YES, I am.

And whether or not music should be a business, IT IS.
It is what you make it, and music is art, and should treated as so. It pathetic people are talking about hype and other business tactics when referring to music albums. Those things are way to drain people out of their money, not allow the fans to support artists that make good albums.
I see your point.
But not everyone downloads the leak and decides to buy the album.

Leaks like this are illegal and are having a huge impact on the music industry in a bad way. No one can deny that.

I won't deny that all. In fact I think it represents that percent of the population of people that just don't care about music. They are leechers that don't deserve the music. They are the guys who steal things at the convenient store because they know they wont get caught, they are the guys steal peoples credit cards, they are the kids on Halloween who take the whole bowl of candy instead of just one piece. They are like the people I know who did a contest on who could download more music than the other (I kid you not, I looked at one of them and he had stuff like Brittany Spears even though he doesn't listen to it). These people are the reason why the industry is such a mess with downloading. I hate them because they hurt the bands who work hard.

If I want to listen to bands that I dont know about, I think that places like myspace are an awesome way to do that. It saves people from downloading stuff illegally, and you can listen to a good few tracks. MOST bands are on myspace......and honestly I think thats the best (and probably ONLY) good thing about myspace - the fact that you can check out bands, listen to their music and find out when and where they are playing live.

There is absolutely no need for someone to leak this.
Myspace is a start but I am not going to buy albums after listened to sample tracks on a myspace. Sorry I just am not that trustworthy. I listen to the whole album before I decide.

I am not sure if people are reading wrong (my rant could have gone off into something else, I am not sure) but I will say again. I support those who download for sampling, and they buy the album later. Because we give money to the artists. The only ones who don't are the ones we don't like, and where their mp3s are in the Recycle Bin.

and to restate. I am sure 99.9% (if not 100%) that everyone that posted in this thread talking about the album as it has been leaked are going to buy this album. The fans will always buy the album if they feel it is good. To say we are disrespectful is not true, in my opinion. I am not sure but I think that anyone who is going to keep this album but not buy it will not go onto these forums and brag about it. If they do then they are assholes who need to leave music immediately. However the rest who have listened to the leak and will buy it should be seen as sampling patrons, or excited fans who cant wait, not thieves. I would think any band should be happy that so many people are so eager to listen to their album. If the album delivers then the money will come on in. And in Bodom's case I think they don't need to worry. They are a big band who has just written a quality album.
The way I see it is like this: A person has already made up their mind if they are going to buy the cd or not, regardless of a leak. If a person who has already made up there mind that they will not buy the cd and download it, a leak would not change their decision. If there is a leak, that just means they download it before the release date instead of waiting the day after it "leaks" onto the internet.

In summary, an album reaches the internet eventually. A leak changes nothing.

As I have said before, I downloaded the leak AND I WILL buy the cd the day it comes out. I did with AYDY and I didn't regret it.
I'm listening to the leak right now, and since I already have Blooddrunk on pre-order and have already paid for it, I don't see a single damn reason why not. And after listening to this album a few times already I have to say, I actually am really liking it thus far.
You'll love it. An amazing album it is. I already have all of the vinyls pre-ordered, and I will be purchasing the digipack version from my local store in April. Great album!
I love how everyone posts how they already preordered the album to feel less guilty, I did not preorder it and will not, and I will buy it like a month after the release date because albums always arrive here later than everywhere else.
I heard the leak and I'm a bit disappointed with the solos but overall it's a solid album. And no, I haven't preordered it, and won't even buy it when it comes out, and I'll never buy another cd ever again as long as I have the internet mwahahahahaha!
I had the vinyls pre-ordered before the leak. I never have felt guilty about downloading the album (or any album). I download albums to check them out. If I enjoy an album, I will purchase it.
Blooddrunk sounds better each time I listen to it. Fuck, this album is insanely good.

On the subject of intellectual property, I couldn't give a flying fuck what the law says. I own intellectual property myself and make a living off of it. I see my digital goods shared on torrent all the time. But guess what? There is nothing intellectual property owners like myself can do about it. This is the direction technology has taken. We have to accept it and ADAPT.

What I can say is this: Children of Bodom are legends and there is no way this album won't be a sales success. Hell, when fans download the album and give it ratings it only boosts 'Bodoms rep.

I'm listening to Blooddrunk now, it is fucking AMAZING. I don't like comparing to other albums, unlike others I love all Bodom albums, in fact there is not a single song that I do not like. That's what makes Bodom a great band and that's why they are going to be a success no matter what.

Can't wait to get my hands on an actual CD copy. Will be listening to Blooddrunk until then.

May I also add, Blooddrunk didn't sound like anything special on the first listen. It grows on your after a few listens and then it becomes insanely fun, addictive and enjoyable to listen to just like every other Bodom album.
People need to stop crying over the leak, it wont change anything and it happens with pretty much every album now! The new A7X album was leaked and it still did fucking good! They even joked about the leak at a concert and said all that matters is that people go to their concerts. Bands dont make shit off album sales unless they sell millions.
It is what you make it, and music is art, and should treated as so. It pathetic people are talking about hype and other business tactics when referring to music albums. Those things are way to drain people out of their money, not allow the fans to support artists that make good albums.

We're lucky as fuck music is treated as a business. Otherwise, if any of your or my favorite bands even existed, theyd all be poor and unable to tour. Theyd be like painters. You want this? NO, what is wanted is complete artistic freedom within the business, not a lack of a business side.

The fact is that COB is a band AND a business, and this leak is totally fucking with the business end, not to mention with the band members emotionally. The business supports the band members. And that business just took a hit. That sucks.

Why do you think that the fucking album is recorded, mixed, completely finished and yet not released? It is to build up that HYPE you hate.
Wow.....if people are just gunna bitch back & forth about something they can't change all day, what's the point? Whether it's before or after the official release date that the album is on the internet, it's gunna get downloaded the crap out of, either way.

And all this "Omfg ur not a tru fan!!" crap is, crap!! So, the person who owns the most Children of Bodom things like all the shirts, sweaters, albums, singles, vynils, ect, is the biggest fan? Because they'd be supporting the band the most!
What rubbish.

I downloaded it, but i'll still buy the album. I'd pre-order, but when I ordered 2 shirts from COBHW, they never came, but 60 bucks was taken off my credit card. I'm pretty sure they'll see more of that 60 bucks than the 20 cents from my album purchase. lol

Anyway, that's besides the point. Why don't we all just quit bitching at each other? We're all Bodom fans here.
i think is you really like bodom,you wanna hear there songs NOW! and still buy the cd,is not the cd,a shirt,etc