But those who are honest and buy CDs we like will keep the music flowing and allow the artists to survive.

Are you serious? You sound like music should be a business, not a medium of art. The only way the ticket sales will fall is if the album sucks. If it is good then it is probable that more people will get into the the band and MORE people will buy tickets for their shows.

Now your speaking my language! :worship:
This is something everyone has to ask from themselves. I'm not even going to bother trying to remove all the comments on the leaked album because it would be pointless as that's the only thing people seem to want to talk about right now here. However, closing the whole board until the album comes out is one thing that needs to be put under consideration. Also, it shouldn't come as a surprise what the consequences of posting download- or youtube links or requests to PM where to find it are.

I had a brief talk with Henkka about this yesterday and no matter how excited you guys are about the new album, you should have the decency to stop for a minute to think how devastated the band is because of it and everyone commenting the album that shouldn't be out before April. The situation here is being observed closely and it's been nice to see that at least some people have still some respect for the band. This is, after all, a messageboard they pay the hosting for so their fans could discuss the music they make for YOU.

Well I understand that the band is devestated by this, but then they need a tighter management that won't leak the album. Plus I see absolutly no harm in downloading and listening to the music if I'm going to buy the album anyway.

The music business is fucked nowdays anyways, cause they can't deal with the internet, then why can't the bands take matters in their own hands and make sure you can download the album for hmm... lets see a fair amount of money just after the album is compleated with mixing and mastering?

The way I see it closing the message board would keep 50-100 people from getting the album too early. I didn't need the board to get it, I just googled it and found it. And I really like it, now I really want to see bodom this summer and I got even more excited. Plus I got good time to learn the lyrics for the concert.

So tell Henkka I will show him some devilhorns and stand there in a Bodom hoodie and with my cd back home which I will pre-order on Friday!
It's ok if you people want to steal the album, but don't come across with this "art is free" and "support your fanbase" shit.

There is a thing called "intellectual property". The band has created these songs, it was hard work, and the songs are property of their minds. They may decide if people can listen to it today, in april or never. There is no natural right for the fans to listen to the music whenever they want.

The artist, and only the artist (+managers) have the right to decide what happens with their work.

I'm not a moralizer. If you'd be like "ok, I couldn't hold it and downloaded it although I know it isn't right" - that would be fine and honest.

But these totally fucked up arguments are just hilarious. Keep on fooling up yourselves only because you disavow that you are stealing this shit without any right.
I'm not stealing anything. I'm buying the album regardless of the leak and I also think whoever put it online is an utter moron.

Nevertheless, you cannot deny the simple and true fact that even if the album hadn't leaked, it would be online the day after the release at the very latest. Which means, everyone who just want to download it instead of buying it would get to do so, regardless of the leak. Plain and simple.

I'm not saying the leak is subsequently good or even neutral. My point is that it's just not as big a deal as you're trying to make it look.